You are currently viewing 334. Junior Rusticated Line Drops 3/14 (+CP PG T)

334. Junior Rusticated Line Drops 3/14 (+CP PG T)

Revised 03/14/2023

The Junior Rusticated line, already appearing at some internet vendors, will drop at SPC on Tuesday the 14th at 6pm EDT, with eight new shapes in the offering.

Canted Apple

“I’m a fan of lightweight classic shapes,” K&P’s Glen Whelan told me, “and having a series like this is really exciting for me. It’s a tip of the hat to what is probably a forgotten era of pipe manufacturing, when smaller, lightweight, classic pipes were en vogue.”


The chamber on the Pear, one of the largest bowls, is 19 wide by 32 mm deep, while most are around 17-17.5 wide by 32-34 mm deep. Most are about 140 mm long (5.5 in) and their weight comes in on average at 28 gr, or just at 1 ounce. The genuine fishtail button in glorious, easy-to-clench vulcanite makes the felt weight seem nothing at all.

I asked Josh Burgess whether these might not be from vintage stummels found when the factory was moved out of Dun Laoghaire to Deansgrange. “No,” he said, “I’d have loved it if they were—they’re just bowls we’ve been wanting to use for a special project.” Ever suspicious, I had to ask him whether this had anything to do with the fact that so many people at Laudisi seem to prefer small pipes, including Sykes Wilford, Shane Ireland and Adam Davidson. “I think part of that,” said Josh, “is just the shared culture of pipes at Laudisi. We interact a lot, so we’re bound to rub off on each other. My other theory is that because we’re able to smoke at work, our pipe habits look a whole lot more like a bygone-era when pipes tended to be smaller. Pipes that are suited for working are just different in size than pipes suited for sitting down and reading, relaxing, or watching the tube.”

Canted Billiard

I thought about that. As an undergraduate I worked as a janitor & deliveryman for a year and a half at posh furniture store. When the weather was nice, my boss George, my associate Pete and myself would go out on the loading dock for a afternoon smoke break. George, who looked and talked like an older George Raft out of They Drive by Night, would smoke a an unfiltered Camel or two while Pete would talk about best brownie recipes to mix marijuana in or debate with George whether Busch or Budweiser was the best beer. For myself, I would smoke Troost or whatever I had in a very small-bowled clay. Had I seen a Peterson Junior at Ted’s, I might have acquired one just for the purpose. Many’s the time, in fact, when I wish I’d had a small, serviceable pipe to sneak out at staff development breaks or lunch for a 10 minute smoke.


The new Junior release includes ten shapes (or eight if you discount the canted/straight duplication on the billiard and apple), some with seriously retro vibes, like the Squat Rhodesian, Pear and Acorn. And three huzzahs for the very Irish canted stems on the Billiard and Apple!  The line is itself more than a little retro, dating back in the K&P ephemera to 1945’s Red Catalog, about which more below.

Like the other Specialty shapes in K&P’s historical catalog, the new Junior Rusticated bears no line or shape number stamp.* It does, however, sport a handsome polished nickel band with the Peterson logo script over DUBLIN. And I think that, if I were still a working man, I’d rather have the Junior rusticated as this new line is than a smooth, in keeping with what would be for me a knockabout shirt-pocket pipe for those irksome trials when I find myself needing to slip out of doors at a relative’s who detests the heavenly cense of pipe tobacco indoors.


It’s always great to see a true straight Rhodesian in the catalog. The last, if I remember correctly, was for the Molly Malone collection back in 2011. I so wish the full-size Rhodesian from that set were part of the standard catalog! I know there’s lots of PGs who’d also love to see a Squat Rhodesian like the one below–which graced the catalog back in the 1920s and 30s.

Squat Rhodesian

Wait! There’s more:

Does this awesome shape chart look familiar? That’s right–it’s an homage to the 1947 Distributor’s Catalog chart. Super cool.

..but wait, there’s still more!



