You are currently viewing 302. The Case of the Sherlock Holmes System Conversions + Postcards from Galway

302. The Case of the Sherlock Holmes System Conversions + Postcards from Galway

In the dreary Virginia winter of 1996, I had just finished the oral defense of my Ph.D. I found myself cast adrift on the icy seas of unemployment with no job prospects.  Not even a commencement exercise to give me symbolic closure to what had been some terrifically difficult years. Leave it to my best friend and wife to make the best of an intolerable situation to surprise me with a remarkable graduation present far beyond our means: a Sherlock Holmes Watson. It was my first SH pipe and it was—and is—a favorite.

This is the 1st-issue 1991 HM Marie gave me. Aren’t the lines of the original Watson gorgeous? They’ve changed a bit in bowl and stem since it was first introduced, haven’t they?


I dedicated the Watson to smoking all manner of English, Balkan and Orientals for the next twenty years or so—eventually finding employment—and it delivered some great smokes. Then a year came when I underwent some seismic vocational stress, enough that I look back now and call it trauma, and my taste for those types of tobaccos simply vanished. Like many, I had smoked my Balkan Sobranie and Bengal Slices during the cooler months, but now I found I couldn’t stomach anything that didn’t offer the sweet solace of virginia—2015, St. James Flake, Blackwoods Flake, Dark Star, FVF, Christmas Cheer and more. So Poor Watson languished, gathering dust, tarnish and oxidation, until one day I woke up to the fact that I might simply clean the bowl with the old-reliable alcohol soak and try smoking virginias in it. Which I did, only to discover to my horror that the pipe smoked wet and, what’s more, suffered from a wet heel. What happened?It seemed that in switching from English and Balkans to virginia and vapers, the higher sugar content of the latter weren’t playing friendly with the Watson as it was engineered. Condensate from the virginias drawing up from airway into the graduated bore of the P-Lip found nowhere to drop and so spilled over the dimple divot in the mortise, down the airway into the heel of the chamber. As I understand it from what I’ve read in Chuck Stanion’s article on tongue bite and elsewhere, the moist tobacco in the heel not only caused more water vapor but hotter temperatures and more relights. What to do? And I could hear Holmes saying to me, “Think, man! Convert it to a System!”Since the Watson is a full-bent P-Lip pipe with a thick shank, it is certainly System-ready. Moreover, there are for historical precedents for this in the long history of K&P engineering:

First, most of the “Navy” mount (traditional tenon & mortise) three-quarter or full-bent P-Lip Petes before the 1960s that I’ve examined have not only step-down deep tenons reservoirs. I call these Sub-Systems in the Pete book, because they operate just like the traditional System but without the army mount.

Second, in 1990 K&P issued two SH Systems, as most self-respecting Pete Geeks can tell you: the Baskerville and the Original (okay, really the 05, not the XL11 bowl).


My 1991 Watson’s home-made reservoir, well-used as you can see.

The conversion not only worked but Watson and I have renewed our friendship on the same footing as before, but this time with vapers and virginias. It is now what I describe in the Pete book as a “Sub-System,” meaning in this case that it lacks an army mount (which was never part of the original Patent but is so inextricable from it that we don’t remember that the Dunmore Premier Systems don’t have army mounts, either).

I was afraid at the time of the conversion that because the air hole was a few mm above the chamber floor the wet heel would continue. I need not have worried. You’ll hear everyone and his dog tell you that unless the air hole is drilled at precisely the bottom of the chamber floor and in exactly the center, you’ll have problems. That’s not a bad rule of thumb, except that it doesn’t apply to Peterson Systems and never has. I had never even thought about the chamber’s airway drilling in 40 years of System smoking until I began ready about this problem. None of my Systems has ever suffered from wet heel, and I don’t believe any of them have an airway that comes right to the floor. Moreover, they all smoke to the bottom. Either I’ve been miraculously spared of this trouble or it’s never really been a problem with Systems.

I began to wonder if there weren’t other SH pipes that might benefit from a conversion. Here’s what I found out.



I decided for this post to go forward with a System conversion on my SH Rua Spigot, because, well, I’ve always wanted a Watson Spigot System. And ever-mindful of the readership, I thought this would be a great opportunity to illustrate the process. And, you know, I knew with 98% certainty that it would not smoke worse but—given my tobacco choices—actually smoke better. And now, a dozen or so bowls in, I can report it’s been fantastic.

