You are currently viewing 327. Shimshon Cook, CPG: Sparking A Dialogue with Petes & Lighters

327. Shimshon Cook, CPG: Sparking A Dialogue with Petes & Lighters

Growing up in North Texas in the late 70’s – early 80’s was an experience. Doing so with grandparents who were farmers and sharecroppers only added to it. Their outlook on life and what was important was forged in the Great Depression of their childhood and early teens.

I recall Saturday nights at my father’s parents house. We lived a couple blocks from them and spent some of every afternoon at their home after school while my folks were still at work. My grandmother’s siblings (there were 12 of them all together) would play poker Friday and Saturday nights most weeks. This exposed me to the world of cussing, Seagram’s 7 and 7Up, gambling, dirty jokes and tobacco. There were typical cigarette smokers, (most of them my parents’ generation) and then a few smokeless tobacco users, who included the infamous Uncle Leon, Uncle Jack and Uncle Roland. Uncle Jack was a character and I’m not sure how that man never got arrested with all the things he pulled. Uncle Roland was an avid Dallas Cowboys fan and was a welder who learned his trade repairing battle ships in Hawaii during WWII. Uncle Leon…. I think something must have happened to him during the war because the man simply was not bashful about anything. He was a large man, about 6’3” and as close to 400 lbs. as a man could get without actually being 400 lbs. Maybe the most notable traits about him were his gentle demeanor, a love of plow-broke mules and overalls, the only form of clothing he wore out of the house. He also had an uncanny ability to rid the chicken house of coyotes with a .30-30 no matter what time of night it was.

Shimson’s Hopkins Natural straight grain

Uncle Jack would smoke a pipe from time to time, but he had passed away by the time I was 7 or 8 years old. I don’t recall what sort of pipes he smoked, but I do remember his ridiculous one liners and songs he would come up with on the fly just to make us laugh. He was a truly funny man, the type that would have told a dirty joke to the Pope.

Uncle Vanoy was the big pipe smoker. He was a pilot during the WWII, which profession allowed him to move to Ohio in the 1950’s. We called him “Yank,” and he had a love of Danish Freehands and Jack Daniels. I recall he would smoke Prince Albert, Walter Raleigh and on occasion a cherry cavendish of uncertain provenance. I always remembered being on the front porch when he smoked and I loved the smell. Everyone did. My father would tell me about spending the better part of a day carting Uncle Vanoy around Dallas trying to find him a new pipe back in the mid-70’s. Dallas is known for many things but pipe shops aren’t one of them. “We spent the whole day looking for one of them ugly-ass pipes he always smoked,” my Dad later recalled, “but we couldn’t find a thing he liked.”

The 2021 PSOI

I know Uncle Vanoy had Ben Wade, Preben Holms, early Erik Nordings, W.O. Larsens and even Sixten Ivarssons. When he passed away in July 2019, his pipes apparently went with him, since no one ever heard what happened to them. I’d sure like to have gotten my hands on some of those.

I don’t recall all of the pipes I purchased when I started out. Most were as cheap as I could possibly find since it takes mowing a lot of lawns to buy a pipe when you’re just 14.  Lucky for me, antique stores didn’t care if a kid was buying a pipe. I was also lucky that Dallas tobacconists at the time didn’t care either. I do remember Dallas had a chain of pipe shops at the time named “Up In Smoke” and they sold a lot of Peterson pipes.

I was a young adult before I could buy a pipe that was worth remembering, and I still smoke it regularly. It’s a Killarney 68 with a P Lip. I was amazed by the striking red stain and the grain. I didn’t know much about the proper way to smoke a pipe back then and I’m shocked I never burned the bowl. It’s still a fantastic smoker, but it doesn’t get the time in the rotation it deserves.

I basically only use Zippo lighters for my lighting needs. I think about half my Zippos use the pipe insert. It’s a great little modification and I believe any pipe smoker will appreciate them. However, I learned to light my pipe with a traditional Zippo insert. I learned to modify my technique for lighting my pipe that basically consists of keeping the Zippo mostly upright and angling the bowl to the side to accommodate the lack of the pipe hole insert.

(Perhaps not exactly like Shimson’s… but the best I could do!)

Much like the other aspects of smoking a pipe, I’ve developed a routine and consistency in how I light and even tamp my pipe. I do have other non-Zippo lighters, but they all use Zippo lighter fluid. One of my favorites is a trench lighter made out of a .50 BMG casing. It is messy, looks gnarly, does not stay lit in any sort of breeze and just isn’t practical, but I love it and wish I hadn’t lost it on the move back to the States.