K&P is also rolling out a new “Chat with the Smoker” traditional pipe box brochure with this release, the first since 1983, if we discount the POY “Chat” brochures—I say “rolling out” because only half the samples boxes I looked at contained one. The title derives from Charles Peterson’s briar pipe instructional text in the 1906 catalog. That narrative was first reproduced in a horizontally folded pipe-box leaflet dating c. 1925 (adorning the opening pages of the Peterson book), then assumed its more familiar tri-fold style for the remainder of the twentieth century.  So far, brochures dating have been documented for 1937, 1953 (for Rogers Imports), 1955, 1955 (for GT&C), 1975 and 1983. The new “Chat” measures 4.25″ x 6.50″, 12 panels.



Pipemen (and -women, Barbara J.!) are sometimes disappointed when they learn that dating Petes by their appearance in printed catalog ephemera means there’s some give and take when actually dating a pipe. Most commonly a shape or line may has appeared a few years before the catalog and the catalog is playing catch-up. Then there’s the shapes or lines that seem to disappear almost before the ink in the catalog was dry. And we won’t talk about lines that never, ever appear in the catalogs or that have adornments that never made a catalog appearance, like Bill Auld’s brass-band Connemara smooth P-Lips!

Before a review of what the printed ephemera can tell us about the history of the Junior/Lightweight line, above are a few NOS Juniors that have appeared on eBay this week, all bearing the LONDON MADE over ENGLAND stamp, including the classic tapered bulldog, a saddle bulldog and straight billiard seen above.

1945 and 1950 catalog page

When I was writing this post I noticed for the first time that, on the Junior line’s first appearance c. 1945, there were actually two lines being depicted here, depending on the stem: the Lightweight featured a F/T and the Junior a P-Lip. Makes sense when you think about the fan-shape of the F/T that it would feel a bit lighter between the teeth.


1947 Distributor’s Catalog page

The 1948 distributor’s catalog shows what was probably the complete line of the Junior/Lightweights available, eight shapes in all. Notice it’s just “Juniors.”



1955 Dublin & London catalog

The 1955 European catalog reverts to the twin line name for the same eight shapes.


1965 Green catalog

A decade later, K&P nearly the identical artwork and layout for the Specialty Line, replacing only the Junior/Lightweight illustration.


1975 Orange catalog

In 1975, the Junior lineup was reduced to five shapes (as illustrated), all with P-Lip and now in rustic as well. And that’s the last we see of the Junior line in the ephemera for 46 years! And here, to for a bow, is the full-size Junior Series e-strutcard:

Electronic Strut Card for the Junior Rusticated Line


Many thanks to Glen Whelan & Josh Burgess at Peterson & Andy Wike at Laudisi


by Larry Gosser

Sometimes, as in the old cliché, when it rains it pours. Hard on the heels of Gary Hamilton’s CPG Tamper event and the Zippo CPG event here’s one more opportunity to let your inner Geek out. When Larry Gosser and I collaborated on Of Pipes & Men, one of the great pipemen I wanted to include was Charles Peterson. I’m sure a number of non-Pete smokers scratched their heads over that, but for me it was a must.  I didn’t intend for it to happen right after the two previous events, but when Larry Gosser says jump (as in, “do you guys want to do a Charles Peterson tee-shirt or what?”) I say how high.

Fast forward to last Christmas, when I asked Larry if he’d consider doing a t-shirt for the Pete Geeks. He’s been on overload for a while, but recently asked if we might still want a shirt. I know I want two of them (I’m hard on my clothes).

This is Larry’s enterprise and he will handle production, billing and shipping. The shirts will be made by Gilden, black with white print only, in L, XL and XXL and XXXL. They will also have PETE GEEK across one sleeve and the Gosser signature below the artwork. As always, super classy work from Larry.

We have to have a minimum order of 12. Larry thinks the price will be around $25-30.

If you’re interested, please fill out  Mel Bud’s great Google Form, which I’m forwarding to Larry: Pete Geek Charles Peterson TEE SHIRT.

The photograph of Charles Peterson seen in the inset above—which Larry used for the book—dates to about the time CP assumed management of the Kapp Bros. in 1891. His moustache, I know, will be the envy of many of you!



We exceeded our minimum and ordered 50 lighters on 3/3. These will be shipping in time to mail them out before the end of the month. If you didn’t get one, there may be two or three left over, so drop me a line.


