You are currently viewing 418. System Day 2024: Zen Mind, System Mind.

418. System Day 2024: Zen Mind, System Mind.

“When we think how universally the Pipe has affected modern thought,
in art, science, literature, politics, and even the pulpit
how it has contributed to the best wit of our time;
how it has given relief and solace to overworked brains;
how it has drawn men together everywhere in many a jovial social smoke,
and added comfort to countless chimney corners,
the importance of supplying as perfect a Pipe as possible
is at once recognized.”

—Charles Peterson, Preface to the 1896 Kapp & Peterson Catalog

Every once in a while I like to remember that pipe smoking is a very real, substantial blessing to the lives of many men and women across the world. When I do, I always recall the words Charles Peterson wrote for the preface to the first Peterson catalog in 1896, words important enough that he included them in the 1906 catalog as well.  Today we celebrate the 126th anniversary of Peterson’s final patent on his System pipe. I hope that today and in the week to come you’ll find something of value in quiet reflections offered here—poetry, photography, autobiography, digital art, and even a prayer or two.

Happy Smoaks!

Z E N   M I N D ,    S Y S T E M  M I N D


Jason Canady, CPG. 

There’s something to be said about the solace
a pipe brings to a dark night.
I light it with large hands cupping the precious ember
shielding it from the wind
as if protecting a small soul from the dark.
I excel, blowing the smoke into the air
and exorcizing demons.


Nate Lynn CPG.

I was raised in a cult and I was always told my greatest issue was that I was a thinker, but a thinker I remained until I thought my way out at the age of 18, So when I discovered the “Thinking Man’s Pipe” I felt as if I found a pipe that got me; after all my thoughts have been my greatest ally. When I bought my first system pipe I found not only a great smoking experience but realized it was a pipe that let me not “think” about the pipe as much as I had before with an unfiltered pipe as I was always fiddling with it to keep the smoke dry and cool but instead it just let me think about what I wanted to, or even better not think.

On cooler mornings, my family tends to find me with one of my system pipes in hand, my Pete geek mug filled with tea, or coffee and a good book, the morning books are usually something spiritual such as the Bible or something by CS Lewis.

In the evening my family finds me outside on the porch swing, slowly swinging, system pipe in hand accompanied by a snifter of good cognac, or a Glen Cairn with my favorite bourbon, scotch or whisky. My system pipe, the cooler air, the creak of the porch swing all help me find a state of peacefulness.

Once my pipe is lit I focus on nothing more than the sounds of nature and my smoking cadence. In a world full of notifications, and electronics that demand our attention my system pipe brings me back down into a grounded reality. I let my head empty into nothingness at this time and watch the wonderful world God created while I slowly puff on my pipe. If I’m lucky enough I get to see the fox that lives on my property steal away to its den near my swamp just before the sun goes down. It’s a great experience and one that helps me feel more connected to God’s creation.

Pipes, tobacco, wine, and other fermented items are truly one of the great partnerships between God and Man. God created the briar, the leaf, the grape, the yeast and the grain. We take these items and turn them into things that can be used for our enjoyment and enlightenment.


Scott Forrest, CPG. 

My quest for enlightenment is hindered by gurgling noises, and Peterson Systems do not produce such distractions.  When I feel emptiness, I gravitate toward pleasantness, and few things produce pleasure as easily and thoroughly as a Peterson filled with Virginia flake.  The humongous house pipe at left is not one that I smoke often, but it is actually one of my best smokers.  Its stem has that sharp, beautiful saddle that is shown in the Patent sign behind it, and also found in Paddy Larrigan’s ‘Hand Cut’ stems such as the one belonging to the 9S DeLuxe at bottom right.



Shannon Medley, CPG. 

As I have absorbed the vast wealth of information concerning all things Peterson, I began to develop my version of the ”Peterson unicorn”. I believe we each have in our minds, the ideal compilation of Peterson parts we would assemble were we at the factory helm. A naturally finished B42 System became the object of my desire, followed immediately by my attempt to exercise patience as we all know such pipes are not in regular production. Imagine my happy surprise when I received word through Pipe Notes that the Anniversary edition pictured above was being released. This pipe embodies everything I love about the Peterson design aesthetic- so much so that I have found myself unable to load the first bowl as of yet. The time and space given to pipe enjoyment is something I look forward to as my daily devotion and this System Day may finally find this beautiful pipe under fire. Of the many who have attempted to describe the subtleties of our world, I consistently find myself remembering Mr. Tolkien as he said, “Every morning I wake up and think good, another 24 hours’ pipe smoking.”