The other is an old Elgin lighter that was gifted to my late grandmother in the late 1940’s or early 1950’s. Add to this the various table lighters I have managed to find here and there over the years, and I’ve got nearly as many lighters as I do pipes. I also have a box of stout matches in my pipe roll as a faithful backup.

The rare Plato

Over the next several years, I didn’t smoke a pipe as much, and I was still interested in trying different makes of pipes. I owned some Italian pipes, a couple of Eric Nording pipes and more than a few unbranded basket pipes. I wasn’t an exclusive Peterson smoker until about 12 years ago. I had just gotten to the point I didn’t want to search anymore, as I always felt disappointed with other makers of pipes. I wasn’t smoking high-end Petersons either. I just liked the performance and aesthetic of what they were producing in their everyday lines.

My first  non-entry level Peterson was a 2007 Donegal Rocky 338. It’s got a P-lip and sterling band. The line was a bit more posh than it is today. I’ve not seen a new DR issued with either a P- Lip or sterling band in many years. Those two pipes held my rotation down well until about ten years ago when I began to take up the pipe more seriously as a means to unwind and unpack the day’s events.

I discovered that the online pipe community of had exploded in my absence. I think Sykes Wilford at SPC is solely responsible for the vast majority of the resurgence of pipe smoking, but perhaps two years of COVID lockdown contributed as well.

My first true high-grade Peterson was a straight grain natural 3s Deluxe. I have since purchased so many I forget which came before the other and what I paid for them but they all hold a special place. Every one has a story. The ones I cherish the most are those my wife has bought for me.

After getting married in 2014, I moved to Toronto. I didn’t realize that pipe smoking there is for nearly all practical purposes illegal. It’s hard to find tobacco, there’s nowhere to meet up socially with friends and you can forget about smoking outside in winter.

The 2016 PSOI

Eighteen months later we relocated to Israel. My wife was born in Israel, and much of her family resides there. She had lived in Canada when we met, and shortly after we married, we decided it was the best time to make such a move. As Jews, it is something of a spiritual journey in the flesh. It’s known as Aliyah, meaning “to go up.” It’s an expression used in ancient times to describe the three times a year Jews would travel to the Temple in Jerusalem—Passover, Shavuot (Christian Pentecost is named after this holiday) and Sukkot (which marks the end of the High Holy Days at the end of the solar year).

It was such an amazing experience to live in a land filled with such history. I had always been a student of history, archaeology, and philosophy, so this seemed to be a place where the three could merge into a daily life exercise. Which there, I was able to spend much of my time in the Kollel (religious institution of learning for married men) as well as become a tour guide. I know tour guiding may not seem to be that big of a deal, but when you consider the government in Israel requires individuals to be licensed and must have completed a very rigorous college program that covers everything from biblical history, geology, geomorphology, religious rites of various religions, map reading, and archaeology to name a few… it takes on a bit of a different perspective.

During that time, I was afforded a rare opportunity to meet some of the biggest names in Biblical Archaeology and befriend them. Dr. Mike Freikman, Dr. David Ben Shlomo, Dr. Yossi Garfinkel, the late Dr. Eilat Mazar, and Dr. Ralph Hawkins of Averett University. I spent many hours in the field excavating sites like Al Auja, and several sites in the Golan Heights. It was a pipe smoking history nerd’s dream. During that time, I would enjoy my pipe during breaks on dig days, and even managed to convince Dr. Freikman to pick up the hobby. Eventually, this led to a non-paid position assisting him in the Archeology Labs run by Hebrew University, where I got to sort artifacts and categorize them for cataloging.

Pottery handle with maker’s mark typical of the 9th-10th century BCE, the period of the divided Kingdom of Israel

The smoking culture in Israel there feels like an anachronism. Tobacco is reasonably priced and most smokers roll their own cigarettes. You can smoke nearly anywhere you want and pubs have only small non-smoking sections, the greatest space being given over to smokers. I found a small group of fellows there who enjoyed the hobby as much as I did, one of them a close friend to this day. Sitting down to smoke a pipe with a buddy was always an occasion for a free-flowing discussion of anything and everything. The pipe was a commonality to share with someone else, and you for the time period we were smoking, we didn’t need to be concerned with the pressures of the day. Unfortunately, the pandemic hit, and my wife and I lost our jobs which required us to relocate where jobs were easier to come by. It was a bittersweet situation, to be sure.

