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170. Keep it Dark

Shhh! Keep it dark.


coming soon . . .

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5 years ago

I was wondering what was up but decided it better to observe the motto, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” I knew you’d provide an explanation sooner or later.

John H. Schantz Jr.
John H. Schantz Jr.
5 years ago

Dark is bad…it hides things. Like makeup on clowns, mimes and painted “ladies”….they all have something to hide ….creeps me out?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Can’t wait for this article as the dark finish that pipe looks right up my alley ! . I also have a Made in England 309 Mark . It’s never been smoked , although there is some stem chatter . May I ask , on your pipe do the stamps on the mount face the bowl or stem ? . Also , does your pipe have a tenon extension ? . Thanks Alex

Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones
5 years ago

Dark is the traditional finish in the UK. It should not surprise us if an Irish pipemaker, so geographically close to the UK, and attentive to UK market preferences, should establish and re-establish deep stains on a regular basis.

Here’s hoping Pete’s next dark stain isn’t one of their rather-less-than-great varnishes.

5 years ago

I certainly agree with regard to tenon extensions on systems , Mark. I was surprised to find this 309’s stem has apparently been drilled to fit a 9mm filter . It’s a System 0 with that lovely dark red stain you mentioned . The feet of the letters and faux hallmarks are facing the stem , with the elliptical MADE IN over ENGLAND right at the back of the stummel just under the ferrule . I think this new dark stained line will sell really well .

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Correction needed here – it’s not drilled for a filter , but the diameter of the tenon is a mm or so wider than the Standard 309 I’ve got .