300. System Day 2022: The Seven-Day Challenge
PPN / CPG Commemorative Pipe Update
Thanks for bearing with me as I made my way through the avalanche of unexpected emails. I am amazed the PG community has grown to such an extent. Special thanks to those who helped me find their original confirmation emails. At this point we have 72 smokers who have reconfirmed their pipes. I’m waiting for the remaining 8 until Thursday morning at 10 CDT, at which time I’ll send out emails to those on the Alternate list letting them know if they have a pipe waiting for them. On Friday September 9th K&P is scheduled to begin work on our pipe.
Sykes Wilford sent me this video from K&P’s blasting cabinet of the very first CPG / PPN bowl to be blasted. How cool is that?!
For those who’ve written and asked to be on the Alternate list, the first call for the PPN / CPG pipe went out in post #279 on April 24th and was repeated over the next few weeks until we had 80 interested buyers. Eighty wasn’t an arbitrary number (numerologically I wouldn’t have chosen that number). It was simply the number of bowls K&P had in our shape!
There are pipe smokers. There are Peterson smokers.
And there are Certified Pete Geeks.
Happy System Day 2022! The Seven-Day Challenge has broken all Peterson Pipe Notes records, nearly burned out the hard drive on my computer and overtaxed my keyboarding skills. ‘Thinking Men’ from across the world gather virtually in today’s post to share their passion for Petes in an amazing Pete-show featuring some outstanding pipes.
I hope you’ll take time during System Week to enjoy your own favorite Petes while perusing the offerings below as we celebrate the legacy of Charles Peterson’s System Pipe, which received its final patent on this day 124 years ago. And if you haven’t done so, you can download this year’s System Day tobacco mat at the end of the post.
The only 7-Day set in the K&P ephemera, from the 1939 Rogers catalog.
Can you name the 7-Day set seen in The Peterson Pipe? *
Gilbert Ludwig, Finland
I don’t have a huge collection, but enough to make some decisions on which to pick. Here they are:
Mon Ulysses 9B
Tue XL9s from 1979
Wed Deluxe XL5s sandblasted
Thu Spigot System XL315 smooth
Fri Deluxe XL5s Dark Smooth
Sat 4AB (POTY21)
Sun Pub Pipe Oak
Best regards from Finland
Scott Forrest
For this year’s System Week, I’m going with my best representation of the System’s history:
1905 – Patent Dublin 20F.AB. I’m partial to this one because of how it transformed back to its youth after decades of ‘love’.
1923 – 4B A little bigger than a ‘4’ bowl, but not a house pipe. It’s been through a lot, including a shank crack repair, but still smokes wonderfully.
1922-39 – Deluxe stamped 287 (01). Beautiful paisley grain, classic bell-shape silver ferrule and bone chimney, for me it’s the classic old Peterson shape.
1922-39 – 308 bent smooth (Silver,0 grade,Made in Ireland). I’m partial to the fat-shank of this 308 example.
1976 – 309 blasted ring grain. This pipe shows perfectly what Peterson was always capable of.
1960’s – DeLuxe 9S, stem ‘Hand Cut’ by Paddy Larrigan. Chose this one for obvious reasons.
2022 – Pipe of the Year 2022 Dark Smooth (770/925)
Stanislav Potapkin, Europe
Stan next to Dr. Watson
I took this task a little more seriously to get 21 pipes of 45 Petersons I have (for now, 3 more are on their way home), which I call, respectfully, ‘morning’, ‘day’ and ‘evening’. Ok, let’s begin…
- ‘Morning’ or ‘dog-walking’ pipes. I use them for morning walk with my dog, so these ones should be light, simple and for an hour of smoking English blends. I accidently found the Japs and 69 are ideal for this task. These pipes are around 40-45 grams and have most universal 19×38-40 mm bowls – enough for an hour walk with mild-medium/medium English blend. Upper to below:
- POTY 2017 sandblasted;
- PSOI POTY 2021, #5/65;
- POTY 2017 smooth, #325/500;
- Galway 69 of 1984;
- Galway 69s of 1984;
- St. Patrick 2009 with P-Lip (yes! – it’s not FT!);
- Barley spigot 69 of 2021. I use it as Sunday Morning Pipe because it is the best 69 I have.
- ‘Day’ or ‘Working Man pipes’. I work from home last couple of years, so I can smoke whenever I like. I prefer slow-burning Virginia for a work because I can just puff from time to time, have some sweet and concentrate on work instead of blend. Therefore, I try to use most slowly puffing pipes I have for this. In addition, sometimes, when I know that I need to put my pipe on a table I use flatbed shapes like 11FB/306 shape. Upper to below:
- System Standard 306. My first Peterson pipes were this one and smaller 304. And I use it as usual Monday pipe is like new week beginning. Also, Monday can be hot for video-calls, and sometimes I don’t need to be seen with the pipe ?
