The Peterson Pipe: The Story of Kapp & Peterson from Briar Books Press debuted at the end of March 2019 and had sold out around March 1st, 2020. At the urging of, itt will once again be available again, this time in paperback, in January or February of 2022. The print run this time out is 500 copies (last time it was 1000), so if you’re interested, don’t delay too long. The book garnered a gold medal from the Independent Publishers Association in 2021 for Best First Non-Fiction book, which Gary Malmberg, Marie Irwin and myself are really proud of!

A Short History of the Making of the Book

C. S. Lewis once said that we write the books we want to read, and I’ve wanted a Peterson book for a long time now. When I noticed a few of the Peterson authorities I admired had passed away, I began to wonder who was going to get this book written. As it turned out, I was. But not without a lot of help from my friends. Here’s a video preview of the work-in-progress text our designer made before publication:

And here’s the Table of Contents:

After a pilgrimage to Peterson in Sallynoggin in the summer of 2009, I began to think more seriously about the possibility of such a venture and in 2011 contacted the late Jim Lilley, who was blogging about the marque at the time. I convinced him that’d I “gopher” (liaise) the book if he and a few others would do the heavy lifting. His declining health forced him to withdraw from the project not longer afterwards, but not before connecting me with the late Chuck Wright, who was very active on the Peterson boards and with then-Sacramento Pipe Club president Gary Malmberg.

Several months later, with an outline, reams of research and a dash of courage, Gary and I met with Gary B. Schrier of Briar Books Press at the Chicagoland Pipe Show in 2012 and came away not long after with a contract.

As you might imagine, I wanted all the help I could get, and while there were a few who thumbed their noses at us, we eventually coerced some of the hobby’s brightest talents into participating in various ways. First and foremost, of course, was the real hospitality and every-point-of-the-way help of Peterson’s CEO and owner (until 2010), Tom Palmer. But then there was help from Sykes Wilford at Laudisi, the enthusiasm and writing of Rick Newcombe, the encouragement of Steve Laug, the daily correspondence with Conor Palmer and Tony Whelan Jr. at the factory and pieces authored by Steve Laug, Neill Archer Roan, Marc Munroe Dion, Regis McCafferty, Anthony Macaluso, Dave Whitney and many others.

By nature I’m given to wanting to know everything about a few things. This means I usually have all the novels of an author I like, all the albums of my favorite prog metal band, multiple recordings of Bach’s cantatas and every recorded note Beethoven or DSCH wrote, all the movies of Laurel & Hardy or Buster Keaton and so on. I’m not sure this is obsessive, exactly, but perhaps a bit detail-oriented. Maybe peculiar. But as far as I’m concerned, it paid off in the exhaustive nature of the book’s architecture, which can be seen as a kind of Celtic trinity knot or triquetra of braiding Peterson’s history, pipes and craftsmanship:

We knew we wanted, and could write, a fairly detailed history of Kapp & Peterson. That for me was the scary part and that was Gary’s genius and gift to the book. We also knew we wanted to establish a reliable dating guide that goes beyond the puerile and meaningless “Pre-Republic” you hear everyone talk about, illustrating Peterson pipes by their stamping eras from Pre-Patent (1865-1890) to the most recent, now concluded Dublin era (1991-2018). And I wanted a full section for Peterson users encompassing various aspects of craftsmanship: steps of production, smoking the System pipe, how to buy and restore estate pipes, and of course our Identification Guide on how to date a pipe you own or are thinking of acquiring.

To the three-fold design we added bookends. First, an extra layer of oral histories by Peterson staff, current and retired, running through the entire book and giving human shape, personality and depth to all those who have said “We work for Kapps” (which is how the company is still named by those who work there today) since that first group of 20 hires in 1891 down through the years. What emerges from them is a fascinating culture of inclusiveness, of women accounting for slightly more than 50% of Peterson staff, of a family business which maintained a familial sense of responsibility for a century. The second bookend is the Collector’s Reference section at the end of the book, containing an Irish hallmarks chart, pipe identification guide, annotated bibliography and deep index.

