You are currently viewing 312. Celebrating the CPG  2022 Commemorative, the PPN 2022

312. Celebrating the CPG 2022 Commemorative, the PPN 2022

Here on the Pete Freq this morning seems like a good time to pause and celebrate the PPN 2022, as reports are coming in that most of the Pete Geeks have received their pipes. So how about a virtual meet-up tonight to smoke our CPG pipes and offer a bit of pre-holiday thanksgiving for the artisans and creative team at Kapp & Peterson? The pipe has sold out, and while there were a few glitches along the way (all on my part, not K&P’s) I’m wondering if we ought to do this again next year?  I’d also like to thank all who participated in the project as well as those who wanted to but arrived at the station a bit too late. Many thanks as well to those who submitted the photos featured below.  Let me know in the comments what you’ll be smoking tonight in yours.  Rath Dé ort!

Raphaël Foesser: “Enter Stage Left”


Chris Streeper’s Gnarly Award Winner



Mark Hunt, “The Voice of One Smoking in the Wilderness”


Tom Schaefer, “Map is (Sometimes) Territory”


Linwood Hines, “Pipe Sensei of the Multiverse”


Joel Brandon, “This is the Way”


Daniel Barber, “Ripeness is All”


C. Patrick Osborn, “The Two Sides of Unitive Smoking”


Chris Streeper, “Theologian and Kapnismologist”


Dwain Dunn, “1/90”


Stephano Zerbi: “Sartor Resartus Revisited, Part 1: Waistcoats and Pipes”


Andrew Moultrie: “Ghost Materiel [sic]”


Chris Tarman, “Beyond the Gates of Delirium”


Ken Siegel: “The Full Virginia Challenge”


Chris Lauer, “9 of 90 and Counting”


Bill Auld: “Anticipating A Pleasant Spectrum Shift”


E. Luis Cisneros, “Here & Now”


Scot Loyd, “TSE: Every Moment is A Fresh Beginning”


Jason Canady, “The Teleology of Smoking”


Bart De Jong: “The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains.”


Professor John Schantz: “Best Blast in Class”


Stephen Wilson, “Cosmic Consciousness”

Kevin Cavanagh: “Polynomials of Pete-Speak in Poetry & Prose”


Casey Jones: “Ineffable Still Life”


Stephano Zerbi’s “Holmes on Holiday (Acrylic, 2022)”


Tom Cuffe, “Origami Artist, Untitled”


Harald Stoecklmair : “[Molly said,] ‘yes I said yes I will Yes.'”


Brandon Labudde, “The Final Word”


Thanks to everyone at Kapp & Peterson, Laudisi
and the Pete Geek Community
who made the CPG / PPN 2022 Event a Reality.
Captions by Chas. Mundungus




Gary Hamilton, CPG and I were talking at the Texas Pipe Show this morning (about which, more next time) about grain in pipes. He was showing me a number of various factory pipes he’d restored from the 1940s and 50s and we were enthusing over the incredible grain on these old pipes. Up this week on eBay, I’ve got one such example, a Premier 263 New/Old Stock canadian with the original box and sock.

So where has all the grain gone? Factory pipe makers don’t even show you the grain much anymore except on their ultra-high ends, which is puzzling compared with pipes of yesteryear and even Petes of yesteryear, which often featured great birdseye, paisley and mixed grains on standard grades.

If pipes like what Gary brought to the show and this 263 Premier were graded today, we think they might qualify for K&P Supreme.

(Note the cross-vents on the bone tenon extension. If you look at the eBay pix you can see some amazing lathe work on the shank’s taper and the bowl as well as the tenon/mortise, the kind of stuff you don’t see anymore.)







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Christopher Lauer
Christopher Lauer
1 year ago

AMAZING photos gentlemen!!! +1 for doing this again next year. Thank you Mark and K&P. It was worth the wait.

Harald Stoe.
Harald Stoe.
1 year ago

Wonderful impressions, thanks to all. Also thanks to all involved who made this project possible.
And Mark, please book me a place on the list for next year.