- System Deluxe 11FB;
- POTY 2019 rustic; I like this XL Rhodesian shape so much that I have two of them;
- POTY 2020 dark smooth #18/400; mid-week pipe, usually
- Another POTY 2019 rustic;
- Irish Writers Yeats rustic; Saturday and Sunday I have some time for hobby. I either paint miniatures or translate the fiction books. If I paint, I use Yeats, which usually filled by some slow-burning Lakeland. If I translate and write, I use –
- Mark Twain, of course! This rustic one is part of ‘Adventures’ set from 2010. Looks like I need to clean the mouthpiece. Again. ☹
- ‘Evening’ pipes or ‘Leisure pipes’. This group is for the evening rest, so these pipes are massive, deep and touchy to be in a hand while I chat or read news or watch the movie… Whatever. If I watch the movie, I don’t like to be interrupted – after all, who does? So the pipe should be enough for a couple of hours. So, what do I have for the evening?
- POTY 2007 sandblasted; I use this one when I need another dose of Latakia;
- Irish Rivers Lee Red; nice pipe for aromatics, original shape, but handy;
- Red Spigot of XL26 AKA Sherlock Holmes Hansom; slow light flakes specialist
- B42 AKA Darwin Halloween; massive and handy boy, virginia-perique addicted
- POTY 2013 sandblasted; Friday evening is for the Thinking Man and bowl with aromatics;
- Sherlock Holmes Lestrade; if I didn’t have a time to finish my Saturday hobby this jaw-hanger with some Scottish blend would be glad to help;
- PSOY POTY 2018; Sunday movie pipe, definitely – good portion of Balkan and it may be puff two hours easily!
- ‘Other half’. I have pipes devoted to blend review tests or some particular blends and events – evening walks with the dog is necessary, too, BTW. But upper list is my most common-used pipes on regular basis.
Harald Stoecklmair, Austria
This will be a wonderful opportunity to give the usual suspects (314, 317, 03, etc.) a well-deserved break and instead pull out a few old ones that have been living in my pipe cabinet for years. I have decided that I will ONLY smoke Petes this week. So, the selection in the photo is more or less arbitrary, as I smoke more than one pipe a day—
Sunday: Replica of Patent Nr. 12393 (1990)
Monday: “Dublin Millennium”, 1988
Tuesday: “Centenary” 11S, 1975
Wednesday: House Pipe, mid-80s I believe (Hallmark is a scale, to this day I was not able to find anything about that)
Thursday: XL05 Spigot with wonderful bird’s eyes on either side (Hallmark is also a scale)
Friday: B42 Natural “Darwin”, 2008
Saturday: Rusticated POY 2021 (although it’s relatively new and therefore regularly used, I can’t give it a break, sorry!
Kendall Boykin, Florida
Here are my choices although mainly due to these being my only Petes I own currently (RUA POY on the way). I like to use my System 314, the Ragaire 221, and the Newgrange 701 during the weekdays as they provide a shorter smoke. The 2020 Xmas 107, and the Sherlock Baskerville and Baker Street for evenings and weekends for longer smokes. The Ragaire was my first Pete and I was drawn to that as I have a fondness for the Newgrange line which it resembles a little. It’s the one that started this obsession for me. Lets just say these pipes were bought in a 2 month timeframe. Don’t tell my wife!
Luis Cisneros, Florida Keys
I’m going to start with amber stem XL02 showing in the middle of the two Peterson racks .Then I’ll rotate thru the column of Petes. I’ll start at the top of the left stack and work down alternating between the meerschaums stack and briars stack …. I’ll probably continue with pipes not showing on the back side of the racks until I’ve smoked each …which will take few more days than seven ….
Dwain Dunn, Dublin
I only have 2 System pipes at the moment, with my third arriving this week (I hope). My first will be 307 Premier sandblast (with the silver ferrule). It was the first Peterson I bought so it has sentimental value;
The second is a 1s Deluxe System with an aluminum condenser without cross vents, I bought this earlier this year to see if there was a difference (yes there is);
The third is the 2022 POY 14B which I have yet to receive, because well you know. I’ll be rotating through them as these are all the System Petersons I have at the moment.
Jared Houghton, Mississippi
I just discovered your site a few months ago, and thanks to you, I was able to snag one of the POYs this year, which I was really looking forward to! I have been smoking pipes for about two years now (had to pick up something during COVID lockdown). Currently, I have, I believe, 15 Petes. Three are Systems, but at the moment, I’m working on collecting the Sherlock line, of which I have 7, all different finishes (at least so far!).
Sunday: I’d start the week with the largest System I have, the System Standard (XL315). It was also the first System I bought, and I wanted to start with the classic, compared to a Deluxe, or what have you. Also, it’s large, so that’s great!
Monday: Next, I’d go with the Atlantic (03), a model I knew I had to track down as soon as I saw it. Love the coloring and style, and the rustication is perfect, like tiny little waves on the ocean.
Tuesday: Next, I’ll start the trio of my favorite Sherlocks, with the Sherlock Holmes Squire. It’s the only Pete I bought as an estate, but love the rusticated finish, and seems to be a type of rustication that they don’t make anymore (no idea what year it is), so I figured it would fit with my collection. It’s a hearty boy.