The SH conversion can be performed on either the original SH models or the SH Rua Spigots—the determining factors being (1) a P-Lip stem, and (2) the amenable shape.  Of the 14 SH pipes, there are only 4 that I feel comfortable saying a conversion might (might!) benefit them, depending on the smoker’s tobacco choices:


We all know the Original will work because it IS also in the System range—the XL5—not to mention being issued as the very first SH System back in 1990.


Next of course is the SH System Baskerville, which also appeared in 1990. My Pebble Rustic Baskerville, an original-issue from 1989, is a Sub-System as some of the first-issue SH pipes apparently were—which is to say that it had a reservoir in it from the beginning. It’s always been one of my favorites. I hasten to add that I’ve never drilled a reservoir in my 2020 Baskerville Natural, which was not drilled with a reservoir and has never seemed to require it.


The Lestrade is the third pipe—a full-bent like the Original and the Baskerville—that might work well with a reservoir. I say might because I haven’t come to terms with my own Lestrade yet. It’s got a shallow, wider chamber than I seem to require and I haven’t found the right tobaccos that work for me. I’m still working on it as I’ve always had great affection for this shape.




So the first and most important rule converting certain Sherlock Holmes P-Lip pipes to Systems is not to do it if the the pipes smoke well for you. Nearly all my SH pipes are great smokers and have never shown any need to be modified. I’ll go further and say that if you smoke English or burleys I’d be surprised to hear that these pipes ever present a moisture problem for you.

But if you smoke the high-sugar virginias, va/pers or aromatics that produce a lot of moisture and you find the SH pipe accumulating so much condensate that you hear it hissing in the bottom of the chamber or taste it smoking really wet, it may be that a conversion can rescue the pipe for you.

First Caveat: Note I earlier said “P-Lip SH” pipes? That’s because no pipe will  perform like a System if it has a non-graduated fishtail bit. The hobbled “Systems” that are currently marketed with fishtails are not Systems, despite any stamps on the shank testifying otherwise. You’ll get a hot, harsh, wet smoke from one of these “neither fish nor fowl” pipes. Try it and see, if you don’t believe me. That’s why K&P wisely introduced army mount pipes back in 1906—they do a fantastic job (with a P-Lip) with any type of tobacco, a good job with non-virginias even with the fishtail (!).

Second Caveat: I certainly wouldn’t suggest you attempt a conversion if you’re not comfortable with a variable-speed hand drill or lack sharp drill bits. I realize there are lots of readers with considerably more expertise and savvy in the shop than I who have equipment and hands-on experience to do this without going the simple route I’m going to suggest. CPGs like John Schantz, Gary Hamilton and many others probably don’t even need to bother reading this. But for those with some experience at refurbishing pipes, this can turn a suitable SH that’s not performing as well as it might for you into a really great smoker.

Materials: You’ll want a headset loupe, strong small flashlight, strong work light, blue or green masking tape, variable speed hand drill, sharp bits and a caliper with an extension to measure the depth of the mortise at the divot’s lowest point. I chose one drill bit for the pilot hole, a 16th, and three incremental bits for the reservoir: 9/64ths, 3/16ths and 5/16ths.

A clear head and steady hand are required. Probably best not to try this with too much caffeine or alcohol in your system. You might take a look at other Systems in your rotation just to get an idea of their depth. This will vary from one pipe shape to another and the vintage of the pipe. The depth will also differ a bit, but common to them all is the ability to swab them out with the twist of tissue.

You can see the soft dimple or divot at the bottom of the OEM Rua Watson’s mortise.

Before you begin, take a look and see how these four convertible SH pipes are engineered: you’ll notice the airway in the stummel is drilled above the mortise hole and that that base of the mortise already has a small dimple or divot in it.

Step 1. Measure the depth of the mortise at the lowest point of the divot, in the center. This is your starting point. You’ll want to drill about BLANK centimeters to give your System reservoir enough room to work.

Step 2. Wrap some masking tape over the sterling at the back. Two layers won’t hurt, as you don’t want to risk nicking the sterling with the drill bit or you’ve got a whole different mess to clean up. The tape shouldn’t impede your view into the mortise and will cut out the glare caused by the sterling under your lights.

