You are currently viewing 173. IPSD 2020: “Sweet Petes” From Around the Globe

173. IPSD 2020: “Sweet Petes” From Around the Globe

Happy International Pipe Smoking Day! Or is that “International Peterson Smoking Day”? No matter—it is a joy to pass along greetings from Pete Freeks across the globe and pictures of their Sweet Petes.

John H. Schantz, Billings, Montana. I have so many favorite Petes but I had to go with this Darwin Natural [pictured above]. It is a confirmed good looker AND good smoker. One of my favorite tobaccos is Rattray’s “Exotic Orange” and my drink of choice, in very moderate amounts, is Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. I like sharing good times, good tobacco and good drink with friends. Cheers!


Ekin can Çelik, Antalya (south coast of) Turkey. Cardiac surgeon. 1979 Red Premier Block Meer 303 System.


Jim Daniels, Folsom, California (that’s right, home of the Folsom Prison that Johnny Cash made famous). Truck driver and avid fly-fisherman. XL5 De Luxe (tapered) System; 01s De Luxe System.


Martin Schwarz, Bavaria. Carpenter and ski serviceman. 302 9mm System Spigot modified to 3mm & metal condenser.


Jorgen Jensen, Denmark. 312 Premier, Éire era (1937-48). Jorgen writes that found this pipe “on a Saturday morning in a market not far from here. I was on my bike and saw the pipe. “How much?” I said. “Two hundred,” he said, “it is silver.” “No,” I said, “it is nickel,” and took the pipe. But it was silver and as the man looked angry, I hurriedly paid. And cheap it was. The stem was green, but I sandpapered on the machine and it went back to black. When I started to smoke it, the band began to move and the bone chimney stuck in the stem. So I sent it to Dublin and Tony Dempsey [former co-CEO, before Tom Palmer] fixed it for me. No charge.


Glen Whelan, Ireland. Director of Sales (“the best job in the world”), Peterson. B57 Flame Grain –“it smokes like a steam train!”


Paul Smith, near Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Chef. 303 System. “My dad was a Peterson man, and I’m following the example he set.”


Marlowe Sharp, Ontario Canada. Retired police officer, now commercial honeybee breeder. Loring, Ontario, Canada. 303 System Blast with deer antler/rifle shell tamper.


Rick Newcombe, Los Angeles, California. CPCC Doctor of Pipes, 2005. Founder and chairman of Creators Syndicate, author of In Search of Pipe Dreams and Still Searching for Pipe Dreams. De Luxe System 9S, hallmarked 1926 (Irish Free State).


Rob Cuccaro, Bohemia, New York. Financial Advisor. Sherlock Holmes Professor Meerschaum. “Financial advisor by day—discovering new tobaccos by night!”


Josh Burgess, Dublin. Managing Director, Laudisi Ireland (Peterson). Sherlock Holmes Rusticated Professor: “one of the best-smoking pipes in my rotation!”


Mark Irwin, Texas. Retired English teacher, now amateur writer. 4s Supreme Gold Mount, hallmarked 1979.  “Any 309 / 4 would do, but this Supreme has to be the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.”


Al Jones, New Orleans. Director of Operations, Roy Rogers Restaurants. 9BC and 999 shape enthusiast, frequent blogger at Reborn Pipes, and MGB devotee. 9BC Kapruf.


Ralle Perera, Farsta, Sweden. Artist. Favorite shape: 05 Calabash.


Johann Tjärnbro, Haninge, Sweden. Nurse. “My favorite Peterson is a Kapruf with “Made in Ireland” but no shape number to be found. Could it be an XL88s?” [Irwin: Looks like one to me. That ring blast is incredible.]


Linwood Hines, Richmond, Virginia. Founder of the Conclave of Richmond Pipe Smokers (CORPS) and Richmond Pipe Show; CPCC Doctor of Pipes, 2003. XL02 Royal Irish—“smokes so wonderfully—still the sweetest, after years of enjoyment.”


Rob Guttridge, Oregon. “Retired from a career in recycling, I now spend much more time than before on forestry, and about the same amount of time on reading, singing, astronomy and pipe-smoking.” System 9S De Luxe.


Lowell Nussey, Whitby, Ontario, Canada. Retired pastor. Sherlock Holmes Baker Street, hallmarked 2013 [notice the great beading and grain!].


Tom Mydosh, Green Acres, Upstate New York. Reincarnated Late-Victorian Eccentric Country Squire. System 308. “My System Grade 3 with sterling ferrule marked K&P, with each character inside a shield–unusual for this grade. No shape number on the stummel, but likely a 308. A fantastic smoker! Whenever I smoke this pipe I get the urge to re-read Trollope. The Vicar of Bullhampton is one of his best, although not as lighthearted as his Chronicles of Barsetshire novels. . . . And our house does have a passing resemblance to the one in [the old TV show] Green Acres.


