414. Thoughts on the Mark Twain Pipe, Revisited


First, an apology. In case you missed my correction and apology in the previous post revision and its comments, I misread Andy Wike’s drop dates. The POY2024 does not drop tomorrow. Andy Wike, Vice President of Marketing at SPC writes, “The POY will be available for purchase at Smokingpipes (and other retailers) beginning Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00pm EDT.

I’ve had several people ask if I know what finishes will be available.  Stephen Mawby, Director of Sales at SPC, writes, “We have them in Rusticated, Sandblasted, PSB Rua, Ebony, Heritage, Terracotta, and Natural finishes, as we as having some with silver caps in Rusticated, Sandblasted, PSB Rua, and Natural finishes.”

Next Sunday I should have more to share with you about the POY2024.  I wouldn’t be at all surprised if something doesn’t appear early this week on the SPC Blog as well.



Larry Gosser, with whom I collaborated on Of Pipes & Men, sent me an advance of one of his newest creations that goes up for sale on eBay tomorrow–you can find it either at his shop’s page or in the daily Peterson listings.  What’s really cool, you’ve just noticed, is that Larry employs the Peterson Tankard Rustic:

Rustic Tankard photo courtesy SPC

Continue Reading414. Thoughts on the Mark Twain Pipe, Revisited