Step 3. You’ll be drilling just behind the back of that divot dimple, following parallel to the stummel walls. It helps to place each bit by hand into the mortise just to see where it’s going.

Step 4. Drill a small, shallow pilot hole with a 1/16th bit before attempting the reservoir drilling. I know one CPG who accidentally drilled right out the back of the shank (not me this time). The pilot hole will seat the tip of the reservoir bit to keep it from skating across the surface of the divot.

Step 5. Begin with the 9/64ths. Go slow, pausing to see what’s happening and empty out the tear-away wood dust. You don’t have to reach maximum depth here; you’re really just creating a larger pilot hole for the third drilling.

After the 3/16ths bit

Step 6. Move up to the 3/16ths. Go slow. Blow out the wood chips and take a look.

Step 7. Move on the final bit, the 5/16ths. Check your progress. You don’t want to go so deep a twist of tissue can’t swab out the reservoir.

After the 5/16ths. You’re seeing the wood chips and dust that I hadn’t blown out before taking this photo.
You can also see the three different bits I used to create the reservoir in the concentric circles at the bottom.

You’re done. Retire, give yourself a pat on the back, fill and light the pipe. Good job!

I’ve done this to several pipes over the years and never yet ruined one. Every one has responded well, eliminating the drip down the airway and the wet hiss of condensate in the heel of the chamber.


For Nevaditude, Mark Hunt, CPG
Stock photos courtesy



Postcards from Galway

Tom Cuffe, CPG, sent me the following two photos. The first features some of his Petes, including some fabulous briar-band Galways that I felt must be shared along with his notes (I will leave you to pick the other amazing and rarely-seen shapes and lines in the photo). The second photo is of pipes Tom has made himself, making him one of the only native artisan pipe makers living in Ireland!

From Tom: The number of pipes I have collected over the past few years is all the fault of Mark’s book and a group of nefarious pipe smokers on Facebook’s PSOI. I got the book and a pipe as gifts from my better half as an anniversary present and was bowled over going through book to find that there were Galway and Claddagh issue pipes. The hunt was on.

Searching online, loads of Galways about but most were all sold on various sites. There was one site in Switzerland that had a plain, so bought it. Next up was a listing for Claddagh, same story. However, there was a site in Russia listing Claddaghs, but I was unsure of its reliability so I contacted Stanislav Potapkin a fellow piper on PSOI and an absolute gent. He contacted the site, and yes, it was dormant. He searched from his side a found a little gold mine from which we both indulged in a buying spree. I think I have 8 pipes from this site including 4 Claddaghs. There are still a few in Russia, unfortunately the situation there now has halt all purchases for the moment.

EBay and an Italian website also yielded some gems. Quite a few of them were unsmoked. I am in general getting the silver-mounts from Italy and the briar bands from Germany. Two special ones are the Italian issues, which I got in Italy unsmoked. An unusual pipe in the collection is the 999 briar band with brass rings, which could be a hybrid, as this combination is associated with the Dunmore briar/band and brass. So who knows?

Big thank you to some of the lads in PSOI group who are always on the look out for each other. My collection has expanded to include Galway related pipes, Dunmore, Corrib, Connemara and Roundstone. Some point in the future I might get an Ashford and an Aran.

Pipe shops in Ireland have dwindled down to 4 shops: Powells Galway, Miss Morans Belfast, Cahills Limerick and Peterson Dublin.

I bought my first pipe in Powells 30 years ago. Back then I only smoked the pipe at Christmas time. Now at the weekends.

Tobacco has become very expensive here, so now I get USA tobacco shipped in small amounts to my brother in the UK and he brings it over when he is on holiday. Irish customs will charge 76% duty and 24%vat.

Miss Morans and one or two Germany online retailers are the new Irish lifeline for the leaf.

My wish would be that there will be a Westmeath line of Peterson pipe, as that is my home county.

I have also started making my own pipes. 4 so far.



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2 years ago

I can speak to the Baskerville as I have done this with mine, although my method and drill sizes were a bit different than yours. I used 1/4″ and 5/32″ hex based drill bits and a screwdriver handle that fit the aforementioned hex bases. Worked like a charm, hand cranking the 1/4″ bit and then the smaller one. I prefer manual drilling with the screwdriver base as it allows for more precise control of the drilling – both in depth and in stability. Then again, I also prefer to chamfer my tenons by hand as well, so take that for… Read more »

Eri Billing
Eri Billing
2 years ago

Great Article Thank You for the information Keep Up the Good Work !!!