Wednesday: Then, for the middle of the week; possibly my favorite pipe of them all, the Christmas 2021 Sherlock Holmes Strand. I like the dark stain, coupled with the copper band, and a fishtail, stands out among my Sherlock collection, and the Strand’s shape is just classic: relatively straight, but with an attractive curve.
Thursday: Next, I’ll finish my trio of Sherlocks with the Sherlock Holmes PSB Rathbone, a pipe that I happened to see when I had no intention of buying a pipe, and was so stunned by the PSB, I immediately purchased it. It was my third Sherlock pipe, and it’s what made me decide to collect the whole set.
Friday: Then, to finish out the workweek, I’ll go with the Dracula Sandblasted (150), for a little bit of color and fun. Great pipe, and awesome idea. Who doesn’t have a Dracula, by this point?
Saturday: Lastly, I’ll end on my latest pipe, the Pipe of the Year 2022 Dark Smooth (433/925). It arrived today (on a Sunday!), and I had my first smoke. Already love it! It’s a unique shape, at least for me, and I look forward to many more smokes in it in the years ahead.
Matthew Kannady, Kentucky
Here is my System Week Rotation. From left to right, the Rua Spigot Watson, which I have been enjoying a lot recently, followed by my Irish Harp 69, which was my favorite pipe for a very long time due to it size and overall look. Next is my new 2022 POY rusticated and Rua. The Rua arrived today and I plan to break it in this evening. Then my first Peterson, an 80s Killarney Red, which to this day still bleeds stain on my hand, but it was my first Pete so it still holds a special place in my heart. Next is my 2003 St. Patrick’s Day 999, which I purchased for the sole reason of it being and SPD that I got at what I considered a very good price. Turned out that it is a fantastic smoker. Lastly, my Dublin Millennial, which I might possibly have purchased from Mark on eBay. Nice size, large bowl, generally heavy pipe, but for a non-clincher, it sits perfectly in my hand. Not all Systems, but my most regularly smoked pipes.
Alexandru Jurje, Romania
Here is my choice of 7 Peterson pipes for System Week 2022. I chose them as they are my most prized and best smoking pipes:
JoMil from USA
From top left to right (I may change the order when I smoke them during “System Week” depending on the tobacco I chose each day):
- Sherlock Holmes Mycroft with P-lip in terracotta (wonderful in the hand).
- Deluxe 2s sandblast (very deep grain, great heft, love the (chimney) extension).
- Barley fishtail, silver spigot, virgin sandblast, unstained,102 billiard (very natural looking briar contrasted against silver work and jet black stem…stunner. Maybe my favorite pipe with the SH Rua a close second).
- Sherlock Holmes Rua blast, P-lip, Hansom, silver spigot, CP (Yah!… This is really, really special!! Maybe the Barley is a close second…).
Middle of the group laying sideways:
- Carroll of Carrollton terracotta, tavern style smoothie. Number 125 of 246. (The history piece written about what inspired the creation of this pipe, screamed ‘buy me’ so loud that I anxiously awaited it’s release for sale more than any other pipe I have ever bought. A joy to smoke Virginia tobacco in).
From bottom, left to right:
- Arklow XL90 sandblast, walnut stained with nickel army mount. (Another handful of texture with eye-pleasing curves and contrasts to behold).
- Sherlock Holmes Junior Baskerville in Peterson classic rustication, p-lip (this size attracts my attention even more than my full sized version…my favorite shape of the SH offerings though).
I look forward to celebrating this year’s System Day/Week 2022, and beyond, as a true diehard fan of the Peterson brand and mystique. My 2022 Peterson Pipe of the Year is in transit to me at this very moment. Tune in to next year’s System Day installment to see it….#222/926.
Chas Mundungus, Switzerland
It has to be a full week of ‘309s’ for me to really get back to the Source. The shape fits perfectly in the hand, vaper and virginia smokes perfectly in the chamber. To me it’s the icon of all things Peterson. What better than to sit and watch the Jet d’Or at dusk and smoke the perfect pipe? Left to right:
Su—Centenary 4s, 0/11, Late Republic, HM 1976
M— Premier Blast 309, Dublin, HM 2010
Tu—309 Paisley Standard, Middle Dublin (20010-2010)
We—4S De Luxe Sandblast, Early Republic
Th—309 Star, HM 2010
F—4B Early Republic Deluxe Blast
Sa—4AB Rusticated, HM 2021
Pax Christi Vobiscum!
Christopher Lauer, Alaska
Here are my choices for the System Day- Seven Day Challenge. I primarily chose small/medium System shapes as I will be smoking at work 4 out of the seven days so my time is limited. I will be smoking my favorite shape (309) to start the weekly challenge.
Sunday- September 4th-Peterson System Standard 309
Monday- September 5th-Peterson System Standard 303
Tuesday- September 6th- Peterson System Standard 317
Wednesday- September 7th- Peterson Dunmore 77
Thursday- September 8th- Peterson “Star” 314
Friday- September 9th- Peterson Standard 313
Saturday- September 10th- Peterson Dunmore 71
Joel Brandon, aka scout19d3, Katy, Texas
I’ve never before assembled a specific 7-day sequence of pipes, though I’ve read often of other pipers having their ‘rotation’. I’ve always just selected the pipe and tobacco that strikes me at that moment – often limited to what’s on hand when I’m traveling on my GoldWing motorcycle.