In the summer of 2013, Gary and I and our third co-author, Marie Irwin, a data miner and book designer whose day job is academic librarianship, went to the Peterson factory in Sallynoggin for a week. We photographed and scanned everything we could find, digging through draws, cabinets and press books. I did oral interviews with over a dozen current and retired staffers. And we had a blast. I spent the rest of 2013 and most of 2014 unpacking everything we’d brought back, transcribing and editing recordings, filing and doing initial digital darkroom work on the photos we took. That was also the year the blog launched, it being in my mind that since the book would be out in the next year or two, it wouldn’t hurt to do a little promotion. Oops. A little optimistic, there.

The next two years (2015–16) were given to the digital darkroom on the one hand and getting a manuscript presentable on the other. The last time I took a word count was in December of 2017, when the manuscript stood at 123,750 words. That could be a good thing or a bad thing, I suppose. An average novel, just for comparison’s sake, runs about 90,000 words. I’ve already heard some pipemen call the book “the Peterson bible,” and I’m hoping they mean that as a compliment. Not that it matters—I’m just grateful that everything I thought should be in the book (well alright, almost everything) is there.

Gary Malmberg was responsible for the bulk of the first five historical chapters of the book as well as the pipe chapters from the Pre-Patent (1865–91) through the Éire (1938–48) eras, and his documentation of hundreds and hundreds of antique Peterson pipes was indispensable to our understanding of the company. I took over beginning with the pipes of the Early Republic era chapter (1948–69) and continuing on through to the end of the craftsmanship chapters. We collaborated on the Identification Guide, which should be seen as one of the foundations of the book, the other being my annotated bibliography of Peterson catalogs and brochures, which is the documentary grounding of Peterson’s pipe history.

In the summer of 2017, after re-immersing herself all spring in the world of desktop publishing, our designer Marie Irwin stepped on board for the first time since the research trip to Sallynoggin. If you think Gary and I are geeky, you should meet this lady. She looks at learning curves like Kami Rita Sherpa looks at Mt. Everest (and Sherpa has reached the summit 23 times so far). While this part of the book took us another 18 months, it was a blast working with her, because I could do a lot of back-seat driving—“Say, could we make the text swirl around the pipes here?” or “I wish we had a photo of the Cuffe Lane factory entrance” [where the staff entered the old factory down on St. Stephens Green]. Of course, she threw a lot of stuff back my way, allowing me to come up with some of my own layouts (I’m proud of the hallmark chart and the Rogers Imports 2-page spread), and we had a lot of fun collaborating on double-page spreads like “The Thinking Man” or putting together the funny story from the Irish Times about a drunken medical student who stole billiard balls from Kapp & Peterson’s shop billiard room.

All along the way we had the world’s best editor. If you’ve ever worked with one, you know that means nasty, brutish, eats broken glass for breakfast and other epithets I won’t go into. He made us justify everything, explain everything, spell-check everything (!), rewrite it all and then absent-mindedly say he didn’t remember the last draft (but it stunk) and we needed to give it another go.



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10 years ago

Enjoying your site Mark. Thanks for doing this. Question for you. I just picked up a Peterson Kapmeer bowl on ebay and it needs a stem. What kind of stem did it have? I know that they did not have always have p-lip stems but I am wondering about the stem shank junction. from the photos this one appears to have been a flush stem. Nice thick shank.

10 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Thanks Mark. From the looks of mortise on this one it seems to fit the 68-71 time period with a standard mouthpiece rather than the unfit

10 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

I would also like to see the illustrations. thanks

Mark Domingues
Mark Domingues
10 years ago

Mark, can you contact me? I have a couple of questions about Peterson’s pipes. Thanks

Randolph Ubben
Randolph Ubben
10 years ago

Mr. Irwin, Ben Rapaport suggested I contact you with a question regarding bits. I tried the email address he provided, but it bounced back. Would you please, at your convenience, contact me at the address below.
Thank you and
Randolph Ubben

John H. Schantz Jr.
John H. Schantz Jr.
9 years ago

I recently bought a new 2013 Antique Set from and both of my pipes have the (C in a chamfered square) for the silver date hallmark.