Val Tievsky (UA9OTW), CPG.

I’m a photographer, a bit of a writer, a radio amateur and a big pipe smoking enthusiast.

I have always loved straight smoking pipes. And most of the pipes I own are straight pipes.

But one day I was given a Peterson 314 standard system pipe and I fell in love with it. Now my Peterson collection has started to grow. A few 69 tubes, an old sea foam colored Peterson tube, and I plan to get a couple more standard deluxe tubes in the future.

Every day I fill my 314 pipe with my favorite tobacco and sit in my chair reading books. The Peterson system pipe allows me to enjoy every puff.

I enjoy working shortwave, using Morse code, and leisurely smoking my pipe.

Walking with an umbrella in the fall rain in the park with my favorite pipe, I listen to the sound of the rain and reflect on life.

Enjoy smoking, friends, in our favorite Peterson pipes.

(N.b.: Check out Val’s extraordinary pipe photography at .)


Gary Hamilton, CPG. 

In the spirit of this year’s System Day challenge, and deep in contemplative thought, I present a 1997 hallmarked XL17 “Watson”.  Although Sherlock discovered the “System” in 1990, Watson was not so fortunate.  No, this particular pipe is not a “System” pipe.  But it could be, and should be.  So, with much contemplative thought, I have envisioned the transformation of this fine old pipe into the System pipe that it unfortunately, never was.  Come Watson, the game’s afoot!


Rob Guttridge, CPG.

There is comfort in simple things.


Mark Hunt, CPG.

System Day 2024 smoke. But, when my POY’24 SB arrived last weekend, I rethought & decided to use the ‘new (system) kid on the block! Peter Stokkebye’s PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake is on the smoking agenda, for the ZEN like reasons of the numbers actually meaning something in my life AND …the true fact the coins do indeed look a tobacco drawn ENSO.  As usual, Nutmeg the Wire Fox Terrier will be nearby. ~ Nevaditude~


Clint Stacey, CPG.

So here is my Zen pipe – although honestly all my pipes  bring a generous scooping of calm either through being smoked or just observed.  This was my first pipe and first Peterson a 303 with beautiful grain. I bought this new in the 1990s and it has been all around the world with me. Despite my acquisition of new and different pipes I find myself returning to it. This 303 brings happiness in good times and solace in difficult ones. I enjoy smoking Haunted Bookshop in it – which is apt for this challenge as Roger Mifflin ( the main character of the book after which the tobacco is named) is a true Zen master!


Jon Umpherville, CPG.

I’ll be smoking what I feel is the ultimate Peterson shape: my birth year Deluxe 4s which is hallmarked U for 1985 with some of last year’s C&D Sunbear Tupelo.



Michael Mikropoulos, CPG.  

It is abundantly clear to me that the Zen moment in pipe smoking is not about the nicer wood, the finest tobacco, the best hand grip or the perfect puff. All these ensure the right conditions, but the moment of Zen can only exist when the puff of smoke leaves the mouth and travels vertically, straight to the sky. The thick tolipa* of smoke carries with it every thought, good or bad, and leaves the mind and body empty to receive anything otherworldly. Smoke dances effortlessly and you just let it take whatever concerns you with it. It’s not easy, but it can happen if you let yourself go beyond everyday life, if you escape, and the rising smoke is the only component of your world for an infinitesimal moment. This is the magical moment of absolute freedom!

(*Tolipa (τολύπα in Greek) is a not often used Greek word that describes the thick smoke that comes out of the mouth when smoking and forms circles and other patterns.)


Kevin Cavanagh, CPG.


Vince Hayes, CPG: Symbiotic Systems Asea Ocean Zen.

A tight knit group, that Captain & crew
Who stuck together no matter what blew.
“Smoke ‘em’ if ye got em” the deck boss called out
Thank ye lucky stars we sit topside, after that bout.
Muster on the mess deck for a much needed respite
While the Cap’n regales us with his wealth of insight
Out came the pipes, tobaccos & matches
A cool breeze wafted through the now open hatches
All was well with the world as a young lad would query
“Cap’n, how’d ye remain so calm and so merry?”
“Is it faith in ye ship, or the love of ye wife,
That gives you such Zen when fighting for life?
The Captain smiled and said with a knowing grin
Truly me ship & me wife are majestic, but tis not they who give me Zen
But, dear boy, it tis me friend with nary a gripe
His name is Peterson, my beloved System pipe.
A tight knit group, that Captain & crew
Who stuck together no matter what blew.