As I was contemplating a sequenced set of 7x of my Peterson pipes for this coming System Week, I experienced a realization. It’s laughably ignorant of me not noticing this before today, but my 21x piece pipe rack (where I keep my more frequently smoked pieces) is arranged on 3x rows of 7. 7 days per row? Duh!!! LOL – so, I set to and sequenced 7x Pete’s on the top row for System Week 2022 –
Now, my understanding is that System Day is Saturday the 3rd, but System Week begins on Sunday the 4th. So, I can take the #7 pipe on both the 3rd & the 10th for a pleasant Sunday session. It seems appropriate to celebrate System Day the 3rd with my spanking new 2022 POY Heritage P-Lip (382/925):
- Sunday the 4th – 2022 POY Sandblasted P-Lip (786/925) – brand new System week with a brand new System pipe
- Monday the 5th – 2020 SPD 68 to celebrate Labor Day & start the work week
- Tuesday the 6th – the Hansom Rua for a pleasant end to the day
- Wednesday the 7th – to celebrate my daughter’s birthday (30 yrs!) a nice long smoke in my 2021 Halloween 307
- Thursday the 8th – another SPD – an XL11, this from 2022
- Friday the 9th – ahh, the end of the work-week calls for a much longer & contemplative session with my rusticated B42 System Spigot
- Saturday the 10th – concluding System Week with the 2022 POY Heritage P-Lip (382/925)
Daniel Barber, Mississippi
Day One – my first Peterson and only System to date. System Standard, XL315, rusticated. A good smoker and my first Peterson. After reading about the unique design of the System pipe and early patent I had to have one. My wife was gracious to surprise me with this as an anniversary gift. In general I often like rustic aesthetics in homes, furniture and decor. The rustication fit and shape says strong, sturdy, and long lasting. Large bowl allows a long session if desired.
Day Two – perhaps as opposite to the 315 as possible. Specialty smooth barrel. Caught my eye at a local brick and mortar and gives off a little vibe of more sophistication than I can muster on my own.
Day Three – Arklow sandblast army mount. I have developed a taste for shorter straights like lovats. My eye has also shifted toward sandblasts. This was an unsmoked estate purchase that had to come home and has since been smoked many times. The strength of the army mount was an added bonus.
Day Four – Green Spigot Dublin shape. An estate that simply said “Ireland” to me. Interesting figure in the briar, fun color, and love the sterling to sterling connection.
Day Five – back to the barrel. I’m generally only 3 bowls a week. A week straight of smoking and my wife will not be happy. The small bowl will help.
Day Six – I love my Green Spigot and probably my best Pete smoker.
Day Seven – I must finish the challenge with my only System. Rusticated XL315 again.
Mark Hunt, Nevada
To celebrate the creator of the Peterson Pipe System, I will begin the celebratory week appropriately with the stunning ‘Captain Pete’ pictured at bottom left. Then moving up and clockwise, for the rest of the week I will smoke System pipes, beginning with a 303 Standard, the ample ‘Pub-Setter’, a rusticated 307 Spigot, a Sandblasted 14B, and a gorgeous 317 Spigot. I hope to end the week as I began it, with a straight pipe, but this time a System 31 with tenon.
Ryan Rose, Michigan
Here are the pipes I chose for System Week: Newgrange Spigot 01, System Spigot 312, System Standard 302, Sherlock Holmes Baker Street, 2021 4AB, Irish Made Army 101, and 2022 14B.
I haven’t assigned them to particular days yet. I may just grab whichever one strikes my fancy that day.
I don’t have different reasons for choosing each pipe. All of them, with the exception of the 14B, have proven to be particular favorites in my collection. The 14B is too new to have earned that spot yet, but I’ve got a good feeling about it.
David F M, Cyberspace
My theme is that these are all Irish Seconds. The straight billiard is stamped “440,” so I consider myself lucky to have found it.
TLIP / Bob Cuccaro, Bohemia, NY
Okay, I had to go through over 200 pipes and decide which pipes to smoke and enjoy! Too many were left out including last year’s POTY, but these are as good as it gets for taking a quick look and making tough choices.
1st pipe up was my first Mark Twain hallmarked 1984-reminds me only family trip out west. One of the eBay scores I wasn’t going to let it go.
2nd pipe is smooth B42/Darwin. Great System pipe, and although I have just about every variation except the supreme sandblast, or the Amber Spigot Silver cap Maker’s series pipe, this pipe is very special and smokes incredible!
3rd pipe is my 9s cap’n’chain. This is my English smoker and I tend to take the cap off when I use it, so I don’t lose it!
4th pipe is my newest and prized addition, the Mark Twain Supreme Sandblast POTY #1. Already, I can tell it will be turning color very soon with heavy use.
5th pipe is from the Nassau Series- The Ulysses #7 9B is exceptional and reminds me of a great character in a great book. Great in the hand and handles flake like a charm!