Paddy Larrigan
Paddy Larrigan
9 years ago

Hi Mark,

Patrick Larrigan here. The design of the pipe was called Peterson space fitting and that was to allow for wear. If those two faces met you lost the grip. So it seldom did happened. Earlier generations probably did treat their pipes more fiercely but we didn’t have many complaints.

Hope this helps
Paddy Larrigan

Paddy Larrigan
Paddy Larrigan
9 years ago
Reply to  Paddy Larrigan

Hi Mark,

If you have any other questions you can email my granddaughter Orla. She is doing the communications for me as I’m now 91 and the hands don’t work as they used to.

Paddy larrigan

Wulf Arp
Wulf Arp
8 years ago
Reply to  Paddy Larrigan

This Wulf from Hamburg in Germany.
As a big enthusiast and user of older and newr pipes from Peterson in Ireland
I want to visit the Pipemaster grave here in my town somewhere.
Can you or Grandaughter Orla help me with more information,please.
best wishes for a productive day
and kind regards
Wulf-Hinrich Arp
Tel +49 1728935341

Thanks for cooperation

Gary Campbell
Gary Campbell
9 years ago

I am trying to find a source for P-lip bits for Peterson Standard 306 pipes. Everyone seems to be out of stock.

Lone Star Briar Works
9 years ago

Sorry, Peterson’s will direct you to send the bowl to Howard Schulte, he is the U.S. authorized repair shop and he will not send out stems.
PME and Tim West at JHLowe have various sizes of P-lip stems but they are rough and need to be sanded, bent and polished. I think they are like $8 each.

Joe Redstone
Joe Redstone
8 years ago

Hi! new to your site, not to pipe’s! I’m an Antique shopper and found a Peterson’s Pipe in one shop I go to. in the box, never smoked, my best guess from the stamping on the pipe it around 1945 to 1949, it has all the paper work in the box. I would like to send you Photos of it . any help on dating it would be cool. and if you want any copy’s of the ads paper that was in the box and the box cover to use I’ll try to send them to you also. thanks Joe

Wikus Steyl
Wikus Steyl
7 years ago

Hi Mark,

I’m a bit slow with the uptake and only found this site today.

I’m replying to this post as it relates to your book.

I don’t know where to start reading but I’m certainly interested in the book. Is it available yet and if so, where can I find/order one?

7 years ago

Hi Mark,
one month ago i bought a wonderful peterson meerschaum patent from 1896 in perfect condition with the head of queen Viktoria . Since then i was searching the internet about more informations.
perhaps if you like i can send you some pictures for your book? Or you have more informations about that pipe?
Best regards

Lone Star Briar Works
7 years ago

What’s the latest guesstimate on release of “The Book”? Thanks, Mark

Chris McCollum
Chris McCollum
7 years ago

Hey Mark, just purchased an estate Kenmare 150 Bulldog from year 2000. It has the Aluminum premium P on the stem not hot foil was this common for the time period? Sorry couldn’t find email. On my smart phone.

Stefano Zerbi
Stefano Zerbi
7 years ago

Mr Irwing, I am interesting in the Kapruf 69 that is for sale. I still have a X69 London Dublin and I think the two would be happy to stay together.
Please contact me. I live in Switzerland.
Best regards
Stefano Zerbi

Maurice Labarge
Maurice Labarge
6 years ago

Hello Mark,

A couple of months ago I purchased a Peterson pipe that had seen better days, but I couldn’t resist the look of it. It’s inscribed Peterson Aran 50S Made in the Republic of Ireland. It’s a rusticated sitter (I can send you a picture if you like). I tried finding information on the 50S but no such luck. I’m hoping you might know something. Any information would be appreciated!

