76. Season’s Greetings – Beannachtaí an tSéasúir!

Season’s Greetings – Beannachtaí an tSéasúir (in Irish Gaelic) – to all. I hope that, like Father Christmas, this has been a joyful time for you to share your love with those around you. As the Celtic saying goes, “Heaven and earth are only three feet apart, but in thin places that distance is even shorter.” May this day find you in such a place.

Father Christmas, A Thin Place in Ireland, c. 1912
(is that a Patent Pipe I see sticking out of his bag?)

I have four blog notes in the pipeline, but December has been a busy month for the Peterson book, as we’re laboring to complete the third and final part by the new year. Don’t know yet if we’ll make it, but we’re getting close. After that, some minor appendices, the preface and the index. . . and it’s done.

We fully expect the book to be released in 2018, so much so that I’m presenting an illustrated lecture, “What Pipemen Don’t Know About Peterson,” at the Chicagoland Show on Friday night, May 4, in the McCardle Suite. Craig Cobine tells me it’s a smoking room, so if you can make it, bring your Pete. My co-author Gary Malmberg will be there for questions & answers afterwards, and our layout & design artist will be there to take care of the digital end of things so you can see some of the visual goodies she’s put together for the book.

To each of the blogs readers in the 119 countries across the globe – Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Duit – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Buon Natale

Feliz Navidad

Joyeux Noel

Gesëebende Kersfees

Een Plesierige Kerfees

Gezur Krislinjden


I’d milad said oua sana saida

Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah

Feliz Navidad Y felices año Nuevo

Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand

Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun

Selamat Hari Natal

Heughliche Winachten un ‘n moi Nijaar

Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!

Shuvo Naba Barsha

Vesele Vanoce

Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo

Nedeleg laouen na bloavezh mat

Tchestita Koleda; Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo

Bon Nadal i un Bon Any Nou!

Yukpa, Nitak Hollo Chito

Feliz Navidad

Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan

Gun Tso Sun Tan’Gung Haw Sun

Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo

Sung Tan Chuk Ha

Nadelik looan na looan blethen noweth

Pace e salute

Rot Yikji Dol La Roo

Mitho Makosi Kesikansi

Sretan Bozic

Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok

Glædelig Jul

Christmas-e- Shoma Mobarak

Mo’adim Lesimkha. Chena tova


Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo!

Gajan Kristnaskon

Ruumsaid juulup|hi

Gledhilig jol og eydnurikt nyggjar

Cristmas-e-shoma mobarak bashad

Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar

Maligayan Pasko

Hyvaa joulua

Legreivlas fiastas da Nadal e bien niev onn

Noflike Krystdagen en in protte Lok en Seine yn it Nije Jier!

Bo Nada

Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhat ùr!

Nadolig Llawen

Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu

Kala Christouyenna!

Barka da Kirsimatikuma Barka da Sabuwar Shekara!

Mele Kalikimaka

Shub Naya Baras

Mithag Crithagsigathmithags

Selamat Hari Natal

Nollaig Shona Dhuit, o Nodlaig mhaith chugnat

Ojenyunyat Sungwiyadeson honungradon nagwutut, Ojenyunyat osrasay

Gledileg Jol

Buon Natale o Buone feste natalizie e Buon Anno nuovo

Natale hilare et Annum Faustum

Prieci’gus Ziemsve’tkus un Laimi’gu Jauno Gadu!

Linksmu Kaledu

Wjesole hody a strowe nowe leto

Sreken Bozhik

Selamat Hari Natal

LL Milied Lt-tajjeb

Nollick ghennal as blein vie noa

Meri Kirihimete

Shub Naya Varsh

Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok

Merry Keshmish

God Jul o Gledelik Jul

Pulit nadal e bona annado

Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! or Zalig Kerstfeast

Bon Pasco

Bikpela hamamas blong dispela Krismas na Nupela yia i go long yu

Christmas Aao Ne-way Kaal Mo Mobarak Sha

En frehlicher Grischtdaag un en hallich Nei Yaahr!

Feliz Navidad y un Venturoso Año Nuevo

Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Boze Narodzenie

Boas Festas e Feliz Natal

Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua

Bellas festas da nadal e bun onn

Sarbatori vesele

Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom

Hristos se rodi

Buorrit Juovllat

La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou

Bonu nadale e prosperu annu nou

Nollaig chridheil huibh

Subha nath thalak Vewa. Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa

Vesele Vianoce o Sretan Bozic. A stastlivy Novy Rok

Vesele Bozicne. Screcno Novo Leto

God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År

Maligayamg Pasko. Masaganang Bagong Taon

Sawadee Pee Mai

Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal

Froehliche Weihnachten

Neekiriisimas annim oo iyer seefe feyiyeech

Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun

Srozhdestvom Kristovym

Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket

Naya Saal Mubarak Ho

Chung Mung Giang Sinh

E ku odun, e ku iye ‘dun

Cestitamo Bozic

From 100 Years Ago:
The Irish Times, December 8, 1917








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Thomas Greene
7 years ago

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Mark Irwin
7 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Greene

Thank you, sir! And to you!