Paul Schmolke
Paul Schmolke
2 years ago

Interesting history on the place names I’m unfamiliar with and a well explained approach to system creation. So far I haven’t had the problem, but interestingly, I’ve just started smoking Virginia Flake after feeling compelled to pop a 2020 tin of Carolina Red Flake. It’s a nice mild smoke and less troublesome than my favorite Burley blends. I did get a little gurgle out of my brand new XL11 2022 Christmas pipe but I’ll wait and see. The copper work is every bit as good as the silver work I’m accustomed to and the color change is nice. Wish I… Read more »

2 years ago

A great article full of adventure. I admire your boldness. It seems to have paid off. With regard to our Irish friend, it still boggles my mind at how pipe smoking has dwindled there. Not only is Petersen as inextricably linked in my mind to Ireland as much as all the other stereotypical trappings, but my own recollections of having been there in the late 80s as a teenager is full of memories of pipe smoke almost everywhere I went. It’s hard to believe how difficult it has become to indulge in one of the great pleasures I’ve always associated… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Joe, thank you. Pipe smoking is very rare, I have in the past few years only seen two others smoking pipes. There are about 60 members on PSOI who live in Ireland. So there is hope. Yes the tricolour pipe is inspired by 1998 Peterson St. Patrick’s Day issue. There others are also inspired by Peterson Dunmore brass and briar band.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

I’m American, but my first pipe purchase was a Peterson at Durty Nelly’s near Bunratty Castle. At that time (1988), it was as normal and usual as breakfast. I asked on a Reddit/Quora something or other, and many Irish chimed in to say they had never heard of Peterson, or maybe only as a fading memory. It felt like somebody here not knowing about baseball – a shock.

2 years ago

Very good article again, have to try it asap. Nice Bog Oak Pipes.

2 years ago

Hi Tom nice Pipe´s you hade made. What did you use, lathe or woodturnig machine ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Martin, thank you. I use a wood turning lathe.

John Schantz
John Schantz
2 years ago

I too have drilled wells in quite a few Peterson’s along with taper drilling the stems, fishtail or P-Lip no matter, and also chamfer pretty much every tenon.
I just smoked a bowl of CRF 2022 in my POY 4AB as I have heard it’s Virginia burning virtues extolled by Mark many times. It has not gurgled with any Virginia tobacco and very seldom is there any real moisture in the well. I will say that my Baskerville Dark is cantankerous, and so far has always smoked wet?

John Schantz
John Schantz
2 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention…very nice work on those handmade pipes Tom, beautiful workmanship.
Is the stem on the billiard a striated black/gray or just the lighting playing tricks on me?

2 years ago
Reply to  John Schantz

John, thank you. Nothing wrong with your eyesight. Yes it is a black/grey stem. The bowl on this one I carved a Halloween pumpkin head. Would be nice to add a photo here to show you.

2 years ago

Mark, thanks a lot for interesting article about customs. Frankly, I though about to do something like that – I have a ‘Lab Mouse’ XL11 from Irish Seconds for it.

Truely honored to be mentioned in Tom’s tale. He is the great man.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan

Stan hopefully we will resume shipping in the near future.

Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
2 years ago

Very informative article. I don’t generally have issues with moisture as I primarily smoke Burley and English blends, however, I’ve been developing a taste for Virginia’s as of late so I’ll have to file this post away in my mind for future use. Thanks for the tips Mark.

Now, about Tom Cuffe’s handmade pipes & collection of Petersons. Beautiful! Do you happen to know if he sells his work or takes commissions? I’d absolutely love to get ahold of something similar to that bog oak Irish ringed billiard! Brilliant!

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Streeper

Chris, thank you. At some point in the future I hope to make more pipes. I have just set up a new workshop, so still a way to go yet.

Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Thank you for the information Tom & good luck with your endeavors. Your work is beautiful. If/when you offer your work up for sale, I’d happily become a patron.