Best regards,


James Arrington
James Arrington
6 years ago

Mark, I hope you know the answer to this question, otherwise it may be an inscrutable mystery !
I bought a Prince shaped Pre-Republic, a Kapet smooth 690. It is marked “Orawood” on the shank… ?!
Do you have any idea what that means ? The folks at hadn’t a clue. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Geoff Watson
Geoff Watson
6 years ago

Hi Mark, I have a question regarding the Irish Made Army Mount pipes. The full ‘story’ and images are on the Pipes Mag forum at, but to summarise, I am interested in the stamping conventions of these pipes with a view of dating one I have in my possession. It has only the ‘Irish Made’ shank stamp and the K&P faux marks on the ferrule which, to my eyes, is an older-type ferrule. But I have no idea how to date this since the normal Peterson dating conventions seem not to apply (COM etc.). If you get a moment… Read more »

James Arrington
James Arrington
6 years ago

Thanks, Mark, for the response ! That helps. Some clarification : The band is silver, reading “K& P” in 3 individual shields, over “Sterling Silver”, over “Peterson Dublin”. Since there are no actual hallmarks, that fits with the American import. The “Orawood” stamp is larger and in a different font than the “Peterson’s Kapet” immediately above it. I just noticed it also has “orawood” stamped on the flat bottom of the bowl, again different from the “MADE IN IRELAND” on the flat bottom of the shank. Given that, I’d guess it perhaps might be a hold-over bowl from your time… Read more »

James Arrington
James Arrington
6 years ago

And, to muddy the waters even more…that shape number looks more like “890” every time I look at it !? If any of this helps to refine your answer, many more thanks !

James Arrington
James Arrington
6 years ago

Thanks for sharing your expertise, Mark ! I know I’ll have more mysteries to solve in the future !

sansone gianluca
6 years ago

Good morning mr mark.
our name is Sansone Smoking store; and with the help of Mario Lubinski we are going on the market with the tirth edition of Peterson rogha!

What im tolking about?

this is the one of last years; this eastern we have only 12 avaible; i would like to ask you if you are interessated to make a talk with us about this unseen peterson finish!

best regard!

Dan Coomer
6 years ago

Could I re-publish your blog the the Greater Kansas City Pipe Club newsletter. I would give you complete credit for the entry.

Dan Coomer

James Arrington
James Arrington
6 years ago

Hello Mark !
I just got a nice old System on eBay, and when it comes I will send a few pictures to pick your brain. In the meantime, can you give me an idea of when K & P ceased using their number-in-a-circle grading ?
Thanks very much for sharing your knowledge with your fellow Kappnismologists !

James Arrington
James Arrington
6 years ago

Hi Mark, I have the pipe and pictures. As I suspected, no country of origin, and it also has a VERY large bowl. But I don’t know how to send the pics ! If I had an email, I’ve deleted it. Please advise.

Pappy_Joe (@Pappy_Joe)

Hi Mark,
Steve Laug has sent me your direction. I recently found a Peterson Kapp-Royal Made in the Republic of Ireland with 79 stamped on it. The stem, instead of the Peterson “P” is stamped IRC. My assumption is that this is a Peterson Pipe made for and sold by Iwan Ries. This pipe has beads carved around the ferrule similar to the Dunmore series.

What would your guess be on what I have?

James Arrington
James Arrington
5 years ago

Mark, I have another question if you can answer it…
About what year did Peterson stop using the faux hallmarks on their nickel bands ? I think that’s a good, general handy dating tool to know.
Forgive me if you’ve covered it elsewhere, I searched but didn’t see it.
Thanks !

James Arrington
James Arrington
5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Thank you, sir ! The question came to my mind via a Facebook post. That is indeed a useful dating clue.
Looking forward to buying that book ! ?

Janez Valada
5 years ago

Hello Mark,
Is there any way to get in touch with you other than commenting here?
We’d like to talk to you about your book.
Janez Valada Team

Paul williams
Paul williams
5 years ago

Mark are Mark twain’s Personal Peterson pipes covered in the book?Is there still any Peterson straight billiard pipes with heel bowls in existence?I think Mark Twain owned one.

Mark Irwin
5 years ago
Reply to  Paul williams

Hi Paul, First question: yes, but only insofar as the Mark Twain commemorative is concerned, which has extensive coverage of every issue, as it is Peterson’s most important commemorative. We had MT collector Anthony Macaluso work up a great side bar, which I then supplemented and expanded. But aside from several photos of Clemens smoking the Peterson 14B (which was used as the inspiration for the homage pipe), no. If you have any documentary information concerning his personal Petes, I would love to hear it and see it and post it here on the blog. Second question: I’m sure there… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi Mark, is there a way to differentiate the “Made in Ireland” block letters stamp from the end of the patent era (1916) vs those made just before the republic era (1947)? Trying to determine the age of a nickle band 338 I have. It has the fork tailed P.

