164. Charles Peterson: The Original “Thinking Man” (West Coast Pipe Show Presentation)

Merry Christmas! I hope you’ve found something Peterson-related under the tree or in your stocking this morning, and if not, are at the very least enjoying an early morning pipe with your favorite hot beverage.

Ralle Perera, a fellow Pete aficionado and gifted artist from Sweden, sent me the best Christmas card I’ve ever received, and I wanted to share it with you today as I think we too often forget the difficulties the holiday season can sometimes bring.

So today, in wishing you the best of the season—peace, quiet, joy and the comfort of a good Peterson with your favorite tobacco (whether indoors or out)I thought you might enjoy a look at “Charles Peterson: the Original ‘Thinking Man,’” a presentation I gave at the West Coast Pipe Show last month.

The talk takes a look at the extraordinary genius of Charles Peterson, first as artisan pipe maker, then as inventor and finally as an atypical “Free Thinker.” It’s my belief that an understanding of Charles Peterson’s vision goes a long way toward explaining the enduring (if counter-cultural) appeal of Peterson pipes.

In the presentation you’ll see a few pipes and documents not found in the book as well as some information about how you can identify vintage pipes that I believe were made by Peterson himself.

The video is also available on YouTube, so if you like it, do let friends at your pipe club or on your forum know. I am continually amazed at how many Peterson lovers haven’t heard about the book or the blog.

In the meantime, may peace and plenty be the first to lift the latch on your door, and may happiness be guided to your home by the candle of Christmas.

Nollaig faoi shéan is faoi shaonas duit!
A happy and a prosperous Christmas to you!

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Jorgen Jensen
Jorgen Jensen
5 years ago

Thank you Mark. What a Christmas gift on this boring day. The big day here was yesterday evening.

Al Jones
Al Jones
5 years ago

Thanks Mark and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Ralle Perera
Ralle Perera
5 years ago

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you who enjoy Mark and this wonderful blog.

(And thank you Mark – I am deeply moved and honoured).

Kindest regards to everyone.


5 years ago

Boy, is that scenario familiar….
Merry Christmas (pipe) to all!

Gary McElhiney
Gary McElhiney
5 years ago

Great video! Happy Holidays!

Steven Hersey
Steven Hersey
5 years ago

A very Happy Christmas to you all. Belatedly writing this after a day visiting family. No smoking at all whilst there, but a fine pipeful on the return journey.

Lovely article and I’ve just started watching the video – excellent. Will resume later this evening and be happy to share with folk. Good to hear the voice behind the words.
The cartoon is perfect. Can this be shared with folk over here or is there copyright? I am sure they would love it.
Good wishes for the new year.


John Schantz
John Schantz
5 years ago

Merry Christmas Mark (and all the Pete family).
There are not many pipe smokers “here abouts”, but I plug the book, and the blog when I get the chance. I also plug thispipelife.com when I get the chance…..see how I did that;). Happy Holidays all.

John H. Schantz Jr.
John H. Schantz Jr.
5 years ago

Thank you for posting the presentation. It was almost like being at the pipe show I could not attend.
I really love the two pipes
109 B 1 1/2”
122 B 1 1/2”
And to a lesser extent, the 202 S 1 1/2”.

Rob Guttridge
Rob Guttridge
5 years ago

Happy Christmas to all!
And thank you, Mark, for posting the video presentation, an unexpected Christmas gift to us.
Best wishes for the coming year!

John Schantz
John Schantz
5 years ago

Hmm, I have not seen the person you may have seen on Pipes & Tobaccos cover at thispipelife.com. I only received one magazine before it went “bust”. Now I am curious whom is famous?

5 years ago

Wow! I really enjoyed getting to know Charles Peterson and the company a bit better. Thanks Mark. I hope you had a nice Christmas.

Charles Funn
Charles Funn
5 years ago

Am quite tempted to try Nap stems on my Petersons. Thoroughly enjoyed the presentation!

Jorgen Jensen
Jorgen Jensen
5 years ago
Reply to  Charles Funn

Charles you should try that. I am very pleased with mine.