Through the pipe community since then, I’ve made friends all over the globe from all walks of life, orientations, creeds and ideologies. My wife jokes that no matter where we vacation, I’ll know someone there who smokes a pipe to meet up with.  She’s correct. We’re idealogues, philosophers, theologians, antiquarians, nerds, geeks, old farts, men, women, rednecks and everything in between. My Peterson pipes are vehicles to that destination, to connect with others and in so doing see how much alike we are in so many respects, to spark conversations, to be in dialogue. Like pipe smoking, dialogue is an art form. If we don’t tend the fire,  then like an untended ember in our Peterson pipes, it dies.




Zippo has received our order and everything is on target. It sounds like they may ship from the factory in as little as 2-3 weeks, but I’ll give everyone an update Sunday by Sunday. I was overwhelmed by the response–and gratified! Thanks to all who are participating.



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2 years ago

So enjoyed this post! I will use Shimson’s own words, “It was a pipe smoking history nerd’s dream.”
I can not express how much I appreciate Mr. Cook sharing more of his story, beautiful pipes & glimpses into a truly fascinating life. Yet another interesting piece in the global Peterson Pipe Geek jigsaw puzzle. Truly amazing people smoke these great pipes. Mark, thank you for making this outstanding entry happen. be well…

2 years ago
Reply to  Nevaditude

I just read the article again. STILL so pleased & impressed by this great read of Shimshon’s journey. Many thanks again!

2 years ago
Reply to  Nevaditude

Thanks Nevaditude

John Schantz
John Schantz
2 years ago

What is it about pipe smokers that many gravitate towards a love of history? I also love history, I almost had a minor in it in addition to almost having a major in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology. Alas, I got bored with college and dropped out after four years and a major shift from Electrical Engineering to EEET in the middle. I do not read much, but if so do, it’s usually history related. Thank you Shimshon for sharing a little piece of your pipe journey with us. My first decent pipe was a Killarney 80s, and quick on… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  John Schantz

There were other stories I could have shared….. especially about Uncle Leon…. but it’s best that those remain unpublished!

2 years ago

What a great read. Awesome variety of Pipes & Gadgets.
Thanks for sharing.

Jorgen Jensen
Jorgen Jensen
2 years ago

What a fine Sunday morning reading five stars, more stars……..many stars,
and the pipes , that Plato ! and it does not look Danish at all !

2 years ago

Shimshon great read. Throughly enjoyed your story albeit I know little snippets of it through our little chats. As you know I just love archeology and what an wonder opportunity you had in the middle east.
The online pipe community are a sound bunch. Thank Mark for this. Savage stuff.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Tom, it was very difficult decision to leave. I currently have plans (read absurd dreams) about retiring to another place more suited to my genetic disposition that has a good amount of archaeology for me to waste my retirement years on. Would be a lot like my early childhood…. digging in the dirt and making a mess!

Paige Simns
Paige Simns
2 years ago

Great story. Thanks

Paul Combs
Paul Combs
2 years ago

A fabulous post and a great Sunday morning read, thank you Shimshon and Mark! Your description of smoking in Israel made me think of the Shtisel series on Netflix. Great pictures and the family history is heart-warming. ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul Combs

Paul, we LIVED Shtisel. We were a short bus ride from that exact neighborhood and had many friends who lived there. Spent many Sabbath meals there.

2 years ago

A fun read. Thanks Shimson. You have some beautiful pipes there. You are correct about Toronto and probably all of Canada when it comes to lack of pipe and tobacco stores. There are a few good places in Toronto to buy a pipe and tobacco still but yes, the fellowship had been marginalized almost out of existence. If I find a tobacconist in the GTA’s (Greater Toronto Area) suburbs and surrounding towns I’ll drop in and buy something and thank them for their dedication. They need our support. The one thing Canada has that I have been unable to find… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Marlowe

We lived at Bath & Egg and I recall seeing a sign for tobacco at some point on a drive south of steeles. I never recalled where I saw it, until i stumbled on it again… place had been closed for some time.

Christopher Lauer
Christopher Lauer
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing a wonderful story Shimshon and thank you Mark for providing us with another entertaining Sunday morning read.

Gary Hamilton
Gary Hamilton
2 years ago

Hello Shimson, what a marvelous read today, I thoroughly enjoyed it! You have some really nice pipes, and I recall seeing a few of them when we met up for coffee and conversation when I was in the Dallas area a few months ago. I’m still contemplating the use of a Zippo…I’ve been told that I’m sometimes too set in my ways…and the Zippo may possibly fall into that category…But, I sure do appreciate your video explanation of how to use one for lighting a pipe! By the way, just spectacular grain on that Plato!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary Hamilton

Gary…. you’ve got a handle on the way you do things and I wouldn’t change what it is that gives you joy my friend. I hope we can find the time to meet up again. Truly enjoyed the technical aspects of pipe making/refurb.