Mark Irwin
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Hi Mike! Sounds like you’ve done your homework already, since you know the MADE IN IRELAND did not appear until the end of the Patenta era in 1916 or so. We looked at all 3 of the MADE IN IRELAND stamps in Sallynoggin in 2013, and you’ll see photos of them in the book. I am away from at a funeral & can’t look to see when the 338 first appeared. I know it’s in the 1947 shape chart, and maybe, maybe the 1937 catalog. You’ve probably read about it in the blog post on the “Dutch Bent” shape–if not,… Read more »

Richard Roberts
Richard Roberts
5 years ago

Good Day Mark , Can you tell me anything about those bog-oak pipes made during the ’emergency’, as it was referred to in Ireland or WW2 1939-45 (to the rest of us)? I have been unable to buy a copy of ‘the book’ yet, or I would look for myself. I have purchased a pipe of bog oak, decorated with shamrock leaves. It comes in one single piece, not a separate bowl and mouthpiece, and is a ‘cutty’, but carries no identifying markings. Since pipes from Eire/Ireland are almost exclusively from K&P I am hoping it is a ‘Pete’ but… Read more »

Mark Irwin
5 years ago

Hi Richard, yes I can. The book won’t be out for a month or two, but until then, what you’ve got is a very, very rare Pete documented only in the 1906 catalog, described exactly as you say. There’s no indication that these were made beyond the 1910s in any of the documented pipes we’ve examined or Peterson catalogs. We’d all love to see photographs of your pipe!

Earl McGee
Earl McGee
5 years ago

Hi Mark. Didn’t know of another way to contact you with my question. Hope this is OK. Have a great little straight bulldog gifted to me which I was told was pre-republic. Was wondering about possible date range for manufacture. It has a broad silver band stamped K&P with the shank stamp Peterson’s over Dublin 3. No COM. Thanks, Earl

Mark Irwin
5 years ago
Reply to  Earl McGee

Hi Earl–this is the way to get in touch, indeed. I’ve sent you an email to help date your pipe.

Geoff Watson
Geoff Watson
5 years ago

Hi Mark, Just a note of congrats to you, your co-authors, and all those who contributed – I have been charting the progress of the book for a number of years now, and disappoint, it does not. I really couldn’t be happier with my purchase. I have finished re-dating my Petes and my cheeks burn at just how far off the mark I have been for so long. However, I do have a pipe that still remains a mystery to me. (My apologies if this is the wrong forum for direct questions, but it’s starting to eat into my soul.)… Read more »

Mark Irwin
5 years ago
Reply to  Geoff Watson

Hey Geoff, I’m really glad you’re enjoying the book. And no shame in the dating game–it took us a few years to get everything worked out. I’m just glad you can use the book as a resource. I’ve emailed you directly about your pipe–sounds like a fascinating piece.

Roberto Alvarado
Roberto Alvarado
5 years ago

Hi Mark First of all I would like to thank you and all the people behind the effort of put all the information together in one book so the collectors or just fans like me can find a reliable source to identify and date Peterson’s, sadly I am not able to get the book in my country so I can not use it and care it I find this site trying to identify a Peterson’s I recently got but seems at least to me very difficult do, you can read in the stamp “Peterson’s Meerschaum Lined” three lines format in… Read more »

Mark Irwin
5 years ago

Hi Roberto! The meer-lined Petes have not been made since Paddy Larrigan, who was the artisan who made most of them from the 1950s onward, retired in the early 1990s. So you have a shape 53 Lovat, is that correct? The stamp does not help us, as it was used in most decades. What will help is if you can tell whether the meerschaum lining is a cup (it has a meerschaum bottom) or just a sleeve (going around the sides of the chamber, but not in the bottom). Let me know. If you have a smartphone or way to… Read more »