1 year ago

My Pipe is still on it`s way. But to celebrate with you I will smoke my other PubPipe with some Rich Dark Flake. Happy Smoking.

1 year ago

I said – Yes! But it’s not, yet. 😉
My PPN is on a half-way.

Jason Canady c.p.g.
Jason Canady c.p.g.
1 year ago

I feel privileged to own one. Thank you again for including me. I’ve noticed that the pipe hangs very comfortably though it’s a huge heavy chunk of briar. I’m sure I’ve never experienced that combo before. I believe it’s due to the perfectly shaped stem. Kudos to all who had a hand in making this wonderful pipe.

Patrick Osborn
Patrick Osborn
1 year ago

Thanks again to everyone involved. Peterson hit it out of the park on these pipes. A big yes for another one next year. I’ll be smoking some burley tonight. I haven’t decided what blend I’m going to dedicate for this pipe once it’s broken in, obviously something that I will enjoy for a long smoke.

1 year ago

Greetings all,
What amazing pipes and photos. I’m still waiting for mine , it has crossed the pond . The photos certainly portray interesting characters and delightful creativity. I’m so honoured to be part of this illustrious ensemble and, may I say, camaraderie? When said pipe arrives on this Canadian shore I will send a belated photo.

Cheyen Lloyd
Cheyen Lloyd
1 year ago

Great photos! Wish I could participate… still in Nebraska hunting deer, turkey and pheasant until Thanksgiving. Haven’t really been home since the end of September. Have 6 or 7 pipes waiting for me to open… this one most importantly! Enjoy those beautiful pipes!

Eric B
Eric B
1 year ago

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxi culpa!!! When I learned it would be a pub pipe I bailed. I thought “oh, it will be too large for my tastes” and “oh, I already produce more dottle than some entire pipe clubs so I don’t need another large pipe”. What a fool I was!

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric B

Right there with you Eric. I said exactly the same thing until I landed a SH Watson, (also a large pipe) a short while ago. It sits effortlessly in my mouth…better than my other small pipes in some cases.

Gary Hamilton
Gary Hamilton
1 year ago

What a wonderful showing of “CPG’s” with their PPN pipes! Congratulations to all, and to Mark for making it all happen, and to the folks at K&P! So maybe for next year’s PPN pipe, a System with domed ferrule mount and AB style stem with tenon extension???

Paul Combs
Paul Combs
1 year ago
Reply to  Gary Hamilton

I’ll support it Gary, as long as the overall length is at least 11.5″. 🙂

1 year ago

Very glad to see some of my ‘Pete Geek’ brethren enjoying the first annual PPN pipe. They are beautiful & I am delighted to be smoking mine in the ‘Wilderness’. I will use my voice to offer appreciation to those who made these wonderful pipes possible. Blessings upon you all! I hope to fill #4/90 tonight with either Wilke ~ Surbrug’s Crystal Palace or Newminster No.400 Superior Navy Flake. I shall ponder this & other Sunday thoughts as the sun travels. Then, tonight I shall happily lift the smoking PPN pipe in salute to my Pete Geek brothers & my… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin

Hi Mark, I did exactly that. I chose the Wilke Surbrug Cystal Palace. Lit it, got the 4/90 going & took a pic in the ‘Wilderness’ as the sun disappeared over the Sierra. T’was very tasty & I enjoyed the smoke immensely. Later, shared the pic on a few pipe forums & encouraged people to check out the other pics here on this page. Again Mark, thank you & Sykes, Glen, Josh, Jonathan, Callan, Anthony, Jason, Simon, Dean, Kieran, Keith, Larry & of course Chas! Can’t wait til next year’s PPN! be well…

Last edited 1 year ago by Nevaditude
Gary Hansen
Gary Hansen
1 year ago

A very fortunate group of gentlemen I say, cheers to the 90.
And Mark what idea you had, kudos. Next year maybe I won’t miss the train.