2 years ago

Shimshon, Great addition to Peterson Pipe Notes! I really enjoyed the description of family members, their personalities, and your travels. Pipes, lighters, archeological photos, and accessories were icing on the cake. Thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Keatley

I think about putting these stories down in writing all the time… however, as said above, most of them are probably best left unpublished!

Lance Dahl
Lance Dahl
2 years ago

How many lighters got ordered? Just interesting to see how many folks participated. Another great article….you really have to watch out for that Shimshon character…..

Lance Dahl
Lance Dahl
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Do I owe you more information or photos of specific pipes? We’re we talking the Peterson Giants?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lance Dahl

Lance…. don’t you have some patent era pipes to buy?

Lance Dahl
Lance Dahl
2 years ago
Reply to  Shimshon

You know me always on the look out for another Patent or IFS era pipe. You just need to open up those purse strings a little. ? I will make sure to leave you one of mine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lance Dahl
2 years ago
Reply to  Lance Dahl

I am honoured… I’m sure once of these days i’ll be able to fool SWMBO enough to drop 8 bills on one….. have a few more diamonds to buy first….

Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
2 years ago

As a native Texan, a student of history and of the Bible, as well as being a teacher of both… I very much enjoyed this particular entry.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Streeper

Thanks Chris, if you’re looking for some good reads, reach out to me some time and I’ll give you a few suggestions. Guaranteed to put the prettiest of spouses RIGHT to sleep.

2 years ago

Another inspiring and informative read! Thanks Shimshon

Can’t wait to get my lighter and get up to speed on Zippo lighting!

Rick Myerscough
Rick Myerscough
2 years ago

Wonderful story of your early family and then you and your wifes travels to the Holy Lands… I noticed your candles with your pipe in the first picture and wondered if you might be a Jewish Brother as well… Thanks for sharing your story and your faith.
Blessings and Shalom…

2 years ago

definitely Jewish. Thanks for reading and taking an interest in the blog post!

Peterson's Air Cavalry
Peterson's Air Cavalry
2 years ago

Shimson we have much in common. I’m a Jewish beach bum raised in Miami Beach. After graduation from University of Miami I became an Army aviator. My first pipe was a Peterson 302 black sandblast, nickel mount p lip brought at a Tinder Box in Tacoma WA, in1982. I loved the pipe because it was so easy to smoke while flying with the famous military bit. Served me in good stead throughout my Army career, especially in the Gulf War flying with the 1st Cavalry Div. I had a standing order with Mike’s Cigars in Miami Beach for pipe tobacco… Read more »

2 years ago

Thanks so much for the comment! There is a rather large (percentage wise anyway) population of pipes smokers in Israel. Oddly enough, it was there that i began to network with others who enjoyed the hobby, and my exposure to other aspects of the hobby became what it is today. Over all, while smoking is much more widely accepted there, i wasn’t able to light my pipe up while actively excavating, and could only smoke while i was on a break and away from those who didn’t appreciate it. Mostly those were evangelicals who came to Israel to volunteer on… Read more »

Peterson's Air Cavalry
Peterson's Air Cavalry
2 years ago
Reply to  Shimshon

Shimson, thanks for the reply. Sorry to read that you can’t smoke on the dig site. Not a problem for me when I was digging in Virginia, the Old Dominion being known for tobacco throughout its history. I currently have 13 head of cattle, working up to 25, most of my land is cut for hay. I consider myself the “caretaker” of the farm since my 2 grandchildren here will eventually inherit the farm. I have Charolais and Charolais Angus mixed breeds. I am in Maury County, which is the largest beef producing county in Tennessee. By the way, I… Read more »

2 years ago

I will work on acquiring it!!!

Mike Neulander "Air Cav Pete"
Mike Neulander "Air Cav Pete"
1 year ago
Reply to  Shimshon

Dear Shimson, Hag Samaich to you and the family. I get to go to a friend’s seder in Nashville for 1st night. Then, second night, they and others come to my seder. Just made chocolate covered Matzoh and almond horns for dessert. Tomorrow, I make my Song of Solomon haroseth and cook the gefilte fish. I always love preparing for and celebrating Pesach.

ken sygel
ken sygel
2 years ago

Your closing, about the art of dialog, says it all. It is now in my collection of quotable