5 years ago

Hello Mark, I look forward to getting a copy of your book. I’ve received subtle hints that a copy is on it’s way for my birthday! In the meantime I can’t help but pose a dating question on an unusual Peterson I have. The pipe is a beauty and in the Bullcap style. It is marked “K & P” Dublin on one side. The sterling band is marked “K & P Sterling Silver”, and the pipe is marked “Made in Ireland” in a circle stamp, shape number “222” What is this old-timer I’m dealing with? I can find little information… Read more »

Mark Irwin
5 years ago
Reply to  Parker

Greeting, Parker. I do hope you get the book for the BD–I think you’ll find it everything you’re looking for by way of Peterson information (along with the blog, natch). I sent you an email in hopes of pix of that 222. In the meantime, I can only speculate. Love to see it!

Tim Huber
Tim Huber
5 years ago

This book is on the way, can’t wait to read all your hard work and research and learn more about the Peterson’s I own

Michael B
Michael B
5 years ago

Michael Bruder 19:54 (1 hour ago) to author Dear Sir, Mr Irwin, I’m eye ballin’ a NOS Pete meerschaum pipe on eBay in which claims to have original box and papers. All Petes Ive purchased (estate and otherwise) have come with the box with the nomenclature on the side (e.g. 999 Rhodesian, meerschaum block, etc). This seller has papers, sleeve and box. I asked if he could send pics of the sides of the box and chamber..we’ll see. Oh, no P on the stem, visible markings on the bowl, chamber pics or silver/metal anywhere. Below id the title and web… Read more »

Mark Irwin
5 years ago
Reply to  Michael B

Hi Michael, Nice old box and really vintage brochure. But it’s not a Pete. This happens all the time & sometimes sellers really don’t know. Our Pete book has loads of Pete meer examples, but this is assuredly not one.

Dustin Butzin
Dustin Butzin
5 years ago

Ok,I’m not a serious Peterson collector, but I like the look so that may change. Bought my first Peterson on ebay recently and am having trouble finding much info on it. It was a right price, right shape, right look type of thing for me. One side of the shank is stamped “K&P Irish Made”, the other is “Made in the Republic of Ireland (three lines)” with the number 381. The ferrule has the three marks (the shamrock, fox and tower) and nothing else. And another mystery to me is that I bought it with a military mount clear acrylic… Read more »

Mark Irwin
5 years ago
Reply to  Dustin Butzin

Hey Dustin, is your 381 a straight billiard? If so, it first entered the K&P catalog around 1937 in the Kapet & Deluxe lines. That number left the catalog about 1945. But you say it has a ferrule (domed mount) with the push army stem? That and the K&P Irish Made are simply indicators of Peterson’s earliest non-System military mount line. The nickel-mount marks were always on Peterson nickel bands and ferrules, 1891-c. 1963. Have to see a picture to know about the replacement stem, but if it’s clear, then of course it is a replacement, as Peterson has never… Read more »

Dustin Butzin
Dustin Butzin
5 years ago

Thank you! And yes it is a straight billiard, at least I think it is. I’ve smoked a pipe and over 17 years, but I just got into collecting (when I can afford it) and restoring a couple months ago so I’m still learning the fine details of shapes. I will send you pictures at the email address you have posted above if you’d like to take a look at it. It is in overall great condition and only needed some minor work cleaning, and a few surface dents/dings I will try to steam out. Literally just got it in… Read more »

Mark Irwin
5 years ago
Reply to  Dustin Butzin

Very cool, Dustin. And enjoyed the 381 photos!

Robert M. Boughton
4 years ago

I’m looking forward to buying the book from YOU or your seller, but I thought you might be interested to know there’s a listing for it on eBay for $49.99 + $5.99 S&H!

Mark Irwin
4 years ago

Hey Robert! Actually, I brought a few home from the West Coast Pipe Show and was putting them up on eBay with the publisher’s permission. I think I have 2 left, so SHOP EARLY!! LOL.

Roger Rafuse
Roger Rafuse
4 years ago

Hi Mark,
My wife gave me signed copy for Christmas that was bought from an eBay seller. Based on your comment above, I’m hoping it was you but can you confirm?

