You are currently viewing 261. SPECIAL BULLETIN: Barley Spigot Drops Tomorrow, TUESDAY 12/14/21

261. SPECIAL BULLETIN: Barley Spigot Drops Tomorrow, TUESDAY 12/14/21

SPECIAL BULLETIN: Kapp & Peterson’s final release for 2021, the Barley Spigot, will drop tomorrow, TUESDAY, December 14. A tanshell sandblast, the new line is a gorgeous and arrives with just enough time to tuck under the Christmas tree or enjoy during the Twelve Days.

Tanshell blasts, like vergin blasts, are special pipes for a specific clientele, pipemen who, like meerschaum smokers over a hundred years ago, enjoy watching their pipe ripen under their very eyes. While the Italians have always loved the Dunhill Tanshell and the natural vergin because of its bare chamber and unique coloring properties, smooth virgins have been around for decades. K&P had an entire line of natural finish pipes made at their London shop in the post-war years, and in Dublin they released the Killarney Natural in the early 1950s.

XL90 Barley Spigot

I cannot be certain, but in terms of finish I believe a true virgin is entirely unadorned. That means the bowl must be extremely clean inside and out after blasting and through production and finishing. Right below the virgin, in this way of thinking, would be the natural finish, which is very, very light and at Peterson has been a light orange for a few decades now and was a very light brown before that.

XL02 Barley Spigot

This is the first tanshell blast Peterson, echoing the three previous vergin blasts they have created. The concept  for K&P echoes Castello’s decades-long Natural Vergin finish and, before that, Dunhill’s original Tanshell, a light brown sandblast line introduced in 1952. The connection between the Castello and the Peterson vergin is the Italian market, specifically the Sansonne Smoking Store in Milan. The good folks there, enthusiastic about the Peterson pipe, wanted to create a Peterson vergin, and with the help of Mario Lubinski (who was K&P’s distributor in Italy at the time), did just that with three different releases of the Rogha , the last in 2017. These bowls were hand-selected in very small batches of around a dozen pipes each, and in a harrowing moment as the jet lifted off for Dublin, I was able to acquire one. It is among my top five smokers, a truly magic briar as Fred Hanna would say.

My 2017 Rogha System after 31 smokes

In 2018, K&P created a popular version of the Rogha with a nickel mount, the Burren, which was well received but utilized bowls with a few blemishes. As the bowls were unfinished, the Burren was a true vergin blast.

Burren B10

Then in 2020, Adam O’Neill oversaw the very limited release of the Nassau Street Edition which sterling and a genuine Cumberland stem, featuring the new in-house blasting technique and near-Supreme grade bowls.

Nassau Street Edition 221

I don’t know how many pipes have produced for the Barley Spigot, nor whether it will be around for awhile or is a one-time issue. MSRP is $220.  As it has the K&P bowl coating, it is, strictly speaking, a tanshell. But that bowl coating will make for an easy break-in and the pipe will still color beautifully, just like a vergin. As per usual, right-clicking on the gallery photo will let you take a look at the various shapes, although of course each blast will be unique.














Electronic Strut Card


Many thanks to Andy Wike
and Laudisi for help and Barley Spigot photos




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Paul Schmolke
Paul Schmolke
3 years ago

I’ll trust the release date as the 14th and be on the lookout. These won’t last long even at $220 MSRP so I’ll be prepared to grab one after the first look. I’m bad for procrastinating and this will not likely tolerate any hesitancy. They’re truly gorgeous and will improve over time.

Bob Cuccaro /TLIP
Bob Cuccaro /TLIP
3 years ago

I love Peterson Natural finishes! PSOI 2017, my nassau 221, and this one will be in constant rotation 🙂 I just have to decide on a102, 65, 68, or a 338. Each blast will be unique and will provide something for everyone 🙂

3 years ago

Since the my last reply on the Basil Rathbone 4ab pipe release I HAVE bought my bride’s Christmas gift. Oh Mark, this is so tempting! I’ve long wanted a Peterson Tanshell/Natural.

