You are currently viewing 168. The 777 Dublin Bulldog: Peterson’s Elusive Shape from “The Emergency”

168. The 777 Dublin Bulldog: Peterson’s Elusive Shape from “The Emergency”

Among the top five rarest Peterson shapes must rank the elusive “Dublin Bulldog,” shape 777, a hybrid as the name suggests with a dublin’s bowl and a bulldog’s diamond shank. To my knowledge, it only appeared as one of three “special oversized pipes” in the George Yale 1942 annual catalog.*

The Shamrocks which appear on the other page, as you can see, were going for $3.50. How George Yale could get away with a $6.00 price tag for an ever-so-slightly larger Peterson must have had something to do with the fact that the 777, 990 and 991 were as the copy suggests limited edition or specialty shapes.

We certainly wouldn’t call the 777 “oversized” today, even though it comes close to the XL sizes of the Sherlock Holmes shapes. Here are side-by-side of measurements of a 120 Dublin from the Éire-era (1937-48) made at about the same time as the 777 and a first-issue Sherlock Holmes Baker Street bulldog from 1990:

Measure                      Éire dublin      777 dublin bulldog      SH Baker Street (XL13)

Length:                        145 mm.          147 mm.                      143.8 mm.

Weight:                       36 gr.               38 gr                            51 gr

Bowl Height:              47.5 mm.         51.4 mm.                     54.6 mm.

Chamber Depth:          40.4 mm.         43.3 mm.                     44.3 mm.

Chamber Dia:             18.2 mm.         19.4 mm.                     20.4 mm.

Outside Dia:                34.3 mm.         33.4 mm.                     43.3 mm.


The restored 777 with a period Shamrock box

It very well may have come in a Shamrock box like the one it’s pictured with above, which originally housed another Éire-era shape, a bulldog 3262, found in the 1939 Rogers Imports catalog:

The nickel-mount is also worth a look. It may be that part of the higher price was not only the unusual shape but a bit of extra craftsmanship. The nickel band, which has been silver-soldered as you can see in the second image down, has also been turned on both sides—quite a pleasing effect.

777 (left) and 120 (right) Nickel-Mount Marks

Compare it to what I believe is the slightly later nickel band from the Shamrock 120 pictured above. I have a hunch that the 777 band is slightly older—the shamrock is placed below the nickel-mount marks. The 120 also lacks the K&P Maker’s Mark, another indication in my view that it was a later pipe. And as long as I’m going out on a limb, I’ll also bet that the MADE IN over IRELAND on the 777 also marks it as older than the MADE IN IRELAND in a circle seen on post-WWII Rogers Imports pipes.

The “dublin bulldog” name given the 777 by Peterson is in itself quite interesting, and not only because Peterson hasn’t as a rule named many of their shapes. It seems to epitomize the dire fence-straddling of Ireland’s nuanced and rather complicated neutrality during World War II, struggling for its independence from Britain yet politically far from the fascism which was engulfing the world.

Always known in Ireland as “The Emergency” (1939-46), as this era began K&P’s four largest export markets were Britain, America, Germany (!) and Australia. The recent opening of its London factory on White Lion Street doubtless helped it stay afloat, but U-Boats, restricted trade ports and a chronic shortage of Irish ships made exporting Irish goods increasingly problematic and finally impossible.

I wouldn’t be surprised if trade ledgers still molder in Peterson’s vault documenting this fascinating period, but until they see the light of day we can only surmise what a difficult situation K&P was in. Then as now, Peterson is almost wholly dependent on importing the materials it needs to manufacture pipes and exporting its product around the globe.

This view of the St. Stephen’s Green shipping room is probably from the early 1950s

In any event, as we document in The Peterson Pipe: The Story of Kapp & Peterson, these were extremely lean years, certainly from 1942 to 1946 or so, at which time the Irish economy gradually moved into the boom time of the 1950s.

I’ve always thought the 777 would make an exciting issue in Peterson’s Antique Collection series, unique for its period and yet with a characteristically Peterson house style. What do you think—would you like to see a reproduction?