Thanks, Roger

Mark Irwin
4 years ago
Reply to  Roger Rafuse

Hi Roger, yes, that is my signature. We brought back a few of the Peterson book from the West Coast Pipe Show, and I was hoping overseas pipe smokers who didn’t know where to get a copy might find one on eBay. May I ask in what what country you and your obviously wonderful wife reside?

Roger Rafuse
Roger Rafuse
4 years ago

That’s awesome Mark!! We are from Nova Scotia, Canada. I had given her the link to the book on SmokingPipes but I’m so glad she ended up finding you on eBay…the added personal touch is so wonderful and greatly appreciated.

Mark Irwin
4 years ago
Reply to  Roger Rafuse

How lovely! Glad it worked out this way, and hope you enjoy the book.

4 years ago

Hi Mark, I will be thankful if you can shed any information on a Peterson Petent #4 with a unique hallmark: [K] [IV] [ P], (not [K][&][P]) that is marked on the nickel metal band of a the pipe. I can only guess that it can be one of the three: A secondary & experimental way used by Peterson to mark the 4th grade of the pipe: one mark with the number “4” on the shank and one with Roman numerals IV on the metal band. It may be that the ‘IV’ mark stands for ‘Irish Volunteers’ that was a… Read more »

Mark Irwin
4 years ago
Reply to  Woodman

Woodman, I’m contacting you directly to ask for photos. Sounds like a wonderful puzzle!

4 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Thank you Mark, I will be happy to send you photos. Waiting to see your message on my email.

michal zachoval
michal zachoval
4 years ago

Hi Mark! I love Peterson book!! One note I want you to know is that you are suggesting at the collectors section that Donegall Rocky series was made in 1979 with nickel band but I have one clearly stamped 1979 and it has a silver band instead of nickel….Thanks for a great job putting the book together!!! Mike

Mark Irwin
4 years ago

Hi Michal, thanks for this. The dates in the Identification Guide are based on the catalog ephemera, so I’m not at all surprised that you should have a sterling band dated 1979. The Peterson-Glass catalog appeared in 1978, and it may be that Peterson decided not to go to nickel after all–or did, then reversed their decision. It’s my hunch that the sterling bands have better rustication, in any event. I know I prize my 2 sterling Dongegals. And I’m glad you’re enjoying the book!

peter linenthal
peter linenthal
4 years ago

I have a Peterson meersham of Queen Victoria, happy to send photos if you are interested.

Mark Irwin
4 years ago

Hi Peter, by all means! Is it the one from the exhibition, or a different pipe?

peter linenthal
peter linenthal
4 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

It’s like the exhibition piece. Here is a photo.The stem is a replacement.

peter linenthal
peter linenthal
4 years ago

And here’s a closeup of the face.

Mark Irwin
4 years ago

Goodness, she looks careworn, doesn’t she? Tell me, do you smoke it? I ask because Gary Malmberg told me this is really a cigar holder and not a pipe, that the inner piece comes out.

peter linenthal
peter linenthal
4 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

We smoked marijuana ‘cheroots’ in it in the 1960s; Victoria’s expression seemed somehow perfect. But it’s beautifully carved, quite a portrait on such a small scale. I’m so glad you enjoyed seeing it, I love it too!

Mark Irwin
4 years ago

Wow, Peter, just WOW! That’s amazing to find out that whoever carved the queen did so more than once! It makes sense, I suppose, but this is the first time we’ve ever had documentation of it. Thanks so very much for sharing this!

1 year ago

I know I’m late to the party, but I just received this wonderful book for Christmas (2022). Mark and Gary, thank you, thank you, thank you! What an incredible book and resource, not only to the pipe smoking community as a whole, but especially for Peterson pipe lovers throughout the cosmos!

1 year ago

What an incredible book- I had been following this prior to its publication but got distracted with life and by the time I returned my attention to it, found that it was out of print. Decided I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice and got a copy of the softcover as I’m sure it too will be harder to find than hen’s teeth like the hardcover is now. But lo and behold I found an obscure site that had a copy in stock and I’m counting my lucky stars it arrived safely to my door. What a beautiful reference capturing… Read more »