*From the Identification Guide Update:

Specialty Briars  (1945 –)  Term used to describe following lines:

  • Lightweight  (1945–80)  F/T lip; smooth finish; from 1981 known as Light;
  • Junior  (1945 –80, 2023)  P-Lip; also F/T starting in 1978; smooth finish, rustic starting in 1975; rustic F/T debut in 2023
  • Churchwarden  (1945 –) Long pipe with various smaller bowl shapes in F/T; smooth finish, rustic starting in 1969;
  • Barrel  (1945 –)  P-Lip or F/T; smooth or rustic, sandblast offered in 1970;
  • Tankard  (1945 –)  P-Lip or F/T; smooth or rustic finish, sandblast offered in 1970;
  • Calabash  (1945 –) P-Lip, F/T added 1975; smooth or rustic, sandblast offered in 1970;
  • Belgique (1945 –)  P-Lip, F/T added 1975; smooth or rustic, sandblast offered in 1970;
  • Giant  (1969–81)  Smooth, sandblast or rustic; P-Lip or F/T.


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John Schantz
John Schantz
2 years ago

I’d love that junior lovat, if it were only a smooth finish. Even a Rua or Iora or vergin sandblast…or at the very least a vergin rustication would tempt me. I like a fishtail stem, but these have a stupid looking sharp/squared step for the saddle, and man I hate this particular rustication/stain finish combination. Oh well, it saves me money. One more pipe for somebody else??

Last edited 2 years ago by John Schantz
John Schantz
John Schantz
1 year ago
Reply to  John Schantz

I should have said…the “lovat” has a stupid looking sharp/squared step for the saddle. Reading through this morning’s post at SPC, Josh said they went through quite a process to get the stems length/bend/look. My thoughts. The lovat has too much length overall and the length from shank to step is too long as well, it looks goofy. It should have been cut back to the length of the band, with the overall length of the stem shortened the corresponding amount. Also, there is a stupid looking taper from shank to the step. The saddle step was “cheapened” by cutting… Read more »

2 years ago

Si, tutto bello, ok… Ma questa rusticatura rasenta lo schifo più assoluto.

John Schantz
John Schantz
1 year ago
Reply to  Nick

I had to translate it, but I agree wholeheartedly.

John Schantz
John Schantz
1 year ago
Reply to  Nick

Sono d’accordo con tutto il cuore

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Vero. Ma i tempi cambiano. Sarebbe ora di tornare ad alzare la qualità. Sembra che Peterson sia ormai interessata a produrre pipe di fascia media o bassa. È un peccato.

John Schantz
John Schantz
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

They definitely upped their game with the Rua and Iora Spigot finishes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Le sabbiate sono assai discutibili. La rusticatura fa male agli occhi. Si, ci sono state delle serie capsule, ma la qualità standard è molto bassa.
Perchè in Italia le Peterson non sono più amate come prima? Ci sono venditori che le hanno ormai eliminate, come Guzzi e Al Pascià. Il motivo è semplice da capire. Bisogna essere onesti e realisti.

2 years ago

Very good read with a lot of interesting info. Thanks for sharing.
But I also preferred a smooth finish.

2 years ago

As always great read for Sunday morning.
Junior issue is very tempting. Would love to see one a little longer like a bing. 381 or 445.
Brass band Connemara smooth if any one has any info when they were released and what shapes were included.

Gary Hamilton
Gary Hamilton
1 year ago

Another great Sunday morning read! And the new “A Chat With The Smoker” box insert brings back a nice nostalgic touch to these fine pipes. For a look back in time, and for those wanting a bit more on this fantastic line, go take a look at PPN #212. A real treat to see Greta Garbo smoking her Junior Bulldog. Like some of you though, A smooth would have been the ticket!. However, for this “travel” size pipe as I like to call them, the rustication provides that tactile grip to hang on to. Really nice pipes, really nice read.… Read more »

William Auld
William Auld
1 year ago

Very interesting and a nice line-up. Probably a Pear and/or a squat Bulldog in my near future. When the reintroduced line was first mentioned several months back, I was hoping we’d see a tapered Bulldog smooth like the EBay offering above. There’s just something about the diamond proflle that says old school to me. Not me with the brass Connemaras, but I certainly look forward to learning about them! As always, thanks, Mark, yet another wonderful Sunday morning read! Oh, and Gary’s pipe taper is to be delivered tomorrow!! Can’t wait to see it!