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago

Dang, another one right on the heels of the last three. Peterson is killing me with these new releases so close together. Again, an awesome blast (if found) and a silver spigot brings these together for me. I’m thinking a 230, 127, or 68 would bulk up my herd nicely. Now…where to find the money with my depleted PPAD resources? I missed out on a few Burrens, I just didn’t have the finances at the time. The Rogha, I wanted one at the time, they were just so limited and again, a little too pricey at the time (not saying… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by John Schantz
Joe Marti
Joe Marti
3 years ago
Reply to  John Schantz

Right! I guess they know what they’re doing, but for big fans without endless pipe money on hand, you do wish they’d space these special releases out a little wider. I can see this beautiful series slipping from my fingers a week after the POY came out. They sure are beautiful and inviting though. It would be great to watch them color through the years.

Joe Marti
Joe Marti
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Well, you win again, Peterson. I purchased a 127 because I’ve just GOT to see how that beautiful birdseye colors over the years. Plus all the other reasons that make me so powerless when it comes to these smoking machines.

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago

Why don’t they just make some stems for the 15, 106, and other straight billiards that are about 1/2 as long? It seems they might be able to get a kind of two for one by just putting shorter stems on some. They wouldn’t technically be Lovat’s or Liverpool’s, but the aesthetics would be there. Maybe I’m the only silly one in the world that likes those shapes/sizes? I may be an outlier?

Last edited 3 years ago by John Schantz
3 years ago
Reply to  John Schantz

I would love to see you make a spigot mouthpiece on your lathe.

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Me too, I wish I had the skills to spin silver. I tried and failed miserably. $10-$20 worth of silver down the tube.

3 years ago

Mark, tomorrow is Tuesday, not Friday 😉
The series is absolutely stunning.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stan
Lee Skiver
Lee Skiver
3 years ago

Would you consider the 2018 Summertime the same as the Burren?

I snagged one of the remaining 999s from that series, and it does indeed smoke like a charm. Definitely blemished, but I’m ok with that given its aesthetic is driven by how well-used the pipe becomes!

Like everyone else here, I both appreciate and lament the frequency with which K&P has been churning these babies out.

Regardless, it’s certainly an exciting time to be a Pete Geek!

All the best,

3 years ago

The Burren B10 is my weapon of choice in the summertime , it colored just so well.
It was my first bare chamber pipe, sure I burnt the air hole away but its the sweetest one I have so far. Next time I will trim the air hole a little bit like you do. Thanks for the tip by the way.

3 years ago

I usually will go for the big Pipes, but here I found 124 & 127 shape veryintriguing .

Eri Billing
Eri Billing
3 years ago

Bloody Lovely Looking Pipes

3 years ago

Those are sharp looking, I like unfinished/unstained pipes. Alas, my pipe budget is shot, as 2021 added a Deluxe PSB 606, Christmas Original Rusticated, and a POY Rusticated to my collection. On reflection, I may be slipping into Pete Geek status…

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago
Reply to  Wiz

Whoo Hoo! Welcome to the club.?

Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
3 years ago
Reply to  Wiz

Just one more for the year, you can do it!

Charle Morrison
Charle Morrison
3 years ago

I might have missed it but what time do these drop tomorrow?

3 years ago

Will there be any filtered pipes in this release?

David F M
David F M
3 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

Charlie, the European site has these in 9mm filters. Not many left at the moment (1 PM EST US).

Andy McDowell
Andy McDowell
3 years ago

Have I missed them? I’ve had frequent looks at SPC and SPEu today and haven’t seen hide nor hair of these.

Andy McDowell
Andy McDowell
3 years ago
Reply to  Andy McDowell

Typical! They dropped on SPC just as I posted the message above!

3 years ago
Reply to  Andy McDowell

I think it was exlusive on SPC, but two weeks ago we had some natural rustic spigot House Pipes on SPEu.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andy McDowell

If you be quick you can grab one right now on SPEu.
Good luck.

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago

They’re Flying off the shelves boys!

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago

Interesting, 03’s in the mix, not pictured/mentioned here….unless I missed them?