Gary Hamilton
Gary Hamilton
2 years ago

Hi Mark! Great DIY article for those inclined to take up the task. For those wanting to give it a go, It is not as intimidating as your mind is leading you to believe. Practice makes perfect and lets you get the feel of what you are doing. Prior to tackling your favorite “Pete”, find yourself some low cost “junker” basket type pipes at the flea market or antique store, perhaps even on ebay. Full bent Oom Paul shapes (or something similar to a System shank bend) is what you are looking for as practice pieces. As Mark states, use… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary Hamilton

Gary. Thank you. Big oak is sourced in Westmeath my home county by my father. Very hard to find.
Tax is trough here alright. 40g pouch is €39 now. Serious push here to wipe out tobacco.

2 years ago

Thanks Mark! Well done and so very much appreciated. WOW! This is exactly the sort of thing I was curious about. Pipe smokers personalizing Petes to better suit their own smoking experience. The Pub Setter alteration was for me a huge success. AND… I have a Lestrade that I think may soon follow your lead with a home made system like reservoir. 🙂 Appreciate your excellent instructions and helpful photos. Also, I am very happy to hear of other Pete Geeks who have done the same sort of thing. Many thanks to all who have shared modifications. CPG’s keep this… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Nevaditude
2 years ago
Reply to  Nevaditude

Thank you, they are really trying to wipe out tobacco here.

Scott Forrest
Scott Forrest
2 years ago

Nice job on the pipes, Tom.

2 years ago
Reply to  Scott Forrest

Scott thank you.

James Walsh
James Walsh
2 years ago

Thomas has far and away the best Galway collection I know of! I always enjoy seeing them!

2 years ago
Reply to  James Walsh

James thank you, for the heads up on a few of them. ??

Christopher Lauer
Christopher Lauer
2 years ago

Thank you for another very informative article Mark. I am going to try this technique but I will take Gary’ advise and practice on a low “Junker” to hone my skills.

Tom, what a beautiful collection of Galway and Claddagh pipes…and your pipes are stunning. I have not heard of a pipe made out of Bog Oak before. If I may ask, how are the smoking characteristics different than briar?

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher Lauer
2 years ago

Christopher, thank you. My palate would not be that well educated to distinguish the difference between bog oak and briar.
I am sure Mark could explain the possible difference. If you google Morta Pipes there are quite a few artisan morta pipe makers around.

2 years ago

Mark, another fun and informative article. I love that Watson. Of my 4 Petes one is a fishtail stem. I decided a few years back that any future Pete purchases will only have P-lip stems – an entire different discussion there. In fact I’ve wondered if eventually I may see about having a P-lip stem made for my 68 – I’lll need to sell a lot of honey and queen’s before I allow myself that luxury. Tom, lovely pipes. The taxes on tobacco here in Canada are outrageous too. A two oz tin of either Mac Baren’s Scottish Mixture or… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Marlowe
2 years ago
Reply to  Marlowe

Marlowe, thank you. Would love to continue supporting my local shop here in Galway. But when I can get the same in Belfast at £16 or €15 in Germany for what I have to pay €39 ??‍♂️

Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
2 years ago

Wow!!! Brave souls out there to drill into your Petes, but at least you know what you are doing! Thomas not only has a great collection, his photos are just as great as his collection 🙂

David F M
David F M
2 years ago

On the topic of modifications, I have a question:

Can a filter system standard pipe bowl accept a replacement non-filter system standard stem?

My reason for asking is that I found a system standard estate pipe (305) that I might like. It’s filter. If I get a replacement stem, will it fit? The pipe is fairly recent manufacture (so it’s not an antique).

And, any word on this year’s halloween? (had to ask)

Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
2 years ago
Reply to  David F M

There are some posts flying around the Pipesmagazine forum about this years Halloween pipe.

David F M
David F M
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Streeper

Thank you! There’s at least one photo.

2 years ago
Reply to  David F M

have seen some pictures on the inter tabac in dortmund, black pipes with pumpkin coloured stems.

David F M
David F M
2 years ago
Reply to  Martin
2 years ago

Mark, I th ink you aree either very brave very mad to try and modify a Pete. Please ask your Mum or girlfiend to buy you a System Pete for Xmas. BTW why is it that if you try and
and buy a pipe from the Dublin site online chances are that it will be NOT AVAILABLE FOR


Chris Mendoza
Chris Mendoza
2 years ago

Once again great article!! I don’t think I’ve got the touch to attempt to drill any pipes just yet. Just when I thought I was done buying another pipe; I see the natural Baskerville and it’s amazing. now my search begins to try and find one.