6th pipe is very special since my CPG friend Stan found this in Russia. Amber natural D21 silver spigot which I use sparingly when I can hold the pipe or put it down to rest. I use this pipe for my deer tongue blends by C&D-mainly crooners.
7th pipe is yet another Nassau series pipe. This is the D20, same as POTY 2016 but with a beautiful red blast and silver spigot which makes it very easy to blow out excess moisture. I have all the 2016 series pipes and a unique one off Plip version of the pipe. This one is special and deserves a place during System week.
Mark Derington, Kingwood, Texas
These are all Peterson System pipes in order from left to right:
- 5S Deluxe– Great pipe to start the challenge on a Sunday morning, sitting on my porch smoking a good flake tobacco. This is the smallest deluxe System pipe that I own. I wanted a relatively smaller System for my flake tobacco.
- 302 Spigot System – As you will see below, the 2 series is my favorite Peterson shape. I enjoy larger bowls for my favorite tobaccos. This will be a great pipe to smoke on an early Monday morning with a bowl of CD Saint Espresso.
- 4B 2021 POTY 304/500 – This is one of my favorite pipes but it doesn’t get a lot of smoke time. That’s not because I don’t like it, it’s because I like it too much! I probably should have purchased two of these; one to smoke and one to look at, fondle and caress! Peterson did an excellent job in this creation and I enjoy occasionally having it in my rotation. I only smoke English tobaccos in this pipe and it pairs perfectly with some Peterson Early Morning Pipe.
- 2S Deluxe Natural – As I stated above, this is one of my favorite shapes and I love the 2S deluxe Systems! They are comfortable to hold, have a good drop and I can feel the substance of the briar, not to mention it holds a good amount of tobacco! This pipe has a beautiful grain.
- 2S Deluxe Sand Bast – I enjoyed the 2S Deluxe Natural so much that I had to buy another one in sand blast! These two pipes are in my permanent rotation every week.
- XL 5S Deluxe Sand Blast – I liked the overall shape of the 5S in #1 and wanted something with the same shape but a larger size. This XL fits the bill! This pipe also holds a lot of tobacco and is a great Friday night pipe sitting around having a cocktail with my wife, or taking it out for a few drinks and dinner.
- Pub Pipe System – Great Saturday pipe to end the challenge. It will last me most of the day while I am doing chores around the house, working in the yard and garage. This pipe is a work horse and is one of my favorites when I want a lot of the same tobacco! Great pipe for some of my all day favorite, Peterson Royal Yacht.
I do have other Peterson System pipes but the System deluxe and spigots are by far my favorites and they make for a great 7 day System rotation challenge! However, I did order one of the newly released Mark Twain 14b pipes. I haven’t received it yet, I’m still patiently waiting. I ordered one in sand blast. I am sure it will be in my System rotation soon!
Chris Streeper, Spencer, Ohio
I have accepted the CPG System Week Challenge! While I would most likely be smoking several Peterson pipes throughout the day and week, I thought it interesting to select seven specific pipes for this challenge. Ironically, I didn’t select a single one from my collection of 150 bulldogs, which happens to be my favorite shape in the catalog. The lineup for my System Week team is as follows:
Sunday I will smoke my Standard XL307. It was a gift from a member of the PipesMagazine forums. It serves as a good reminder of the camaraderie amongst the fellowship of pipe smokers and the spirit of friendship which this challenge was issued in.
I’ll kick of my workweek on Monday with last years POTY, a sandblasted 4AB. The large bowl filled with Early Morning Pipe Blend will complement the several very stout cups of coffee I will drink throughout the morning.
Tuesday I’ll pull out my trusty Premier XL315. This pipe is the oldest of my System pipes and is like an old friend.
I think I’ll cross over hump day with the sole straight pipe on my list, a Patent System Billiard filled with Deluxe Navy Rolls.
Thursday I’ll breakout my birth year Pete. Yes, I have a birth year Peterson Pipe! Today will be all about the beautiful rustication on this Donegal Rocky 604 bent bulldog!
Since I began my workweek with last years POTY, it seems fitting to close out the week with my 2022 14B POTY Rua! Only a couple weeks old, this pipe is a fantastic smoker and I look forward to getting many more years of enjoyment with it.
I shall close out System Week in my study with a Pub Pipe packed full of Peterson’s tried and true Standard Mixture. Nothing fancy, just a large bowl of cool smoking, great tasting tobacco… the way God intended for it to be enjoyed. I’ll probably pair it with a glass of Redbreast Irish Whiskey and listen to some big band music while I relax.
Cheyen Lloyd, Cyberspace
It was tough coming up with just one 7 day rotation! Had to put some thought into this one. Since its for System Week, a Deluxe rotation would be it [seen in the banner photo]! These are my favorites pipes and shapes. Deluxes are in my weekly rotation as it is.
Next is a dutch billiard rotation seen above. My favorite shape!
Last is my Dunmore 7 day rotation (above). Love and collect that line.
Richard Roberts, UK
I come from the UK, where, I am told, less than one half of one percent of smokers choose a pipe. O tempora! O mores! I submit a 7 day rotation; all Petersons (what else?) and all System of one shape or another.