* Fascinatingly enough, when this pipe appeared on eBay, the seller was also offering the 991.

You can get a sense of the history of this period  here. and another view here.  To get a sense of the U-Boat drama involved in Ireland’s maritime exports (and imports), take a look at this. There is a small shelf of books on “the Emergency” waiting to be read for the curious, almost all written within the last two decades.


I have a half-dozen estate Petes just now on eBay for those interested, including the XL02 Emerald pictured above we used in the Peterson book. Global Shipping is available for friends overseas. You will find them here.


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Jorgen Jensen
Jorgen Jensen
5 years ago

Good morning. Normally I will have coffee and read the healines in the papers when out of bed, but when post from Mark I will read that first. So now I have filled a 120 Deluxe as it is about Dublins.
Maybe we are born to late, else we could have brought a dozen of the 777 shape, just to be on the sure side.
A reproduction would be a good idea.

Jorgen Jensen
Jorgen Jensen
5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

You are right, at that time a man would buy a pipe at 3 kr not 20. I remember we were poor in the 50ties.

William Auld
William Auld
5 years ago

Agree with Jorgen – the 777 shape deserves a new run. Terrific, classic look and definitely would be a welcomed addition. Let the lobbying begin!

5 years ago

Comment concerning stems: IMO; note the 120 and the 777 unique lines – lines sadly non-existent now. I’m talking about the stems, man! Those long-taper stems are nothing if not elegant! That beautiful parallel-straight line is what mankind requires – to cure most of the ills in the world!

Does Peterson employ, now, a person who can make stems with such grace? I would think so – that person must be hiding somewhere!

5 years ago

And, yes, such an elegant 120 (if not also a 777), in medium to XL sizes is needed! Yes, with the straight, slightly longer, straight tapered stem!

5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

WHAT prince? OH, that is nice! Quite a price on it tho’….

BUT I was working on someone’s Shamrock Dublin (Éire Era 1937-48)…. tho’ I wish it were a little larger. But, as mentioned above, it is quite elegant…..

Such would be one of my requests – a Deluxe (or nicer) 120 (XL?) about 6.5″ long, 2″ tall, straight-tapered vulcanite or Cumberland stem, normal to smaller silver (of course) band.

Andy Camire
Andy Camire
5 years ago

Would I like to see Peterson reproduce the 777 ??? Hell YES. But not as an Antique Reproduction!!!! That would make me feel older than I am already. lol

5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin


John Schantz
John Schantz
5 years ago

I would like to see a Special Edition 777 with Sterling mount and Cumberland stem 🙂 A “true” Dublin/Bulldog should have a bead line though…or in this case maybe a “waist-line” or “rim-line” or two or three? I would like a smaller size, maybe a “group 3-4” size. Even better for me, would be a little wider, more flattened diamond shank with slightly rounded edges with a taper from the outside edges of the bowl all the way to the button. Then it would be an Eskimo/Dublin/Bulldog…oh my 🙂

John Schantz
John Schantz
5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Indeed 🙂
If I wish, I wish big ?

Al Jones
Al Jones
5 years ago

Yes, remake that Shape 771, who doesn’t want “scientifically balanced construction”? A Peterson shape I’ve definitely not encountered. Also interesting, on the opposite page of the ’42 Yale catalog is the first version of the shape 998?

Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones
5 years ago

Thank you for your blog! First time commenter. I had a 914 push bit with the same markings on its nickel military mount as this 777 . It also had the same made in Ireland and the Peterson Shamrock stamp. Its in the 1941 G.Yale catalog featured in one of your previous posts. I sold it several years ago, I do miss it and the Balkan Blue I often paired it with. It was a good little smoker. I suspect your right about the earlier dating, it is not consistent with the other shamrocks I have, which are post “Emergency”.

5 years ago

The 777 would be great in the Antique collection or maybe as a PotY ? You can put me down for a couple o’ pair of those Big Boy Peterson Shorts too ! .