(N.b.: Vince’s heroic sonnet is worthy of  the verse composed by the stalwart officers aboard Jack Aubrey’s Surprise, who relished composing nautical verse. –Mark)


Björn Strömberg, CPG: Zen Mind.


Eric B., CPG.

I was surprised to discover that this is my favorite System pipe.  I had no idea until I started working on this year’s System challenge.  This is a pipe I would never have chosen for myself; yet its design and execution seem perfect to me.  It is quintessentially Peterson.  I don’t know if that is  very ‘Zen’ or not.  But then you can’t really fail a Zen assignment can you?


Chad Lawrence, CPG.

The spirit of Zen/openness, in my opinion, dovetails seamlessly with pipe smoking. For me, pipe smoking opens the locks of my mind, which in turn allows outflow of anxieties and the inflow of new ideas or at least a new light on old ideas. I’ve often referred to my pipe as a conduit of contemplation. In that vein, the ensō could be reimagined as a cross section of conduit, enabling free flow of thoughts and ideas. Pipe smoking can give a reprieve, albeit temporary, from daily stresses and worries. The pipe forces one to slow down; pipe smoking is not designed for speed. There is some irony in the fact that I’m drawn to ‘the thinking man’s pipe’ as my choice conduit of contemplation. System pipes have always been my preference; I especially like being able to take out the stem for intermittent cleaning while smoking as well as the P-lip. The Peterson POTY 2024, I find, is particularly attractive, or has much pulchritude. I look forward to many years of using this particular instrument of introspection, as I was lucky enough to snag #925.


Rev. Bob Sievers, CPG.

Reflecting on the joy of smoking with my Peterson Deluxe 2S.


Clay Boley, CPG. 

My first system pipe was the 302 pictured here. From the first time I smoked it, I knew there was no going back. I began smoking a pipe initially as a companion to reading books. The feel in hand and superior smoking experience helped me silence the world and plumb the depths of the Bible, Christian theology, and classic literature. I was initially an English smoker, and the 302 fit that bill perfectly for me. Since improving my smoking ability (another thanks to the system pipe and the P-lip specifically) I have come to truly appreciate Virginia and Burley blends. I purchased a system 306 and fell in love with it also. Being able to sit the pipe down anywhere while reading has been a major convenience, and the size of the 306 lends itself to a long session.  I have a 307 waiting to be shipped at as we speak, and cannot wait to add it to my collection. The peace and relaxation I have received from these Peterson pipes is unmatched by any pill or potion. I also love the history of the company and enjoy giving them my business. I truly feel I was a “Pete Geek” from my first experience!


Evan Swinington, CPG.

Here are my two most companioned systems. I’ve chosen these as both are excellent aids in relaxation and contemplation through their effortless smoking qualities. However, the journey towards “Zen” through both has been quite different, and I think highlights how sometimes similar results can come from radically different paths.

The 309 standard is perhaps the best smoking pipe I’ve had right out of the box. It’s an early republic, and was almost untouched when I got it. I still remember the first smoke I had from it (Sillems Councilor) and how it immediately stood out against even my trusted De Luxe 4s. It has never let me down, and always makes for an easy and enjoyable smoke.

On the other hand, this Early Republic 11s was quite the opposite at first. The pipe had the wrong stem, and worse, a lingering sour taste I couldn’t shake. But, I loved the shape, and I couldn’t part with it. An old leftover Mark Twain Stem (and chimney too), lots of cleaning, and plenty of smokes later, I’m left with one of the best smokers I’ve ever had. It’s a gorgeous pipe and always leads to a relaxing smoke.


Ed Patton, CPG.

Experiencing the Zen Mind – Coming Full Circle

I discovered the joy of pipe smoking in the early 1980’s at my local Tinder Box & spent the next 40 years mostly smoking basket pipes and house blends.  Thanks to two events in March 2023, I finally discovered what I had been missing all along: the Peterson System Pipe.  I lost my old basket pipe while hiking up a steep hillside in dense manzanita, chamise, and poison oak.  The next week, I came across a link to an article on Mark Twain and his old, beat-up Peterson System pipe.  Within days, I was the proud companion of my first Peterson pipe: a Deluxe System Smooth 5s Calabash P-Lip.  My first real pipe!  It only took 40 years to come full circle, back to the beginning of my pipe journey, and start again; this time with a proper pipe.  A Peterson System Pipe.  The Thinking Man’s Pipe!  I have since been blessed with other Pete companions, but my 5s remains first among equals.  On this Peterson System Day 2024, I am honored to enter the fellowship of Certified Pete Geeks.