However, as I change pipes throughout the day I have sent a list of those pipes I would reach for as my first pipe of the morning. I would generally smoke these with ‘Early Morning Pipe’ tobacco. I have not sent pictures as all the shapes are well known and, more relevantly, I have no mobile with camera to do so and the photographic ability of a slow learning 2nd grader if I had!
Here is the rotation, in weekday order :
- Monday 314 standard
- Tuesday 315 standard
- Wednesday 313 premier
- Thursday 313 0
- Friday 312
- Saturday 309 standard
- Sunday 302 premier
Gary Hamilton, Texas
This morning while enjoying a pipe on the porch and thinking about the 7-day “System” challenge, I realized I wanted the selection to all be P-Lips in keeping with the “System” theme. Laying on the table, left to right:
307 Standard with faux hallmarks – this one has the stem I modified to slightly mimic the AB style, and I added the aluminium tenon extension (I smoked this one at the CPCC show), also an antique store restoration.
1990 Patent Commemorative – this is the one I obtained at the CPCC show, and reworked the tenon extension.
STERLING – MADE IN IRELAND (circle) with K&P in separate shields, no hallmarks. No shape number stamp. Figure this one to be in the 1949-’57 era (?) / Antique store find that I restored
1903 Dublin Shape – From the Antique Collection Series of ‘95-’99 / Store bought – go figure the only one of the lot! I reworked the tenon to get a tighter fit and reduce the “gap”
As you can tell, I have a fondness for the smooths! Although a good blast or rusticated has that certain “tactile” quality to it, that I do find appealing.
With 7 pipes, you can’t get it exactly “even”, but for the most part I’m about 50/50 on the ratio of bents to straights, with bents slightly edging out the straights. Pretty much same for my entire collection.
I picked these Peterson’s because I’ve worked on each and every one of them (but actually, I’ve worked on all of my Peterson’s – to some extent or the other). I rarely buy a brand new pipe, preferring the enjoyment and thrill of refurbishment!
This selection covers a range of bowl sizes, from the small 317 all the way to the large 307, so for the coming System week – I should have it covered at least as bowl size and tobacco selection is concerned.
All of the pipes I’ve selected have either nickel or sterling mounts. I thought for such a special occasion, the mounts would add a certain amount of elegance to the event!
Shimson, Rockwall, Texas
I have included a photo of 7 pipes I am making a point to smoke during System week 2022. A brief explanation is as follows: (from L to R descending order)
- The very first Peterson I ever purchased from a local B&M I am sure you will recall. Up In Smoke from Towneast Mall in about 1995 (Yes, I was underage, clearly the man knew but didn’t care). It is a Killarney 68 with a P-lip and was sold to me as a System. It wasn’t until some years later I knew it actually wasn’t but, it made me fall in love with the P-lip and I have preferred them ever since. I recall thinking the price tag of $79 was awfully high and I’d never purchase a pipe that expensive again and would keep this one for the rest of my life…. So far, only the second part has remained true.
- The first System pipe I ever purchased. An estate 03 System standard. It’s been a workhorse
- The first “high end” pipe I ever purchased. $128 shipped from the UK. It’s straight grain, and I fell in love with Deluxe Systems after this.
- An Aboriginal System from 1974 with a REAL funny looking “g”. I don’t smoke this pipe often despite it’s amazing patina because I’m afraid I’ll drop it.
- B42 System Drac
- B42 System Premier (first and only premier in my collection)
- B42 System Deluxe and likely the closest I’ll ever get to owning a “Darwin.”
I have so many other pipes in my modest collection that I decided not to put in this, including one of those amazing dutch billiards that has been to hell and back and still serves me faithfully.
Jack Gillespie, Norman, Oklahoma
I only have 9 Peterson pipes and the two that aren’t in the attached image are: a Deluxe 268, my first “expensive” pipe I ever bought (it has a broken stem — fell out of my pocket) and the other is a Shannon 80s (smooth). With that out of the way, here are my 7 (5 System + 2 Non-System), from front, then left to right:
- Mark Twain (1981)
- Silver Mounted Army 160
- Silver Mounted Donegal 80s
- System Standard 305
- Deluxe System 5s
- System Standard 314
- Deluxe System 12.5
In the Love of the Three in One
Ken Siegel, New Hampshire
Here’s my 7 day plan. My first “System week”:
- Watson (my first Peterson)
- A 15 from 1911 (first really old pipe that I refurbished)
- A spigot mounted Rathbone (love at first smoke)
- An Ebony 301 (first dealing with my pipe refurbishing mentor – Steve Laug)
- A silver mounted, undated 308, silver bevel mount bone tenon ext -the first pipe I brought back from the dead (total black hulk almost caked shut)
- A 2022 POY. First time I was quick enough to get my first choice finish
- A 1931 Shape 2 grade 2 OOM Paul. My first of this style, which is now on the favorites list
Kevin Cavanagh, St. Petersburg, Florida
For this year I’m planning to rotate through these Petes:
2021 4AB POY
2020 9BC POY
2022 14B POY
B42 Irish Seconds Premiere
314 Republic Era
301 Republic Era
317 Republic Era
The 2020 POY was my very first POY from any company and my first over $100. I only picked back up the in 2019 after trying it years back, but giving it when I lost my only pipe and tobacco in a move. Was a cheep probably mystery wood pipe I got at local liquor store with a few dented tins of Sutliff. Since then the POY have been something I look forward to each year.