Andy Wike, Little River, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Brand & Communications Manager, Laudisi Enterprises. 312 Hand Made F-Mount Spigot System. (Yes, he keeps it in a gun safe when not smoking it and refused to divulge his home address.)


Rob Soto, Portland, Oregon. Displayed by Juan Carlos are two pipes belonging to his valet (me, Rob). At bottom is a St Pat’s Day B30, a favorite but rare shape that I first smoked on my wife’s birthday. At top is a Meerschaum XL90, my favorite shape, that I first smoked on our 30th wedding anniversary. Juan Carlos is a wonderful companion when I smoke on the deck. Cheers!


To all who contributed to today’s post, all who read the blog and all who celebrate the day, this ancient Celtic blessing:

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.





Rob Soto: “Our other kitty Diego loves pipe cleaners. He carries them around and will fetch them when thrown. I get him the extra fluffy ones and have to hide my own supply.”


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Bryan Gesinger
Bryan Gesinger
5 years ago

I missed the submission deadline! Oh, well….Slainte, and Happy It’l Pipe-smoking Day to my fellow Peterson of Dublin enthusiasts! (For the record, my favorite Pete is my prized Darwin System Deluxe, and my go-to pipe is my System Deluxe 9s.)

Johan Tjärnbro
Johan Tjärnbro
5 years ago

Sweet Petes indeed! This was a really nice idea Mark, and I want to thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. Cheers!

Jorgen Jensen
Jorgen Jensen
5 years ago

Oh, what a beautiful morning…………with all those pipes !

5 years ago

Oh yeas what a beautiful blog entry. After seeing all these pictures, I think it’s time to go for some meerschaum petes.

Jorgen Jensen
Jorgen Jensen
5 years ago

Johann, if you will be at DM ( Danish Championship ) on 22. March I would be happy to hold your Kapruf in my hand for a minute or so !

Johan Tjärnbro
Johan Tjärnbro
5 years ago
Reply to  Jorgen Jensen

I probably won’t be there Soren, but if I am I’ll let you touch it 🙂

William Auld
William Auld
5 years ago

Amazing group of photos! Greetings and thanks to you all! Each pipe is beautiful and the tamper is brilliant …

Al Jones
Al Jones
5 years ago

Wow, some great Pete’s from around the globe!

5 years ago

OH, MY. Oh my!!!……I would love one of that shape, oh and yea, one of those, and… – oh isn’t the world (especially of pipes and tobaccos) a wonderful joy!!! Thank you Mark for bringing these to us!

Now, Peterson – I’d like to talk more about that ring-grain, oh, and the meerschaum – XL90, and handmades, and straight taper stems. OK, I’ll be quiet.

Andy Camire
Andy Camire
5 years ago

What a great idea for your Peterson Pipe Blog on our special IPSD. And what a treat to see so many Peterson aficionados share their photos of favorite Peterson briars with everyone. There are certainly no shortage of shapes and selections and the bottom line is that they are all amazing smoking pipes with much history attached to them. A special day, special people and special briars. Thanks all for sharing.

5 years ago

Well done everyone and thanks Mark for putting that fun exercise together! The Peterson pipe smokers community just became a bit smaller and more intimate. This first, (dare I say annual, Mark?) IPSD photoblog set the bar high concerning photo composition with John Schantz’s wonderful submission. That just makes me want to grab a pipe and a dram of Dalwinnie or a new Kentucky Burbon and head to comfy seat in the sun. I also see a fellow Ontarian in Pastor Nussey in the mix. Too fun! My next bid decision: which of my non-Pete’s in the collection do I… Read more »

Jorgen Jensen
Jorgen Jensen
5 years ago

IPSD ! Made me € 145 poorer and a 307 System Spigot richer. 15 % off.

5 years ago

Love all of the pipes and people…and cats?. My little buddy Felix also grabs my pipe cleaners and has a ball with them. Strangely, whenever he grabs something…and boy is he quick….he hauls them to the bathtub and has a fine ole time trouncing them repeatedly.

Jim Vetrovec
Jim Vetrovec
5 years ago

Great pictures of fellow Pete lovers with their favorite pipes. I got my 2015 Founders edition Oom Paul today just in time for IPSD. It’s a smooth beauty. And what beast! It’s as big as my House Pipe. This pipe is going to smoke like a big dog. I’m not going to smoke it until I show it off first. My dog thinks it’s cool. He approves all my pipes by licking them when I unbox them. So far his judgement has been right on. He’ll also drink my beer if I leave in reach.

5 years ago

So many great pipes here . If repeated next year , by then I may have worked out why my phone has stopped sending pics to my laptop .

5 years ago

Very very nice pipes, proud to be Peterson’s.