369. SPECIAL BULLETIN: Rua DeLuxe System “B” Taper Stem Drops Tomorrow 11/7


Per Andy Wike at SPC:

“The 125th Anniversary Deluxe System Ruas will be available around 1:00 pm EST tomorrow at Smokingpipes.”

Usually when a new Pete drop occurs at SPE, it happens at 10am Dublin time.


Also per Andy:

“The 125th Anniversary Deluxe System Ebonys will be available later in December (We’re shooting for Tuesday, December 12).”

That’s really all the intel I have. I don’t know how many Rua DeLuxe will be on offer, although I know they will be serialized. Do be aware of the fact that this is the first time all the System shapes will have been offered with the “B” taper wear-gap stems since the mid-1950s, when they dropped out of the catalog. Even then, they were extremely scarce and had made up only a very small percentage of System production since the Irish Free State era.

Many thanks to Kapp & Peterson
and to Andy Wike at Laudisi

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