The B42 was my first time trying a second but the pipe is amazing and made me love the chimney extension. It’s only flaw is a small pit on the right side.
The three Republic Era were eBay finds, some of the first pipes I tried my hand at restoring. They where really satisfying to watch them go from caked and full of tar and grime to clean and polished up. Its a great feeling when smoking them to know they have a second life and will be around for many years to come.
Ray, Washington State
I cannot say which Peterson pipe I will smoke and on which day. I am more of a look at the collection type of guy and pick one on at that moment. I will definitely be smoking my Peterson 309 as I enjoy a long smoke with my coffee in the early morning while strategizing for the days waiting adventures, be it in my shop or just reading a book on the porch. I will also slip into my rotation this week more then once my Peterson Liffey, not a System pipe, but one of my go to pipes for the simple pleasure of remembering I purchased this pipe while in Edinburgh, Scotland for my 60th birthday and this is also a pipe that reminds me of my father who would let me fill his pipe while he was driving when I was 12 or so, a great moment with my dad many years ago. I also will slip the Liffey pipe in the rotation this week because this is the pipe that got me CPG a few years ago, and now with a CPG in hand, made me dive head first firmly traveling down this rabbit hole of Peterson pipes.
Fair winds and following seas to all this coming fall and winter
“A man is never lost at sea”—Ernest Hemingway
Chris Mendoza, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
The picture shows my current Peterson pipe collection, currently waiting on shipment of a 2022 POY Terracotta, and a Deluxe System xl5 with tapered stem.
For the System week, I plan on smoking the following:
Sunday 4th: plan on smoking my Peterson Watson supreme. It’s my favorite pipe and really enjoy the texture of the sandblast.
Monday 5th: will be going with my Rua Professor. Normally Mondays are long days and the bowl on this pipe is massive.
Tuesday 6th: going with my #9 Carrollton pipe due to small bowl and found I enjoy a 50/50 mix of bca/1q
Wednesday 7th: going with the 68 barley spigot. Medium sized bowl for me and will get me through the middle of the week.
Thursday 8th: going with the b42 ebony spigot. Here in Honduras Thursday are normally nights out and the ebony goes well with a dark suit for restaurants.
Friday 9th: going with the 68 classic PSB. My wife bought this for my 40th birthday and it’s quite a special pipe for me to smoke and enjoy on Friday evenings.
Saturday 10th: Going to use my opener as my closer and go with the Sherlock Watson supreme.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras has great pipe smoking weather year round. Never too hot and never too cold, only downside is that shipping takes forever…. Hence still waiting on my POY 2022 and Deluxe XL15!
Andy Olcott, Arizona
1. 2021 SPD, the 264 is one of my favorite Pete shapes.
2. 2009 Christmas, because if you had a 1st year Christmas, wouldn’t you show it off to the only people who might care!
3. 301 Deluxe System Natural, 301/01 is my current favorite Pete shape.
4. 01 Sandblast Silver Cap, my newest acquisition.
5. 2022 POTY Dark Smooth #574.
6. 2015 Jekyll & Hyde, 1st year it was released (I think) and with Fall/Halloween fast approaching this was a must add to the 7 day.
7. Dracula 68, another favorite Pete shape and my 1st ever Pete, while I was still a pipe noob. The Pete collection now sits at 62.
Fuston Bull, Lake Jackson, Texas
Clockwise from the top: ARAN 6, my first Pete bought circa 1992; “Dublin” X105; System 303, my first System pipe; Sherlock Holmes Watson; “Special” for long smoke on Saturday evening; Irish Sea 221; and “Dublin” Millennium.
Andy McDowell, Brazil
From L to R:
#1 Red Spigot (01)
#2 System Spigot (307)
The first two my usual choices for smoking at the end of the day (but see also #7); normally (but not always) a bowl of Key Largo to round the day off; so one or other of these will be smoked every day…
#3 Ragaire Sandblasted (221)
Preferred pipe for my first smoke of the morning (usually GLP Chelsea Morning) when I pop out to buy the bread for breakfast!
#4 Walnut Spigot (69)
I have several pipes of shape 69 but this is my favourite; these are my preferred morning and/or lunchtime pipes. Likely to be smoking a Balkan, Oriental or English Blend. Currently have H&H Blackhouse and Samarra open but will probably crack open a tin of Peterson Old Dublin for System Week.
#5 Christmas 2021 Sherlock Holmes Sandblasted Hansom
#6 Sherlock Homes Sandblasted Hansom P-Lip
Pipes for the afternoon; maybe GLP Black Frigate or of the morning blends. Not sure why but I just like to have a different shape pipe in the arvo!
