You are currently viewing 402. SPECIAL BULLETIN: Irish Free State Reproduction 411 Ringed Bullcap and 3085 Panel Drop Today @ 6pm EST!

402. SPECIAL BULLETIN: Irish Free State Reproduction 411 Ringed Bullcap and 3085 Panel Drop Today @ 6pm EST!

SPECIAL BULLETIN: Two vintage shapes dating from the Irish Free State era (1922-1928) drop at 6pm EST tomorrow at, Friday (I think) at, and are either already available at your local Authorized Pete Dealer or soon will be.

The Ringed Bullcap from the c. 1925 Phillipp Weiss & Söhne trifold brochure, Vienna

The 411, or “Ringed Bullcap” as it is officially named in the 1947 Shape Chart, first appeared in the big trifold brochure from Vienna’s Phillipp Weiss & Söhne in the mid-1920s.  With a chamber geometry of 17mm. wide by 25mm deep and a length of 135mm, it’s the type of classic clencher that anyone, anywhere might smoke on a decent coffee break or fill and refill throughout the day at the office. The last sight of it I can find in the literature is in the 1955 Dublin & London catalog, although I’m sure it continued for a bit after that.

The 3085 Panel from the c. 1925 Phillipp Weiss & Söhne trifold brochure, Vienna

The 3085 panel is also seen for the first time in the IFS Weiss & Söhne brochure, although it seems to have morphed into a similar, slightly larger diamond shank panel, the 596, by about 1940 or so. The chamber is 17mm wide by 29 deep, and like the new 411, measures 135mm in length. The chances of seeing a 3085 on the estate market are extremely scant, especially given the fact that the shape was probably only on the market for about 15-20 years all told.

The De Luxe release (seen above) features sterling, the inlaid aluminum P and a P-Lip stem, with, of course, top-tier briar.


Above, the Aran release of the 3085 and 411. This one is really fun–for me, at least–because we’ve got it in the earlier unmounted gold hot-foil P as well as the now standard nickel mount. Fans of the 1950s (think Oppenheimer, friends) will find these especially attractive, I think.  Both in F/T, and I’m guessing they’re in vulcanite stems, but I don’t know.



The Kildare release seen above positions itself in terms of bowl quality between the Aran and the DeLuxe. As you can see, it features a P-Lip and the inlaid aluminum P.


The Harp, in both sandblast and smooth (as seen above) is perhaps my favorite in its aesthetic. I love the acrylic cumberland-style F/T, the sterling with iconic harp, and the inlaid aluminum P.

Seen above is the 3085 panel in the Donegal line, but never fear, the 411 Ringed Bullcap is also available!

While Laudisi graciously sent samples for me to photograph, time constraints have kept me from doing so in the manner to which I am accustomed. However, the only thing to be gleaned from an in person examination that you can’t see from the studio shots is that the F/T stems are true fishtails and should be extremely comfortable to clench.




The electronic strutcard


Many thanks to Kapp & Peterson
and Laudisi for media materials

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Nate Lynn
Nate Lynn
8 months ago

Wish they were all P-Lips. Oh well. Deluxe edition here I come.

7 months ago
Reply to  Nate Lynn

I saw that they had some 3086 Panel Pipes P-lip that were NOT deluxe.

7 months ago
Reply to  Nevaditude
8 months ago

I believe Laudisi is firmly committed to my personal bankruptcy. That said, I may have missed it, but are these limited in quantity or being released as an addition to the regular line? I always seem to miss out on getting just what I want because I’m not always hovering feverishly over the buy now button at the proper time.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

That’s great to hear. I’m one more pipe purchase away from true wifely rage. Gotta lay low for a while and bide my time.

Warren Paige Simms
Warren Paige Simms
8 months ago

I always loved that panelled acorn shape

Bob Cuccaro /TLIP
Bob Cuccaro /TLIP
8 months ago

These shapes are really cool! So glad they are bringing back the historical shapes but with a new touch 🙂

8 months ago

Bring back the paneled billiard and the opera pipe!

Scott Forrest
Scott Forrest
8 months ago

This is an interesting and very cool development. I have a paneled IFS 588, and it’s one of my favorite smokers – very similar to the smooth paneled pipe being released today, but alternating wide and thin panels. Every time I smoke it I wonder why these shapes were removed. That unbanded 3085 is going to be hard to resist…if it shows up this afternoon!

Matthew Webb
Matthew Webb
8 months ago

Based on the photographs in the article, I placed an order for two of the 3085s – an Irish Harp (I also like the Cumberland stems) and a Donegal Rocky. All the Deluxes were gone by the time I could place the order, but hope there is a next time. The jury of one is still out on the 411 but knowing me, I’ll be adding one to the collection, possibly a Kildare. While I joke about Laudisi taking the week’s paycheck, I thank them for their stewardship of Peterson and look forward to the next pipe to be resurrected… Read more »

8 months ago

Wow very beautiful, wish they all feature a P-Lip. Paneled Deluxe very very nice.


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