Photo: My first Peterson companion and my latest: Deluxe System Smooth 5s Calabash P-Lip, Hallmark: L (2022); 2024 Pipe of the Year, Deluxe System Natural Bent Rhodesian P-Lip #3/1100, Hallmark: N (2024).


Charles Mundungus, CPG. 

A Celtic Pipe Kindling.

I kindle my pipe this evening
In presence of the holy angels of heaven,
In presence of Ariel of the loveliest form,
In presence of Uriel of the myriad charms,
Without malice, without jealousy, without envy,
Without fear, without terror of any one under the sun,
But the Holy Son of God to shield me.
Without malice, without jealousy, without envy,
Without fear, without terror of any one under the sun,
But the Holy Son of God to shield me.

As I kindle my pipe, Christ kindle my heart
Censing love to my neighbor,
To my foe, to my friend, to my kindred all,
To the brave, to the knave, to the thrall,
O Son of the loveliest Mary,
From the lowliest thing that liveth
To the Name that is highest of all.
O Son of the loveliest Mary,
From the lowliest thing that liveth
To the Name that is highest of all. @[1]

 (Reprinted from The X Pipe, adapted from “Blessing of the Kindling,” Carmina Gaedelica,  1992, p. 93).


Stuart Whelan, CPG. Again this year you have set us an interesting and ‘thought provoking’ task to commemorate System Day. What follows is my contribution along with a photo of my System 314 from the early 1980s.

(The Japanese haiku conveys a single moment where the poet suddenly sees or realizes something. In this way of thinking, the haiku is a lightning bolt—fast, clear, and striking, it shows a whole panorama of thought in a single flash. Commonly it is a poem of 17 syllables in 3 lines, like this:
5 syllables in the first line
7 syllables in the second line
5 syllables in the last line.)

Many thanks to everyone
who participated in this year’s System Day Event,
as well as to the women and men who make and market
the Peterson System Pipe.

Patent System Strut Card Digital Restoration


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6 months ago

Thank you to all who contributed, and thank you Mark for all you do. I feel blessed to have been able to enjoy reading this in the early morning hours, with my Pete Geek mug of coffee and a standard system 304 full of Golden Sliced. Happy System Day to all.

Michael Mikropoulos
Michael Mikropoulos
6 months ago

Fired up my 308 and starting to enjoy reading! Thanks Mark for giving us the opportunity to participate, thanks to everyone who participated, thanks Peterson!

Ken Sigel
Ken Sigel
6 months ago

Happy System Day to all. These past days have found me too involved in the humdrum. The submission date got past me. That ought to tell me something . It was great to read all of your musings. Reminded to seek some “shelter from the storm” by having a strong brew in PG mug and smoke with a long time, solid companion smooth 301 with comfort bit. Seems I’ve had this “forever” so that and some 4th Generation 2012 will have me joining the calm of System Day 2024! Happy Smokes and Peace to all!

Br Jack+
6 months ago

Thank you, everyone, for your contributions! They were fantastic.

Scott Forrest
Scott Forrest
6 months ago

Thinking it will be a 314 with Erinmore Flake.

Love this double entendre: “I excel, blowing the smoke into the air”

Gary Hamilton
Gary Hamilton
6 months ago

Happy System Day & Happy Smoak! Thank you Mark for all of your thoughts, contemplation and effort with bringing us Peterson Pipe Notes. And a very special “thanks” and remembrance to Charles Peterson, for without his insight, none of us would be enjoying System Day.

Erik R
Erik R
6 months ago

Ugh! I forgot to submit for system day! I’ll be participating later tonight with this year’s POY #898 terracotta. Happy smokes everyone!

6 months ago

Love it, love it, LOVE IT! Thanks to all who participated this year. So great to see & read and meditate upon the peace your Petes bring to you.I have more than I need, but often seem to acquire another Peterson. EACH of them are fabulous, yet, truth be told… & the system pipes ARE the best. Smoking upon the “Porch of Peace” brings me such quiet joy as I pipe, ponder & pray. I am truly grateful to be part of a community that is contemplative of the small, but so important. 😎 be well

John Schantz, CPG
John Schantz, CPG
6 months ago

No love for Johnny.😢

6 months ago

Happy System Day to all. Smoked my 314 Premier with some Sun Bear Tupelo.

Martin Kollman
Martin Kollman
6 months ago

A beautiful collection of pipes, thoughts, and reflections on the joys of blending humans and tools into something much finer. Thank you for all who posted.

6 months ago

Do you think Peterson will do anything special for its 160th Anniversary next year?