#7 Halloween 2021 (307) P-Lip
Reserved for aromatics that ghost; have an occasional bowl of Gentleman Caller in this (usually on a Friday or Saturday evening) and it definitely ghosts pipes!
Brian C., Virginia
For system week, here’s my lineup (and explanation):
1) Carroll of Carrollton 2022 (it’s #211, which if you add to the year 1776, comes to 1987 – my birth year).
2) Rock of Cashel B11 (one of my favorite sitters and very interesting to feel in the hand – I love the rusticating on this guy).
3) Irish Whiskey 01 (a nice bent with chunky walls and a charming, but simple ferrule; Irish Whiskey was the first Peterson tobacco I ever smoked).
4) St. Patrick’s Day/Flag Pipe X105 (not sure if this is 1998 or 1999, but the previous owner did an awful job reaming the bowl, so I got it on the cheap and it smokes like a champ).
Honorable mentions:
POY 2022 Sandblast and POY 2022 Dark Natural. If these arrive before the 10th, at least one will get smoked.
Chris Tarman, Colorado
Here are my seven Systems chosen for System Day (Week)!
Craig Houchen, Cyberspace
My first Peterson pipe was a Mark Twain. It came to me by way of someone who had won a “pipe smoking competition” with it at a pipe show down south somewhere. I have forgotten both the state and the owner’s name. That pipe is still one of my best smokers. However, it looks like it has seen better days. It is from 1984. I have been a huge fan of both the pipe shape and Twain ever since. Needless to say I was pretty excited about the POY 2022 this year.
My Mark Twain pipes were one of the few things I took with me in 2005 when I evacuated New Orleans from hurricane Katrina. I cherish them and the first 4 from left to right are from those days. The silver caps are from this year’s release.
The gold banded is my commemorative edition that I spent more than I expected to (I quickly typed in 2222 instead of 222 for my bid on eBay)! I am going to read Mark Twain’s Roughing It that was released in September of 1872—150 years ago. Sounds like a good week. Definitely a better week than I was having in 2005 during Peterson System week.
Lee Skiver, North Carolina
Although I could make more than a week’s worth of smokes with the Systems that I companion, I think the attached photo is a good representation of my ‘mates’ more broadly. I also realized that I’m simply one pipe shy of a week’s set in shape #9… I’ll have to remedy that sooner or later!
Stephano Zerbi, Lugano, Switzerland
Here’s my choices for System Day 2022, all from my Kaprufs. I like the sandblasting of this venerable line and the 69 on the left was my first Peterson. Second, I always find the variations on a theme very interesting. Here there are three shapes in confrontation; 999, 455 (one is stamped the other no) and 69 (one from Ireland and one from England). To finish, a 417 from England. Pipes seem from Linnaeus point of view…
I was thinking for the CPG pipe that it would be great when all the Pete Geeks have their pipes we should organize an online meeting to smoke together!
Paul Combs, Boise, Idaho
- Sunday Sept. 4 – Patent 1900 magnum – my prettiest big Pete and appropriate for Sunday afternoon
- Monday Sept. 5 – Rusticated System 31, perfect pipe for a short smoke on a busy Monday
- Tuesday Sept. 6 – Patent Grade 3 magnum w/ Meer insert, the Pete I have spent by far the most hours and work on to restore – a nice long smoke and Latakia blends taste especially good in this pipe
- Wednesday Sept. 7 – System Star 305, a bit petite by comparison to the others but elegant and one of my very first Peterson pipes bought in Austria in the 1980’s
- Thursday Sept. 8 – Deluxe XL9S, a real mess when I first got her a few years back but she cleaned up nice and is solid in the hand
- Friday Sept. 9 – Patent Deluxe 1918 w/ 9” stem – comfortable in hand and perfect for a longish (1.5 hour) smoke on a Friday evening on the patio at the end of the work week.
- Saturday Sept. 10 – Deluxe XL5S Dark Smooth, I love the big bold flared rim and the chunkiness in hand
Eric B., Oklahoma
My rotation has the new Mark Twain POY, a rusticated 999, a Rathbone Christmas, a Deerstalker Christmas, a Deluxe 2s, an early Dublin Era 312 and in absentia a Cara 120 that is with my son on deployment in the Pacific somewhere… (So I’ll double up on the MT POY).
Vijay S., Cayman Islands
I’m a 26 year old novice pipe smoker currently located in the Cayman Islands. For the System Day Challenge I will be breaking in this oom paul gifted to me from my great friend (and pipe mentor) Paxton. After first diving into the history of Peterson, I was on the search for a Peterson in this shape. I was unsuccessful and my first Peterson was neither an oom paul nor a System. While my maiden Peterson (a Fishtail Silver Spigot) is a fantastic pipe, I am enamored with this one that all be smoking all week. From both a historical and sentimental standpoint!
“And on the 8th day [seeing the empty tomb], he smoked his favorite pipe of them all.”
–Fr. David
PPN 2022 System Day Tobacco Mat
* The Sherlock Jr. set, comprised of all 7 pipes of the Original collection, in smaller versions created for the European market c. 1990.