Mark Irwin
7 years ago

Buone feste e tanti auguri!

Tom Irwin
Tom Irwin
7 years ago

Wonderful, exemplary by a true SON!
Your father Tom.

Mark Irwin
7 years ago
Reply to  Tom Irwin

Thanks, Poppa-Tom!

7 years ago

What more can a man want, than the praise of his father, and the appreciation of his peers. Seems you’ve had a very good Christmas, Mark! See you in May.

Mark Irwin
7 years ago
Reply to  Linwood

Linwood!! You’re going to Chicago! The First Peterson Pipe Notes subscriber! Fabulous. You’ll let me buy you a Portillo’s hot dog, I assume?

7 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

well, yes, just like last year – when I looked for the Peterson Pipe Book display there – I must have walked right by it – so I have to go back to get my copy!

re the Portilo’s: try the Italian beef ! I’ll buy desert for both of us – one piece of chocolate cake – and we’ll still have some left over to take home, cuz it is so large.

Mark Irwin
7 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Ouch. Yes, we’re a little optimistic when it comes to publication dates… but always looking for a free piece of chocolate cake! You’re on.

Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout
7 years ago
Reply to  Linwood

Sorry, this is not meant to be a hijack!

Mark, i wish i had known…thats less than a one hour flight for me, and my Son lives there, i could have brought the “Peterson Twins” to show…of course i might be able to get a good rail or flight deal between now and then…how does one register…my apologies, i’ve been busy with a major upgrade of the Recording Studio, and some serious Family Health issues…full plate.

Mark Irwin
7 years ago
Reply to  Kilgore Trout

Hi KT, I’ll be presented at the May 2018 show. There’s still plenty of time for you to register and attend. The hotel is reserved exclusively for the show, and there are still rooms available. It’s a great time–maybe you can come.

Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout
7 years ago
Reply to  Kilgore Trout

i’d probably stay with my Son to save a lil money and use CTA for transit. i just invested a fair sized chunk in my recording studio, but i may just be able to figure out a way to attend. i assume this is more on the outskirts of the city at a hotel conference center? My Son lives in Evanston, not far from Skokie.

Charles Lemon
7 years ago

The very best of the season to you and yours Mark. We’re all looking forward to the release of the book!

Mark Irwin
7 years ago
Reply to  Charles Lemon

Thank you, Charles, and to you! Appropriately enough, I just send the “package” of text & illustrations for the estates / restorations penultimate chapter to the designer.

Charles Lemon
7 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Hurrah! One step closer!

Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout
7 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Before i was disabled, along with Being an Art History Prof, i had a Graphic Design company….made more with it than as a Professor, if you can imagine…and i was Verrrrrrrrry low cost. Had i known of this, id have used one of my various templates, and flowed your text in, automatically numbered, and style sheets applied to headers, footnotes, et. al. never thought i’d miss the deadlines of the Design world…but the work was a joy!

Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout
7 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Oh, and also i would have done it gratis, for the community. Also for your sage guidance that benefited me more than one could have imagined.

Mark Irwin
7 years ago

I guess we missed that one, KT, but I’m very blessed to be working with an in-house designer and she’s done so much for the book that my co-author believes she should also receive co-authorship credit.

Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout
7 years ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Mark, that’s cool, i am always willing to help out, but u having someone who can do the same doesn’t hurt my feelings at all, just wanted to let you know, for the future, if you find yourself in design or prepress needs, i spent a great deal of my life doing that daily. i agree their should be a credit for Design and Layout for sure If she does any type corrections, Editing Credit is also in order. Even a paragraph of thanks is a good thing to do. You could list her as co-writer, but that would be… Read more »

Mark Irwin
7 years ago
Reply to  Kilgore Trout

Not at all! Generous hearts are always to be celebrated, and I appreciate yours. The book has been about 7 years in production now, so we’ve had help from a goodly number of folk, and surely would have enlisted yours at an earlier date. FYI, google Chicagoland Pipe Show for particulars.

Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout
7 years ago

If no one is aware of it, the stuffed crust pizza at Bacinos on N. Lincoln Ave. (Lincoln Park/Depaul area) is worth going to Chicago for, itself.