R. Dixon Smith
R. Dixon Smith
1 year ago

Echoing Jason Canady, I too feel privileged to own one. Thank you, Mark, and thanks to everyone at K & P for their skills and expertise that made this exquisite pipe possible. Yes, I hope we can do it again next year. I’m in! Thanks also to everyone who submitted photos of their pipes. Camaraderie indeed! Every good wish, Dixon Smith

Matthew Webb
Matthew Webb
1 year ago

I thank you for the opportunity to purchase one of these beautiful pipes. # 66 of 90, which happens to be my age. Thank you Mark and K&P.
And yes, I would be one of the first in line if this becomes an annual event.

Paul Combs
Paul Combs
1 year ago

Congratulations to all of you – such beautiful pipes, and each one so unique! The pictures of the pipes with their human companions are the very best part. 😀 I look forward to hearing about how they smoke. Congrats also to Mark for organizing this and all the artisans who contributed – a great achievement indeed!

John Schantz
John Schantz
1 year ago
Reply to  Paul Combs

Hey, Paul. I have only smoked a bowl of the C&D XMas 2022 Future, and a bowl of C&D Espresso. They both smoked wonderfully. Next up, I think, is a bowl of aged “Triple Play” gifted to me by a fellow CPG.

John Schantz
John Schantz
1 year ago

I love seeing the range of blasts, keep them coming Mark. Thank you to all that have submitted your pipe photos. It would be kinda cool to have a L/R/Heel photo of each PPN pipe archived for posterity somewhere.

John Schantz
John Schantz
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Irwin


Chris Streeper
Chris Streeper
1 year ago

Mark, I cannot thank you and all those hands involved in the process of creating these pipes enough. As we say in the sea services; Bravo Zulu (BZ)!, which translates to civilian as, Extremely Well Done!

I consider myself fortunate to have such a unique pipe, especially given the limited run of it’s companions in the series. I have already smoked it several times and lemme tell you, it’s a joy! I’m looking forward to using this pipe for many, many years to come.

Thanks again!

Ray Schaefer (not Tom)
Ray Schaefer (not Tom)
1 year ago

Thanks Mark for all your work pulling this together. Thanks to all who shared in this post. I too am very privileged to have been able to acquire one of these pipes, also feel very privileged to have #2/90. Tonight I sat by a nice outdoor fire enjoying a pipe full of Peterson Hyde park, unfortunately I have to be honest it was not in my new CPG pipe, but in a Peterson pub pipe, due to the fact that I had to give the new pipe a due rest to over smoking it since it arrived on Wednesday. Great… Read more »

1 year ago

Great photos! Thanks for the follow up Mark.

1 year ago

Great article and great looking pipes gentlemen!

Scott Forrest
Scott Forrest
1 year ago

Darn. I should have sent Mark a photo of mine – it could definitely competed for the ‘Gnarly’ title, although mine might have been confused with a tree root!!!

(I love it)

John Schantz
John Schantz
1 year ago
Reply to  Scott Forrest

You still can! ?
It might show up in a followup?

Tom Cuffe
Tom Cuffe
1 year ago

Mark, thank you. Delight with the pipe. Privileged to be one of the 90. Honoured to the banner photo for this issue.
Hope to light it up this weekend. ??

Chris Mendoza
Chris Mendoza
1 year ago

just received my pipe in honduras and I’m really happy with it!! I smoked a bowl of peterson university flake and it smoked like a dream. Thank you for putting this together and I would definitely like to get a future CPG as well.

Stefano Zerbi
Stefano Zerbi
1 year ago

Thank you to all the Geeks for sharing the picture and to Mark to make this possibile. I am proud to have one of these pipes. My first bowl was with Skiff Mixture: a great first smoke. Waiting for a the new PPN in 2023. Quiet smokes to everyone.

Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
Bob Cuccaro/TLIP
1 year ago

This pipe is a dream to smoke! Weather in NY has been real cold, but I have been able to get in at least 6 bowls so far 🙂 Thank you Mark for giving us this great piece to celebrate PPN and the CPG crew 🙂

1 year ago

PPN 14BC in 202…?