Last edited 3 years ago by John Schantz
David F M
David F M
3 years ago

I told myself I wasn’t going to do it. Then I saw that they were offering a 05. Last one. So much for willpower.

3 years ago

Well friends, it’s a good thing I didn’t sport out for the 4ab a few weeks back. It was a tough choice though….between a 68, an 20s and the 127. The latter won out as it’s a different shape than anything else I have. Boy, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to handle them before purchase? A large part of smoking a pipe (for me) is tactile. If they do a second release sometime next year I may see about one or the others, but I’d better sell a pipe or two first! And why do they not do… Read more »

paige simms
paige simms
3 years ago

I never liked a virgin briar. Eventually they look ‘dirty’. No offence. Jusy MY opinion

Paige Simns
Paige Simns
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

I would apply to the wood what Bill Ashton Taylor taught me. His ‘ boot polish’s. 1/2 grain alcohol..1/2 white shellac. Apply with Qtip or bent pipe cleaner

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago
Reply to  Paige Simns

I’m thinking a wax coating should work similar to what is on a block meerschaum pipe. I don’t know if it is an old wives tale or not, but the beeswax on a meerschaum is supposed to bring out the coloring. I would think a somewhat porous wood like briar would behave similarly. It’s one reason why briar and meerschaum work so well as tobacco pipes right, they sponge up excess moisture to some extent. I have some old, well smoked, estate pipes that have those “meerscham-esque” coloring flow patterns. My estate 1964 Dunhill Tanshell has some of those meerschaum… Read more »

Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
3 years ago

I have a couple of Burrens and one of the Nassau St pipes. They are among my favorite pipes. I have been eagerly awaiting this release as I absolutely love bare, virgin, sandblasted briar. Couple that with Peterson’s silverwork… boy howdy! I was able to secure a Barley Spigot in my preferred 150 bulldog shape. It will make another fine addition to my collection.

Thanks again Mark for the great write up.

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris Streeper

Yes, those silver spigots kick them up a notch and it makes my PAD start firing on all cylinders …..shiny?. I can’t wait to get my 03.

Last edited 3 years ago by John Schantz
David F M
David F M
3 years ago

I received my Barley 05 today. I am very much NOT happy. The pipe looks as if it has some kind of varnish (or similar) that was dripped onto the outside. It’s on about half of the rim, and flows down the one side of the pipe, then follows the curve, finally ending in some tiny little stalactites of hard, dried liquid. I cannot imagine that this was done intentionally. I’m going to be telephoning SPC tomorrow (it’s after business hours now), to inquire what can be done about it. In the meantime, has anyone else had a similar experience?

David F M
David F M
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Mark, phoned them today. The rep. was very friendly and helpful (no “that’s your problem” or “we don’t take returns” attitude). We arranged for a simple return. They only asked that I email them a few photos of the pipe before I return it. He offered a replacement, but they don’t currently have a shape that I like. SPC will pay for return shipping and once they get the pipe, they’ll give me a full refund. These things happen. As long as the company is willing to set things right (as they clearly are), I’m satisfied. I would have liked… Read more »

David F M
David F M
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

I ordered a Barley 05 from the EU site. Here’s hoping… At least I get one of those Sherlock tampers as a bonus.

John Schantz
John Schantz
3 years ago
Reply to  David F M


3 years ago
Reply to  David F M

David, I finally received my 127 today ( Canada Customs hold up no doubt) and was also disappointed. Both the finish and the stamping on the silver where not up to par. I have decided to return it and have emailed SPC to start that process. I don’t often buy new pipes, especially online as being a bit old school I like handling things before buying. This experience is why. *sigh*.

3 years ago

Got my spigot some days ago and it looks amazing. A small shape unknown to my the 65 with absolutely no faults. My plan is to put an amber stem from another small pipe on it.

Eric B
Eric B
3 years ago

Mark, this has likely been discussed elsewhere in PPN; but would you explain for a novice how a fishtail spigot performs? Does it have the same temperature and condensation challenges that a fishtail army mount presents?