444. « C’est encore une fois un K&P ! » [“This is again a K&P!”]

PSA “Rack it Up!”–IPSD (International Pete Smokers Day) is almost here! “Watson, I’m not surprised you forgot. Be a good fellow and have a photograph of my pipe rack sent to our friend at Peterson Pipe Notes.  You can have the Certified Pete Geek certificate made out to you, and

443. Coloring Natural Sandblast and Rusticated Pipes, Pt. 1: Talking to Prof. John Schantz and Peterson’s Glen Whelan, Josh Burgess & Austin Quinlan

Public Service Announcement International Pipe Smoking Day—or for us, International Pete Smoking Day—is just around the corner, on Thursday February 20th. As usual there will be a Merit Badge for everyone participating or a Certified Pete Geek certificate if you don’t already have yours. To enter, follow the directions at

441. Peterson & Mac Baren Tobacco: A Memoir

Of course you’ve heard that Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) bought Mac Baren last summer and is dismantling the Mac Baren factory.*  It’s been everywhere in the hobby news, on vlogs, forums, and passed by word-of-mouth. Anytime something like this happens to a community as small as ours, it causes some

439. Remembering the Petes of 2024

  It’s almost funny, me wanting to forget the Everything That Happened, when that was exactly where I was still stuck. Maybe the only way to get unstuck was to remember. –Allie Millington, Olivetti (2024) First, this is not about FOMO—“fear of missing out”—and neither is it about PPAD—“Peterson Pipe