William Auld
William Auld
1 year ago
Reply to  William Auld

Tamper (not taper or tapir, for that matter …) arrived. Gary, all I can say is WOW! It’s really amazing. You are quite the craftsman!

1 year ago

Thanks for the update, was super excited given that I prefer smaller shapes but a little disappointed that stems are vulcanite.

Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
1 year ago

I see a squat in my future! Love my original Belgique but don’t get too it often enough.

1 year ago

Fabulous & informative as always. Having read the Peterson Pipe book, I always liked those Junior pipes. I smoke only P-lips and will need to look @SPeu this week to see if any will be offered as t’were in days of yore. I received the INCREDIBLE tampers made by Gary & they are BEYOND expectations: balance, wood, quality, metalwork, finish, the ‘IRISHNESS’ all are enhanced by knowing how lovingly well they are produced. Again many thanks! I too- have put in my order for the Charles Peterson shirt! Thank you Larry! I had assured my wife that pipe & tobacco… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Nevaditude
Gary Hamilton
Gary Hamilton
1 year ago
Reply to  Nevaditude

Hey Nevaditude Mark! I just wanted to say “thanks” for the tamper review, I’m so glad that you like them!

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary Hamilton

You are so welcome Gary. These are easily the best tampers I have. Truly well done my friend. Thanks for doing these & making such a high quality item. I have a lathe and have done some turning. You are indeed quite the craftsman! Outstanding!
be well brother…

1 year ago

Another informative Sunday read. Interesting pipes but like others I’d like to seen some smooth finishes and p-lips. In the Specialty catalogue I love the Calabash lightweight. It is reminiscent of Jeremy Brett’s S.H pipe ( perhaps a D15?) in the Granada series. I happen to be watching the series again and laughed out loud a few nights ago when I saw him grab a burning coal from the fire with a pair of tongs and press it to the bowl to light it!! Talk about a scorched rim!

Christopher Lauer
Christopher Lauer
1 year ago

Another very informative Sunday article Mark. I do like the Junior pipes for sure. I have four of the SH Jr. shapes and love them. The t-shirt is awesome Larry, already sent in my form. My tamper was delivered to my office on Saturday and I will be retrieving it first thing Monday morning. It is a great time to be a CPG!!

Lee S.
Lee S.
1 year ago

Thanks for the update Mark!

I see a canted Rhodie in my future… yes, I know, I’ll personally have to make it the 11th variation, but as we all know, the best things go to 11!

James Walsh
James Walsh
1 year ago

Hi Mark, great read as always. Being a fan of vulcanite, I’m quite pleased that Peterson has decided to fit these with vulcanite 🙂 I will second Nevaditude’s sentiment regarding the P-lip, I think it would have put these over the top. Despite my own selfish opinion, these are still really cool and I enjoy seeing Peterson looking back at the older stuff. On another note, it appears that Peterson was still producing a Junior line into the 1990s, perhaps not advertised. I have a sandblast spigot hallmarked for 1996, MITROI, JUNIOR, 444, which is a bent rhodesian (shaped like… Read more »

Rick Myerscough
Rick Myerscough
1 year ago

Mark… I would be interested in a lighter if you have any left over… Let me know and I can get there payment details to you. thanks again for the pipe notes…

1 year ago

Cant understand why the lovats are in such short supply. All sold out everywhere?

Skip Rivers
Skip Rivers
1 year ago

I recently purchased a Junior Ruscitated Canted Billiard pipe and I am very impressed with it’s looks and craftmanship, but I am unable to experience an enjoyable smoke. The pipe continually goes out, and I find my tobacco burns up very quickly. As one who does not blame the tool, I must not be packing it correctly, or my tobacco has run it’s course. Right now I am using Captain Black Royal that I keep in a mason jar with a humidor wafer. I used to keep my tobacco in the pouch it came in, and stored in the fridge… Read more »