You are currently viewing 254. SPECIAL BULLETIN: The Nassau Street Trinity Fox Drops Tomorrow

254. SPECIAL BULLETIN: The Nassau Street Trinity Fox Drops Tomorrow

Adam O’Neill, General Manager of Retail Operations for Laudisi in Ireland—aka Smokingpipes.Eu—wrote me earlier today with some exciting news for Pete Geeks, especially for those among us who adore the D20 / POY 2016 shape.

Adam: There’s a fox who lives in Trinity College, which is just across the street from our Nassau St shop. Sam is her name, given to her when she became something of a celebrity in the first lockdown, for wandering Grafton St. during the daylight hours. On occasion, perhaps when her five pups become too much to handle, Sam climbs a tree onto a low roof of the provost’s house to stretch in the sun and enjoy a moment’s peace. Though this happens to be in full view of the upper levels of our shop, and although a fox on a roof is a fairly novel concept, we generally try to give her some privacy because, well, it’s a feeling some of us know all too well.

Sam getting a little down time on a Trinity College roof top across from Peterson’s Nassau Street Shop

Combining the Chimney shape of the D20 with Peterson’s famed silverwork, the second of our exclusive Nassau line from Peterson is named in honour of Sam—the Trinity Fox. Individually numbered out of 23 pieces, it’s finished in a warm, dark red-brown sandblast paired to a gleaming silver spigot.

Sam’s a celebrity fox, an online hero
briefly promoted to the infosphere,
his bold image shared by a world of folks
anxious, like him, for sustenance. Can a fox
not do its solitary, unorthodox
research without some human interference?

— Derek Mahon,
“A Fox in Grafton St,” from Washing Up (2020)

Approximate Measurements & Other Details:

  • Length: 154.68mm
  • Weight: 38.80g
  • Bowl Height: 57.45mm
  • Chamber Depth: 48.27mm
  • Chamber Diameter: 20.03mm
  • Outside Diameter: 30.44mm

The D20 is one of my all-time favorite POY shapes, from 2016. Only 500 were made and I felt like the shape displayed a perfect understanding of classic Peterson design language, updated to the 21st century: a straight-sided stack, reminiscent of the 02B oom paul and 4 dutch billiard and a fat-pencil shank. Simple, elegant, striking. And in a stack!

The Trinity Fox looked at first like it had somewhat narrower chamber walls than my POY, but as the detail above shows, the pipe on the Trinity Fox is beveled just like the original, and I have never had a heat problem with the original. The two pipes, incidentally, are the same length.

DROP TIME: In the comments below–in case you don’t read those–Adam says the pipes will be available at the SPEu site and the Nassau Street shop at 10am GMT. I

(This is, incidentally, Adam O’Neill’s second Nassau Street special edition. The first was the 16-pipe release of a cumberland unfinished sandblast, back in 2020.)


MANY THANKS to Adam O’Neill:
Photography, pipe description and Sam notes
by Adam, courtesy



I have three Petes in need of good homes on eBay this week, all with Global Shipping available:

* a Patent Clay System (1891-1912), shape 8
* a DeLuxe 11A, late Éire
* a Dublin 120F (Flat), the shape Nigel Bruce smokes in some of the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films.

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Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
3 years ago

Thank you for the notice!

I was one of the fortunate few to obtain a 221 from the last batch of Nassau St special edition pipes. Very excited about the opportunity to grab one of these as well.

Do you know if they will drop on Peterson’s main site or the Smoking Pipes EU site? Also, any better idea about exactly when they will hit the sites?

Scott Forrest
Scott Forrest
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

haha. Many times I have waited patiently for days, for drops or auctions to end. Funny – then I either ‘win’ or ‘lose’ and move on without thinking much about it.

Adam O'Neill
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris Streeper

It’ll also be available at the Peterson of Dublin store, but not this time, no. It should be around 10:00 GMT.

Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
3 years ago
Reply to  Adam O'Neill

Thank you so much Adam… that is exactly what I wanted to know. I’m going to set my alarm!

Scott Forrest
Scott Forrest
3 years ago

Thanks! The wall thickness is interesting – many of my well-used very old pipes have even thinner walls than this one, and I’ve never had an issue with any of them;in fact, some of my thicker-walled pipes smoke hot. I won’t hesitate to check this one out tomorrow.

Steven Hersey
Steven Hersey
3 years ago

Lovely looking pipes with some great surface texture. The chimney is elegant and sophisticated. Pleased that Sam the fox has been honoured like this.

Douglas Owen
Douglas Owen
3 years ago

What a great story. From the look of those feisty pups she deserves a break. Gotta have that English made Deluxe system. You have once again destroyed my pipe budget

Gary Petitjean
Gary Petitjean
3 years ago

I just love this blog. Big Peterson fan. Some of me best smokers. Feel like I belong somewhere.

3 years ago

Re: Gary P.’s comment below – I think we ALL share your feeling! What a joy Mark’s work is in this world!

James Augustino
James Augustino
3 years ago

Just A few words , I LOVE Peterson Pipes, they give us an outlet, something to look forward to, in these trying times, and above all a darn good smoke, and have enough funds left over for some good tobacco. And this site and other Pete geeks have made it so much better, Thanks to all!

Gilbert Ludwig
Gilbert Ludwig
3 years ago

Thank you mark for posting this! This is another stunning Pete. And the story behind it is just beautiful. As a lover of spigot and large bowls, I simply could not resists. Nr 4 is mine! it has a similar radial blast than than the one pictured here. I think was again the second to order (only #1 was gone). Now waiting ca 2 weeks (what it normally takes for packages to arrive from Ireland to Finland…) until getting this beauty into my hands.

Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
3 years ago

Well number 7, need some luck after the week I have had! Can’t wait to fire it up! Great post Mark 🙂

David F M
David F M
3 years ago

I’m curious: what was the price on this pipe? Whether you bought one or not, what was the original price on SPeu? By the time I saw this post (about 1 PM Eastern US), they were long gone.

Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
3 years ago
Reply to  David F M

176 euro I believe.

Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
3 years ago

Dang… I missed it.

John Schantz C.P.G.
John Schantz C.P.G.
3 years ago

I’m with you Mark, I love this Pete shape??.

John Schantz C.P.G.
John Schantz C.P.G.
3 years ago

As a side note/observation…Sam looks like a pretty gnarly fox, she almost has a werewolf persona in that picture. Her kits are burly looking too. It’d hate to meet that fox on a dark rooftop. The red foxes I see here in Montana have more of a “cuteness” to them?

3 years ago


Fab Doyle
Fab Doyle
3 years ago

Wanted to let you know that because of this post I was lucky to get one of these pipes. What makes it particularly special is that it was 5/23–my birthday! The pipe arrived with a photo of Sam too! Grateful to have been able to purchase what will become a sentimental pipe.

Neil Berrington
Neil Berrington
3 years ago

If anyone wants to part with their’s….. I’m still looking for one!