448. From the Inside Out: Coloring Natural Sandblast and Rusticated Pipes, Pt. 2
Taking up where we left off in the first part of “Coloring Natural Sandblast and Rusticated Pipes,” I’ve come to see the big difficulty in how to color a natural sandblast or rusticated Pete was simply in getting my definition right. With that done, there are really only two methods

447. DeLuxe System Barley Drops Tomorrow 2/26 @ Approx. 1pm EST
DELUXE SYSTEM BARLEY Per Andy Wike at SPC: “The DeLuxe System Barleys will be released tomorrow, February 26 around 1:00pm EST.” Per Steve Mawby at SPC: “We are offering the 11s, 12.5, 1s, 20s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 8s, 9s, B42, XL5s.” Per Mark Irwin: Many thanks, Andy & Steve

446. Nate Lynn’s Really Amazing “Rack ‘Em Up!” Celebration
Howdy and a continued Happy IPSD 2025 to my fellow pipe smokers and Pete Geeks! If you’ve read my last story for PPN, “There and Back Again a Pete Geeks Tale,” you’ll know that I’m still a relative newbie to this amazing hobby we all share, and how quickly

445. Happy IPSD (International Peterson Smoking Day) 2025!
The 2025 IPSD “Rack ’em Up!” Merit Badge: a Gate Rack sold by Peterson in the 1950s with three 02 “Slimline” oom pauls from the 1940s and 50s. Happy 2025 IPSD to all my fellow Pipers and Pete Geeks! When Mark reached out to me to write an intro for

444. « C’est encore une fois un K&P ! » [“This is again a K&P!”]
PSA “Rack it Up!”–IPSD (International Pete Smokers Day) is almost here! “Watson, I’m not surprised you forgot. Be a good fellow and have a photograph of my pipe rack sent to our friend at Peterson Pipe Notes. You can have the Certified Pete Geek certificate made out to you, and

443. Coloring Natural Sandblast and Rusticated Pipes, Pt. 1: Talking to Prof. John Schantz and Peterson’s Glen Whelan, Josh Burgess & Austin Quinlan
Public Service Announcement International Pipe Smoking Day—or for us, International Pete Smoking Day—is just around the corner, on Thursday February 20th. As usual there will be a Merit Badge for everyone participating or a Certified Pete Geek certificate if you don’t already have yours. To enter, follow the directions at